LordTyla Moderator Resignation

Reaction score

Hello all, after nearly 1 year and 1 month my time has come to resign from Moderator. I've gained a lot of friends during my time as a staff member of whom I will be sure to keep in contact with now that I'm gone. During my time as a rather lenient and friendly Moderator I have issued only 120 bans (and gained 176 followers). The reason I have resigned is due to a number of factors:
  • The ridiculous amount of beef and salt generated from bans and warnings I have issued.
  • Reports becoming an annoyance and something I feel I need to do to to maintain my position.
And more importantly:
  • A high amount of staff complaints within a time-span of 1 month, all of which are for minor reasons (base structures, defence, etc) as well as the @jimmythehamster scandal.
I would like to say a special thank you to anybody in the following list who I feel have helped me, made me laugh or are just generally a good friend:

"You're my best online mate xd and I am actually chatting to you whilst typing this so there isn't really much to go here lmao."
"Also another really good friend, it was great when you got your staff position and we did some reports together - keep in contact."
"Police Cadet Sarrjaaant Appricey reporting for duty. You're a great guy Dylan keep up the good work, I hope one day you will get Enforcer."
"Cheers for your support throughout my time as a Moderator as well as the "TVRP" phase lmfao".
"I can remember back in the day how shit the PD was in Evocity and how much it has changed thanks to your work, it has been a pleasure working with you in the Board of Supervisors - big thanks for accepting my Enforcer Application, keep it up mate and good luck in becoming a Special."
"Whether he can read this or not I don't really care, you're cool aswell, working with you in the Board of Supervisors was fun."
"Thank you (& Jordan & Bolli) for giving me the opportunity to become a staff member, I have had an excellent time as explained above, thanks for having the respect to allow me to resign."
"Although I don't really talk to you or anything and our only encounters were you shouting in the admin chat "TYLA WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS" when I built a platform over the business shops to hide during the zombie event - I still appreciate you giving me the opportunity to become a Moderator."
"You're actually a great bloke - keep doing what you do".
"Funny bloke, great at shooting, even when he's shooting at me."
"Congratulations on becoming an Administrator, you clearly deserved it. Thanks for promoting @plpdtyla that one time, you're also a funny bloke. dont turn into mrlewis lolololol"
"One of my favourite coppers, @Sgt.James and crew seriously need to keep an eye out on him, deserves himself a promotion."
@John Daymon
"Cool bloke, set up AC12 with me to hunt down corrupt staff members that were leaking from the staff discussion forum - once let me drive his Bugatti, also one of the few remaining OG staff members."
@Bean Can
"Although there has been a lot of negativity surrounding you getting Enforcer, you still achieved it and you are an all round funny guy".

"Another really good copper, patrol crew need to consider promoting you to Lieutenant".
"Agent Green - sorry for laughing at your name that one time on your profile".
"Sorry mate - deals off."
"For overtaking my tooter follower count, well done".
"Seriously good job with plpd.online you need to teach me, I can't even create a table using HTML".
"For verifying me on Tooter as well as working on all the brilliant updates that have been released ever since I joined the community back in 2013".
"Even if you ignore me on steam whenever I ask for something your work on updates such as the Police Rank Update was fucking amazing."
"Most friendly owner and excellent map developer, thanks for teaching me how to model a chimney lmfao".
"You're sometimes salty, but when you are yourself you are a cool bloke".
"Just noticed you message me, asking if you're banned. Even if you were breaking rules at the time, you are so fucking funny. Church of Tadgee best org"
"You've really shone as a Moderator, you've done better than I had actually expected - keep it up".
"Excellent psychologist roleplay or whatever it was I forgot, but really good - keep it up".
"Michael Boyle we love you - cool Scottish bloke this guy <--".
"Despite talking shit behind my back on numerous occasions of which I haven't confronted you about, I appreciate your work as a Police Training Officer and all the applications you process daily."
@Eviction Notice
"Also a funny bloke and a pretty good cop to be honest".
"You have been salty at times but you're mostly a cool dude, dude!!!!!"
"You're also sometimes salty but you're also mostly a cool dude, dudeee!!!"
@Allen Kennedy
"Allen you're pretty cool as well, after patroling with me as a LEO I feel you have proved you are ready to go further in the Police Department".
"You really make me cry with laughter sometimes, keep doing what you do".
"Sorry for not joining your CS:GO team or whatever but you're also a very funny guy, always making me laugh".
"Sorry for not replying to you on steam but I'm busy writing up this lol - I don't see you too often in-game but I get on with you so yeah, cheers lmao".
"Despite getting me and Harry raided at the farm, I still find your mingey as fuck posts on the forum hilarious, even if I don't rate them funny."
"Definitely deserve to become a Senior Administrator, you've changed (for the better) since you were a Moderator and are definitely professional enough for the position through the way you organise the staff team even through conducting the staff meetings and server events we've had in the past".
"You're cool."
"Despite me being salty that one time and banning you I still think you're a great and funny person, good luck etc etc etc".
"You're a really funny guy too, I have been in stitches laughing at times, keep it up mate".
"Became a staff member at the same time as me and I always thought you were so much better than me, I was proved right as you exceeded and became an Administrator, a role of which you completely deserve, keep it up mate".
"You're a fucking hilarious kid lmfao - good luck in exceeding through the Police Department".
"I officially crown you the best roleplayer in this community, when you report somebody we refer to it as a 'prepper report' which we know is going to take half an hour of you explaining to a Sweatervest why they're not allowed to walk across the highway. Brilliant guy, good luck with the DEMA conscription".
"Also one of my favourite blokes on PERP, you're funny and stuff lol, keep in touch mannn".
"Digestive John, good luck with enfo".
"Another really good cop, forgot to add you so this is an edit".
@The HitMan
"A brilliant player who I would personally love to see as an Enforcer if he ever decides to apply, brilliant eurotruck videos, keep it up."
Other people that are also really cool:
I have put a lot of work into the staff team, even if it isn't visible to the public. A lot of my work consists behind the scenes, such as the Staff Reminder Section below:


