Police Computer - Warning Markers: Suggestion Thread

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Discussion: https://perpheads.com/threads/police-national-computer-warning-markers.18517/

Main Idea
: Create an additional feature to the Police National Computer that allows you to track, add and remove 'markers' for both violent people and victims of crime allowing for officers to be tactical about approaching certain incidents.

Description: Below is an image of what the system could look like once in place from a Police Officer's perspective:

Thanks for the font @Fredy (also stole the base image without edits from one of your posts @Hayden)

Police Officer to Police Corporal
- Add a Warning Marker to anybody on the Police National Computer.​

Police Sergeant to Police Captain
- Add a Warning Marker to anybody on the Police National Computer.
- Edit existing records and delete markers on record.
Assistant Chief of Department to Chief of Department
- Add a Warning Marker to anybody on the Police National Computer.
- Edit existing records and delete markers on record.
- Create entire new Marker Types so the Police Department can adapt to new types of crime.
These permissions would have to be discussed between @Jordan and @Chris
Anybody with permissions to edit existing records and delete markers could see a screen similar to this, instead of the same screen officers ranked up to Corporal may see:

Why should it be added: For the reason stated in the 'pros' section below.

Pros and Cons:
[+] Police are able to quickly gather information on a person and what they are likely to be like upon interaction with the Police.
[-] Misuse of the system - but should be highly unlikely with the introduction of the Police Whitelist.

Additional Suggestion:
The vehicles section of the Police Computer could be made functional at the same time as this update if it were to be implemented.
Really cool idea. I am for this. With the police whitelist I'm sure it'll be fine most of the time. Maybe add next to who's marker'd it'll show who marker'd them in the first place as well?
This would be more than useful, but can we make it so it resets when the player dies?
I don't see point in keeping it after a player death as the player has a new life.
I really like this idea, but I can see it becoming less useful if all markers are deleted from time to time. If markers get automatically deleted, then how would it work? Will they get removed whenever the player dies? Whenever the player dies because of a cop? Whenever the player gets put in jail? I myself would prefer it if markers stayed on your profile untill you change your name. Any thoughts on this?
I really like this idea, but I can see it becoming less useful if all markers are deleted from time to time. If markers get automatically deleted, then how would it work? Will they get removed whenever the player dies? Whenever the player dies because of a cop? Whenever the player gets put in jail? I myself would prefer it if markers stayed on your profile untill you change your name. Any thoughts on this?
They would stay if you change your name as this is done through the government and your records would be changed to your new name and also this would disappear when you are killed by police.
Would be really good and help make a lot of new interesting RP situations +Support
To discuss some new points then, what if you want to start a new character, but have these markings. I don't want to purposly die from cops just to get a new character.

And if these get removed upon death, aren't they just pretty much just remarks, although a bit easier to spot, as you don't have to look through a ton of tickets and jail sentences?
Hayden is a sex offender.

Nah, love the idea. Think it would really enhance traffic stops and things like that. Really hope this gets added.
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