AR on IBasicallyDoStuff

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liverpool, United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: Lttlestaer/Hope Griffon

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: IBasicallyDoStuff/Donald Doe

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:134777358

Why Should This Player Be Punished ok i was police i bolk some laws and he stoped me when he did he went up to me saying what i have done then i went to my police car he went in and i went in but this car was nax to my one and i sied to him get out my car pls and did not do it but then he did then i clod not get out and he did not help me get out so he left me there for so long and then he did help me i got out of car and went back in and i went to the pd to go 10-7 then a LT came 10-8 i called the police if i can talk to the LT about Donald Doe then he went 10-7 i told the LT what as happerd and then i went as SWAT i was at the SWAT van in pd and then this happed
[Government Radio] John Doe: LT come to hospital please as soon as possible.

Donald doe was at hospital. officer john doe put him in cuffs and he was going to arrest him but then he DC.

Evidence (Demo Required): no evidence

Tick: 8:00 am
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I didnt understand, any of it. I'm sorry, I'll try to read it again.

Edit. Okey still didn't understand it.
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"Why Should This Player Be Punished: I were an officer, and I broke a couple of laws. The other officer decided to pull me over and when I eventually pulled over he walked up to my window telling me what I did wrong, later I headed into my police cruiser. Upon unlocking my cruiser he decided to jump in, so did I. He got out and I were rendered stuck due to the officer's police cruiser next to me, I told him multiple times to get out of my car before he finally left it. In the end he moved his car so I could leave mine, I headed to the police department to resign, but then a lieutenant signed up. After resigning I called the LT's phone [911] to have a talk about officer Donald Doe, but before anything could happen Donald resigned. Either way, I explained the LT about the incident anyway. I signed up as an officer, then eventually applying as S.W.A.T. Sitting in the back of the PD in my S.W.A.T. Van this came up on the radio:
[Government Radio] John Doe: LT come to hospital please as soon as possible.

Basically Donald Doe was put under arrest by a senior officer, then he disconnected in cuffs."

This is a translation, LittleStar currently suffers an extreme condition of "BadSpellingius"
Lucky I understand.

Honestly, you have a demo you can use as evidence and upload, you aren't evidence-less.
I am going to try to translate this... So:
"I was police, I broke some laws and Donald Doe stopped me. When he did, he came close to me saying what I have done. I then went in my police cruiser and he entered as well but this car was next to mine and as I didn't want him in my car I said to him to get out my car but he did not do it. When he did I could not get out (Donald was staying at his door?) and he did not help me get out. He left me there for so long and once he did help me get out of the car I went back in and drove to the PD to go 10-7. Once I resigned the LT went 10-8 so I called the police to ask them if I could talk to the LT about Donald Doe. The LT though went 10-7 but I still told him what happened. After that I became SWAT. I was at the SWAT van in pd until this happened
[Government Radio] John Doe: LT come to hospital please as soon as possible.

Donald doe was at hospital. Officer john doe put him in cuffs and he was going to arrest him but then he DC."
Ffs Exnem why would you do this...
I dont understand any of it. And also dont know how you misspelled next could and broke
I got a piece of advice for everyone is in this community Go To School You learn how to write a paragraph.
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