Black love recruiting.

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Black love's recruitment template.
Name IC/OOC:
Previous orgs:
Relations to Black love "If u know members please name them":
Which car do u have:
How's your economy:
Favourite weapon:
Why do you want to join black love:
What can you do for us:
Boss -
James Mclovin.
Underboss - Johnny Richards.
Consigliere - Hidden.
Capo - Hidden.
Trusted member - Hidden.
Member - Hidden.
Trial member- Hidden.
Information about us.

We are a lot of friends who grew up in the hood together. "Subs" We love each and other
like siblings, and would always help out if help is needed. We are currently a new formed
org who helps out starving children in Africa.


  1. Treat members with respect.
  2. Don't betray each other or the org.
  3. Always carry some bandages.
  4. Be nice to new people in the town.
  5. Don't fool around in our houses.


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Age: 14
NAME IC / OOC : Harry Axton / Cane
Previous orgs: Silent March , Harpers , Ewogs ( Joined at the end ) Growing INC , Blue Creative and others
Relations to Black love: N/A
Which car do u have: N/A but I'm power planting for it.
How's your economy: Well. 900k
Favorite weapon: M4A1
Why do you want to join black love: Due to the fact that it looks like a well organised and strong organisation where they can actually get things done.
What can you do for us: I can offer a person who can defend the base well , he can bring many weapons and defences to the organisation!
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Black love's recruitment template.
Name IC/OOC: John Dempsey
Age: 18
Previous orgs: Order of Sin
Relations to Black love: Friendly.
Which car do u have: Mini Cooper S 2011
How's your economy: 700k.
Favorite weapon: Assault rifles, shotguns, basically anything.
Why do you want to join black love: I know people in the org, and I like to help out orgs who are strong.
What can you do for us: I can help with pretty much anything, i'm pretty versatile.
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Name IC/OOC: Boncuki Mandela | Mango

Age: 14

Previous orgs: Harpers, Ewogs, a few more that I can't think off the top of my head considering it was a while ago.

Relations to Black love: Friends with a lot of members in your org who include: Harry Gilbert, Bobbie Ross, a few more that I can't remember off the top of my head either.

Which car do u have: Morgan Aero SS, I'll be changing to a BMW M5 to upgrade and max out soon.

How's your economy: I have a steady economy. I never spend all my money on stupid things like beers as a joke, I save up. For example, I really wanted my morgan aero ss and I didn't just spend all my money when I got to like 800k as I was impatient, I saved up and I learned to control my money as I've learnt my lesson from the past when I always used to buy things like Audi TTs when I was saving up.

Favorite weapon: AK-47, Colt M4A1, SG 550. (All on semi-automatic)

Why do you want to join black love: I would like to join black love as I am looking for a trustworthy organisation as I am a trustworthy person my self. I want an org who I can trust at all times and not like previous orgs where I was worried about getting kicked. I know I can trust this organisation because I know a lot of people in it who wouldn't betray me. I would like to make money with friends the quickest way I can, therefore being in a big organisation would help a lot due to us winning raids a lot and rarely losing them, etc.

What can you do for us: I can provide the organisation with a loyal and a trustworthy member who would never betray anyone. I will always help out with defending the base, etc, even if we stand no chance of winning. I can craft weapons for people in the organisation who need it as I am at a decent firearms level and I can do many other things for the organisation, again that I couldn't think off the top of my head.

Comments: I would just like to say that I have been in the organisation previously it's just I left just to join a crafting organisation for a bit so I could get my firearms up and sell weapons, however the people who I did it with are still friends with the organisation, Dylan Fielding, Jack Morman, etc.
Black love's recruitment template.
Name IC/OOC: Tyrone Davies / Teemo
Age: 19 (IC) | 12 (OOC)
Previous orgs: Merryweather V1 , Grow Inc.
Relations to Black love: I have worked with Harry Gilbert before doing numerous "activities".
Which car do u have: Dodge RAM.
How's your economy: I have a good economy, I don't spend it on items to perform stupid actions , like beers just to throw them at cops.
Favorite weapon: M4A1 , for pistols I would say the Colt 1911 because of the stopping power.
Why do you want to join black love:

    • I know people in the org

    • I want a trustworthy org who I can always rely on.

