Perpheads Forums

26-02-2015 Small Update

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Quick update to fix a few problems as well as a couple changes, nothing major but may be one of the most helpful.

  • You can leave organizations again (left some debugging code, oops) (Thanks to all who reported this on bug tracker and elsewhere)
  • Magic mushrooms can be picked by all police officers (Keep this rule in mind) (Thank you to maxh13 (I don't know your forum name) for reporting HERE)
  • Drug crafting time reduced by 60%. I may change some other things later on regarding the whole crafting time right now, but this is probably the most important and what people object to the most.
  • Reverse lights, when backing up your car will switch from full red lights to having a sort of white look as to indicate the vehicle is moving backward. (Thanks to @ThomasGeorge for suggesting this...

21-02-2015 Update

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Another update I put together, which took up most of my week tbh, but I'm sure they'll be appreciated. I may take next week a little bit more relaxed as I've not had much time to do anything but course work and develop, so need a few days off. I'll probably just do more vehicle updates if I do anything, which although won't change most people's time on the server it's still necessary to do so I can predictably do anything further with vehicles down the road (no pun intended). Obviously any huge game breaking flaws and bugs I'll fix up regardless of this. Anyways you've heard enough about me, onto the important part... What's this update about?

  • Shop signs! I'll admit I got the idea of what prop to use from another server, but I have coded it and made it work all with my own ability, not copied from somewhere. When you go to purchase any property that would be deemed a shop, mostly bazaar and row of stores along next to it, a window will appear...

14-02-2015 Update

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Alright folks as mentioned a few times, this is another update that's mostly tweaks here and there not much new although one big thing. (At least time I won't be making the update post from my mobile which was a real treat last time)

  • IMPORTANT! Holding B will now transmit on the government radio instead of being a toggle switch which was unreliable basically. Your normal talk button will be local talking as usual.
  • Benches outside the Fredy's on Sunset Blvd. have seats added which allow you to sit on them.
  • Several vehicles have had their exit position altered which hopefully should result in players not getting stuck in them. If you continue to experience this with your vehicle please post here with your vehicle make and model:
  • Sound volume on the phone messenger should be quieter and easier to tell if it is yours or...

08/02/2015 Update

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Alright this is going to sound like a rather minor update but it took a number of hours to complete. Bolli can attest to that as he helped me complete the last quarter or so. I was amazed just how many there are scattered in the map. What is @StephenPuffs talking about you may ask, well read on.

  • Benches and seats found throughout the map can now be used. (Same key to enter your car when looking at it)
  • Senior admins+ now have the ability to change your clothes to several different team colors for events and such where color coordination is important. (This change isn't permanent, only until they revert the change or you rejoin)
May not seem like much but it's very tedious work to complete them all and test. There may be one or two that you get stuck when standing up, so if you find one like that please report immediately.


@Carrot enjoying a beautiful...

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