Perpheads Forums

Refer a Friend System

  • 3,610
  • 23
- - - this trial is no longer running and friend referrals do not result in any reward any more - - -



We are running a trial of my new Refer a Friend System. It is designed to provide monetary rewards for inviting new players and tutoring them upon joining. You are encouraged to help them when they join as simply connecting is not enough for them to count as a referral, they must be seen to settle in to the community before any reward is issued. In order for it to count you must complete a Friend Referral Form before the friend connects to the server for the first time. You can see a summary of referral rewards below.



Community Spotlight - June 2021

  • 1,888
  • 0


Hello, this is your June 2021 Community Spotlight, meaning this is now the eighth one since we started. Ever since the release of our new trailer we have had more and more people join us every day. There are a few duplicates here and there but for the month of June 2021 but we have had approximately 1,156 brand new connections to the server, which is really refreshing to see. In addition to this, we have seen a large boost in people joining the forums and our discord. If you haven't already joined our discord and would like to then please click here.


Rule Changes (08/06/2021)

  • 4,286
  • 23

Hi everyone,

As a result of the most recent admin meeting, a new rule has been introduced regarding off-server transactions, gambling sites, item orders, loan systems and deposit systems. This change was made to sustain the in-character economy and allow for more oversight of off-server agreements relating to in-character transactions through use of "the Internet" section of the Forums. We also aim to encourage players to join the server to carry out in-character transactions and agreements rather than allowing for money to be made whilst players are not in-game.

We are, however, aware that players might have pending transactions that aren't resolved. To help smooth these over, we will be granting a 14 day grace period starting today to clear up existing agreements.

Off-server transaction disputes will henceforth no longer be settled by the staff team and can be resolved by the involved...

Community Spotlight #7 (07/06/2021) + Discord 500 Member Giveaway!

  • 1,555
  • 6

Community Spotlight #7


Hello! This is the seventh Community Spotlight, albeit a bit late as I have had issues arise in reality! Anyway, since the last spotlight we have seen the release of Paralake V5 and a massive increase in new players (With 8 new players signup to the forums in the past 2 days alone), so if this is your first time reading a spotlight, welcome!​


@hotdog 6 is our new Event Lead, an internal role within our Event Team to help co-ordinate and plan out events more successfully, so if you have any ideas please do not hesitate to contact him, myself or Tyla as we are always on the lookout for new ideas. Anyway, Hotdog 6 has co-ordinated and ran a very successful and fun Blackjack event in the Subs houses! Along with the help of our amazing Event Team.​
Well done baller, you can claim your $50,000 reward...

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