    • I want an org that is very strong and unique.

    • I know how reliable your members are.
What can you do for us: I can help with whatever you need most.
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Name IC/OOC: Don Johnson
Age: 24
Previous orgs: Collegium, Harpers,
Relations to Black love "If u know members please name them": I stole McLovins car some months back
Which car do u have: Dodge Charger
How's your economy: 9k
Favorite weapon: Colt M1911
Why do you want to join black love: Dank memes
What can you do for us: Look pretty

Name IC/OOC: James Miller
Age: 18
Previous orgs: Good Fellas
Relations to Black love "If u know members please name them":
Which car do u have: mazda-rx8
How's your economy: 500k
Favorite weapon: m4a1
Why do you want to join black love: i dont have any friends thats why
What can you do for us: i can defend our home rly good
Name IC/OOC: Samuel Smithson / Itzryzo
Age: 15
Previous orgs: Mafia Family
Relations to Black love "If u know members please name them": Im good freinds with bobbie ross, also i have met afew org members IG before.
Which car do u have: A crystler 800c
How's your economy: Well, im earning money pretty fast at the moment. I have about 200k currently
Favorite weapon: Ak-47
Why do you want to join black love: Looks like a very good org with alot of strong and nice members
What can you do for us: I can do meth. (Also can defend the meth very well ;) )
Any connection with the white power people?
Name IC/OOC: IC: Jhon Edwardson OOC: Sonzy

Age: 16 Years Old

Previous orgs: None.

Relations to Black love "If u know members please name them": Simon Gruber, Samuel Smithson

Which car do u have: Trusty Mini Cooper

How's your economy: Rolling in the 20k

Favorite weapon: Baretta M9

Why do you want to join black love: I Love Black People.

What can you do for us: Provide some great laughs, some singing and the occasional racist comment.

Comments: N/A.
Black love's recruitment template.
Name IC/OOC: Nade Smith/Void
Age: 13
Previous orgs: None
Relations to Black love "If u know members please name them": Good friends with bobby ross and samuel smithson.
Which car do u have:Nissan 370z
How's your economy:Decent.Have a decent amount of guns and have a decent amount in the bank.
Favorite weapon:M4a1
Why do you want to join black love:Looks like a nice org with nice people and people that are good and active.
What can you do for us: Be active. Base alot and make some quality jokes.
Comments: N/A
Black love's recruitment template.
Name IC/OOC: John Hermandez
Age: 15
Previous orgs: Avito, Standish, John Cleans, Ewogs, FTR, cant remeber the rest.
Relations to Black love "If u know members please name them":You, Wolfjie ,LJ
Which car do u have: Zonda and a RS4
How's your economy: Very well thanks :)
Favorite weapon: M4
Why do you want to join black love: I have alot of mates in here and i also want to help you become very powerful.
What can you do for us: I can provide lots of money, weapons and skills. If your ever in trouble you can count on me.
Comments: We have had some fall outs but if you let me join this org we will get on just fine!
Name IC/OOC: Harry Axton also known as (Caine Coast) - Cane

Age: 14

Previous orgs: Avito , Atomics Crafting Associations , The Harpers , Ewogs (Joined at the end) and many others

Relations to Black love "If u know members please name them": James McLovin and 1 more but he's changed his name

Which car do u have: Cadillac Escelade - White with Gold Trim

How's your economy: My economy is quite low now due to me buying my car + the Gold Trim. But I'm power growing and Ive got some stuff to sell then my economy will be high like it always is.

Favorite weapon: AK47 + Colt M4A1

Why do you want to join black love: I would like to join Black Love , because I'm looking for a good , strong and professional organisation who I can rely on. I've got some friends in this org so I can settle in just fine and get to business , also , looking for a organisation who I can work with and improve my skills and I've heard a lot about you.

What can you do for us: A Trustworthy , intelligent and mature guy who when you need him he's there , I can also protect the base and respond to all the panics if needed. I can officer you lots of building materials for defences and some guns .

