Perpheads Forums

11-01-2016 Update log

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  • 19
Some of you may have seen the teaser video @Fredy posted a few days ago of a new and upcoming phone app. Its name is Tooter, which is basically a Twitter style clone. When you open your phone you should see two new images for phone apps, weather and Tooter.

Upon opening Tooter you will be greeted by this screen allowing you to create a new account (you can have up to 5 accounts).

After you press to create a new account you will be given two fields to fill out, your display name and your handle name. For those of you unfamiliar with Twitter perhaps, your display name is the title which you would like to show to others, and your handle is a quick way for people to reference to you. So in mine I have picked to have my display name be StephenPuffs and my handle also StephenPuffs (these can be different if...


  • 6,903
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The voice of Paralake City
As some of you may have noticed the team behind ParalakeFM and me have been working on a new radio channel, called ParalakeFM.

As some of you might of noticed, the team behind ParalakeFM have been working on a radio channel for the community. Thanks to the Owners and the work of the hosts we have managed to get the station added in-game for the restart tomorrow! (we did it ph)

How to become a broadcaster
Please head over to our website, and click the Apply button.

We will process the applications as soon we need more broadcasters! (Like right now.)

Current Broadcasters
@moher4 ghost
@LEWIS 088
@Jon Godinn
@John Daymon
@Belg Lmfao

PERPHeads Fireworks, 31st - 1st

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  • 15

Fully Programmed new years fireworks show with music, 1441 fireworks


19:00 GMT
00:00 GMT
18:00 GMT

Video of the fireworks. ****** For the GEMA plebs

Alex - Creator
Fredy - BETA Tester
Daymon - BETA Tester
Ayjay - BETA Tester, Photoshop Man
BETA Tester = Watched the fireworks and didn't actually do shit

Paralake V3

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  • 54
20/12/2015 - Paralake V3 & Christmas Update


Good morning all! After months of development, the Christmas update is ready to be released! There are so many changes that I'm sure you all will enjoy and more coming soon. First of all, the map has had some lovely updates, below we'll list them:​

  • Fixed the gap in the overpass railing
  • Fixed the exits signs in CD
  • Adjusted lighting in a lot of places
  • Moved the bench at the church
  • Replaced Projex with a Warehouse (Moron Shipping Co.) @MoronPipllyd
  • Removed the ‘’cage’’ from the doors between Parker and J&M
  • Put lights under the highway in Shady street
  • Put a light in the ally of subs Fredy’s
  • Revamped the Regal apartments
  • Fixed the collision on the vault door
  • Added new kitchen, bathroom and bedroom models for residences
  • Leveled out Flobbers St. and corrected name to Flobbers
  • Added a park area...

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Jeff Cheff