Updated Idea | Remove Dumb Rating & Bad Spelling Ratings.

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Main Idea:

Remove Dumb Rating and Bad Spelling Options.

This idea is not to remove the other ratings!

Full description of the idea:

Remove the option of rating a post as "Dumb" or "Bad Spelling"

Why should it be added?:

A lot of hate is generated on the forums whenever newer players makes a simple thread asking for help and the more experienced members will often rate them dumb instead of just helping them, this causes a lot of new people to never return to the forums.

Also a lot of beef is generated with these ratings.


Newer players won't be turned away.
More of a friendly environment.


Less choice in ratings.
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If this happens i will be happy, cause i almost always get "bad spelling" on my post.

I hope i am not getting "bad spelling" ratings on this post. :D
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It kinda annoys me to be quite honest, makes me feel like I am bad with spelling or just a dumb person in general!

I think this "rating" should be removed
i dont support the rating at all
it's kind of upsets me alot and i dont show it
Also we need other ones!
You Need To GROW UP!
Why remove the bad spelling? Does it cause beef? No. Did you give a valid reason of why it should be removed? Not at all. I agree with the dumb rating though, remove it.
Anyone who places here that the dumb rating is hurtful to them is, in my opinion, quite immature. They're rating THE POST dumb, not YOU dumb. There is no reason for the dumb rating to be removed (imo) as it gives me and others the ability to say "This post is the dumbest shit I've ever seen" by clicking a button instead of commenting it and getting a forum warning for disrespect because they think you're calling the person dumb. If the dumb rating hurts your feelings, you need to stay in your safe space and think before you type.
I agree with this to be honest. I would say keep it only if people gave a reason for "bad spelling" for an example
someone posts a post like this

"I love too eat apples"

Loads of people would rate it bad spelling and not give him a reason why. How about get off your lazy ass and say to him look buddy just a heads up here but its "to" and not "too" Next thing you see the guy has edited his post and changed it. Situation dealt with, done and dusted.

This is so much more helpful than just spam rating the post "bad spelling" If we could change this and reply with what is spelt incorrectly then I would say keep it but the way its going at the minute I would just remove it.
Also, anyone who rates this post "dumb" or bad spelling for the banter will be punished.

Hahahaha fuck you I'd give you a million dumb ratings if I could.

If you can't handle a negative response to your suggestion then just pack your bags and go.

Do you have any kind of proof that dumb ratings actually cause people to leave?

In my opinion it's probably the shit way in which these forums are ran by overzealous staff members that forces them to go.
I have and still do think @lelios1 abuses the system, and yeah. So +Support.

Being serious now, I do think they should be removed, It's abused and yes as @LEWIS 088 said it does cause beef. However, @ErmakDimon won't have the highest count of dumb ratings :(.
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