Perpheads Forums

Server Events: 19/04/2015 - Sunday 4:00PM BST+0

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Server Events: 19/04/2015 - Sunday 4:00PM BST+0


: 4:00PM

EVENT: Duck Huntin'

Winner(s): Heatz [Eddie Stallone] & BA98 [Ben Anderson]

Prize: The successful hunter: M24 Sniper Rifle

Description: People that would like to participate in the event will be placed on top of the city office and will be instructed to line up along the edge of it facing the car dealer. One of our trusty throwaway staff members will be placed at the car dealer car park and will be instructed to run around like a headless chicken. When the all clear is given, participants will be automatically given an M24 Sniper with unlimited ammunition then have to attempt to kill the poor Duck, due to the render distance you won't actually be able to see him so winning the event will be down to luck. The person who successfully kills the duck will receive a free M24 Sniper Rifle to take home...​

04/04/2015 - Server Crashes Resolved

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04/04/2015 - Server Crashes Resolved

As all of you have noticed already the server kept crashing for the past few days and some guy has claimed to be the one causing them. I have found out how he was doing it and completely blocked all attacks like this from happening again.

For anyone who wants to know a bit more:
The DoS attack that was used to crash the server was most likely something called a TCP SYN flood attack (You can read up on it here). As soon as someone tries to connect to a server through TCP (rcon as an example) the server sends a response to the client which the client has to respond to for the connection to open successfully (that way people can't fake their IP). The problem here is that the server pretty much stores the request for some time to wait for the client's response. A TCP SYN flood just spams tons of...

02/04/2015 - Frequent server crashes

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02/04/2015 - Frequent server crashes


Good evening guys, if you were on the server yesterday evening or today, you will have noticed that server seems to be crashing every 5 minutes or so. The owners are aware of the issue and are currently working on a fix for it. The website and Team Speak 3 are not impacted. For all premium players, 2 days of premium will be added for you for compensation for the 'down-time'. Overall, we're sorry for the inconvenience caused by this!​

Server Issues Resolved

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Hi guys, we have finally resolved the issue that the last Garry's mod update caused and the server is no longer crashing every 10 minutes.
We have given all premium users an extra week of free premium, since the server was pretty much unplayable last week.

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