I'm not going out with a bang like Standish so yeah, this is it. I am keeping my Police Position and should be resuming my PERP activity as normal unless I decide I can't live without moderator, but we will see :)

You can see my work as a staff member from the very start to now the very end of my PERPHEADS YouTube videos and how I have progressed through the community. (Click on the image)

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Damn dude, You were hands down one of my favorite staff members. Thanks for the tag, gonna miss you buddy ;_; <3
Didn't think I could make anyone laugh : )
Edit: thought you were leaving you lol
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>Says i'm a good cop
>Doesn't give an official support for promotion
why you do this

Thanks Tyla for all your amazing work in the staff team. Your friendly, good natured and all around hilarious attitude to staffing and RP has been a great model for others to look up to and learn from. (there are those mistakes from time to time, but who doesn't make mistakes?)

Atleast now you'll have time for more RP without worrying about your duty as a staff member, which means you have enough time to join mafia family crime xd @Hazza56.

Anyways, thanks. Also, fungi.
RIP Tyla, you were a real gain to THE community as a staff member, I hope you enjoyed the time and now you can enjoy your time as a normal player again <3

My Ar on someone @Sneaky, just see my threads and search Ar on swat or on someone xD
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Honestly, you were one of my favourite staff member's. You don't take a bit of banta to heart, and i can never trust you for when you asked to come inside for a cup of tea!

It doesn't really matter, that you're not a staff member you will still have respect. I hope to see you more as a criminal more then a copper all the time.
Aww man, what a bummer.

You were a real good moderator, but with the stress building up I would surely do the same thing. Have fun making /reports now :troll:
Anyways, hope to see you in-game continuing your work at the PLPD.
Well it's a shame to see you resigning, You've been an excelliant moderator and a great friend. It's a shame that you have to resign however I see why you have done it. I will pray to god that one day you may try again ( :) ) But seriously I'm so sad that you have resigned. Thanks for the hope also.

But seriously it's been an absolute pleasure having you as a moderator, you were friendly and funny and I think you was a great mod ( In the beginning xD) I wish you good luck with anything you may do now that your not staff within the server.
So you gonna resign from your police duties aswell?
Cause if I have to watch one more awareness video I will kill myself.

I enjoyed his staff situations the most even though I had like only 1 with him. Most entertaining and thinking out of the box person ever, you came up with some brilliant ideas including the blue light awareness videos which are so good (but repetitive ehm follow me on tooter ehm), you are gonna be missed for ever and ever.

Goodbye and good luck :(
Well this is something I've never expected. Tyla you are probably one of my favorite staff members overall. (Sorry to all the others). It is a shame that you've resigned as you were a bloody good moderator. Hopefully one day you will decide that you may want to return to the staff team.