Comments: Nothing Just thanks!
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Name IC/OOC:
ⓟⓤⓖ ☢ / Rony Jeremy (- I Plan on changing that
Previous orgs:
Relations to Black love "If u know members please name them":
Simon Gruber / Nade Kenneth / Samuel Smitherson / John and i did know Wolfjie from another community.
Which car do u have:
I currently do not own one but i want to go big not small :)
How's your economy:
I have 120k currently.I plan on making more money.Im selling premium so that will give me some more money and i will be playing all day to make more and more :)
Favorite weapon:
AK or a m4. I like to use pistols alot aswell.
Why do you want to join black love:
Because i know many members in the ORG. I play lots of perp heads and i believe i can benefit the gang in lots of ways. Im good at communicating and i have a decent aim!
What can you do for us:
I can help make the org the best it can possibly be.I have time and effort i can put into the org and i will do if i get accepted.

Thanks for reading
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Name IC/OOC: Harry Axton / Cane

Age: 14

Previous orgs: Harpers , Bonventre , Silent March , Blue Creative Corporations , Ewogs , Avito and more.

Relations to Black love "If u know members please name them": Sam Arnold? Not sure if he's still there (was told he was ) John Hernandez.

Which car do u have
: Cadillac Escalade - White with a Gold Trim (250 k Trim)

How's your economy: Looking at 200k since I just brought my 2 snipers ( M82 & SR - 25 + 3 Full mags for both ) , And i have 1k drugs to sell.

Favorite weapon: Colt - M4A1 , AK47 and HK USP

Why do you want to join black love: I want to join Black Love , because I'm looking for a strong and trustworthy organisation which i am wanting to join so I can enhance my skills and economy and help grow the organisation with strength , players and skills. I want a org who I can trust and which know how to actually shoot well and protect the base. I also , want to make money fast and easily and being in a large , and strong organisation is the easiest way possible , In my way.

What can you do for us: I can provide the organisation with a trustworthy , strong and professional member who will never betray a organisation member. I will always help out when the organisation base is being raided or if any organisation member has panicked. I can provide the organisation with weapons and defences for the base and the organisation members. I am also a decent firearms level and max crafting level so I can provide the organisation with equipment.

Comments: N/A
Black love's recruitment.
Name IC/OOC:Ryanna Harper
Age: 16
Previous orgs:Harpers and Grow Inc.
Relations to Black love "If u know members please name them":James Mclovin, Michael Carbonella
Which car do u have:Non at the moment as I spend my money on weapons and defence
How's your economy: Spend my money on weapons and I lend money to friend if they need, currently 90,000 as ive leant 100k
Favorite weapon: Desert eagle and M4
Why do you want to join black love: Very active org and i have some friends that have reccomended the org as they both raid and base; also they're very active.
What can you do for us:I can help both defend and raid.
Comments:Thank you for the oppertunity.
Name IC/OOC: Tom Nandos
Age: 16
Previous org's: Vice Lords and The Standish Family.
Relations to Black love "If u know members p:lease name them":I know Johnny Weissmuller and i have worked around with James Mclovin.
Which car do u have: Dodge Ram.
How's your economy: 200k in the bank
Favourite weapon: AK-47
Why do you want to join black love: I want to join Black love because I think that it's a very organised org' and i have a friend in that org that recommended this org' .
What can you do for us: I'm able to do anything you want pretty much however i'm just getting round to getting my VIP back since it just ran out recently.
Comments: None.
Name IC/OOC: Ian Van Dalum, Avenia Faye

Age: 15, 16 in 2 months.

Previous orgs: Harpers, Crafing+ and some other things I can't remember from Evocity, sheesh I got banned, so if I missed anything, sorry.

Relations to Black love "If u know members please name them": James Mcloving, Harry the Pothead ( Gilbert ) John Hermandez, Sam Arnolds if he is in the org, and others, though I don't exactly know who is in the organisation, just a lot of people I know and like.

Which car do u have: Porsche 918 Spyder and a Van.

How's your economy: Around.. 200/300k

Favorite weapon: M4A1, M16, Desert Eagle or the Glock 18c

Why do you want to join black love: Loads of coolio yummy kids I know are in the org, and i'd like to join when I come back from my stupid ban. Also cause this doesn't seem to be one of those organisation that doesn't pick out sweatervests to join them, yuck!

What can you do for us: I can protect the base, I've got some nice shooting skills and always sacrifice myself. c: Also, I love to help my friends out.

Comments: I'm a furry, sorry.
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