Not allowed to mug at the DD

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Since this is not an actual rule yet I can't put it in the rule discussion page.

This will however be added and you already cannot mug at the DD anymore

Why though, why?

We have to take into consideration the drug dealer is real player. This very 'real player' would call the cops on you after you're done with you're mugging. What gain would this drug dealer get from it? Would this 'real player' even care? He has an infinite amount of very illegal substances on him and has committed an large amount of crimes with constant drug smuggling. Wouldn't calling the cops to a location where constant crimes are being committed be 3.4 for this 'real player'? Why would he even call the cops to his location? If you raided someone you don't call the police to your location just because you saw someone mugging someone else. You just committed a crime and the last thing you would want is police attention. Even if he would call the cops and report you for mugging, in order to properly give the information about the mugger he would have to be questioned by the police with his so called infinite amount of drugs. What would his gain be? In the end getting a guy locked up means losing on a potential buyer/seller. Since he is the only drug dealer in town and the only option for us to deal our drugs he wouldn't lose costumers due to lack of trust and the fear of being mugged at his location because we have no other option. Why would he even care in the first place? It's not like we're mugging the actual drug dealer. He sold/bought his drugs and that's what really matters for him.

No, I'm not salty and I would appreciate it if I could get some serious reactions to it explaining why you think it should or shouldn't be allowed.
The drug dealer would care infact. He would care because someone could report it to the police, meaning that he gets arrested for drug dealing. With him reporting it, heat gets taken away from him.
While I don't really agree with the change as far as my knowledge goes it is because, and don't quote me on this:

The drug dealer could easily make a phone call about a recent mugging then take his operations elsewhere (He moves every 4 hours) this could easily put you at risk

I mean I don't really think it was added to be on the realistic side but to decrease the amount of muggings that take place by the drug dealer.

Would a drug dealer report a crime though? I wouldn't think so, hes a criminal himself I doubt he would rat out other criminals realistically as they could catch up with him and cause him harm.

Speak to @Bolli
I understand where your coming from but I suppose it has something to do with that people kept getting mugged in front of DD with large amounts of drugs or money on them.
Me selling at DD before


Me selling at DD now

Pretty much sums it up
Me selling at DD before


Me selling at DD now

Pretty much sums it up

Which I think is an amazing example. Imo, it should be gif 1, you're participating in highly illegal activity, you shouldn't be given a safespace for doing such things ;). When playing Arma 3 rp servers, I admired the fear that people had when going to various places to sell stuff as they would be worried about being robbed.
I dont really see the problem with considering the DD as an NPC?
It would hurt his business as well if people were being mugged due to his enterprise
I am not saying you shouldnt be able to mug near him, I am just saying you shouldnt be able to mug in front of him, because come on, he would never really allow it anyway and a drug dealer in that environmet is probably armed himself and is most likely going to shoot you.
Since this is not an actual rule yet I can't put it in the rule discussion page.

This will however be added and you already cannot mug at the DD anymore

Why though, why?

We have to take into consideration the drug dealer is real player. This very 'real player' would call the cops on you after you're done with you're mugging. What gain would this drug dealer get from it? Would this 'real player' even care? He has an infinite amount of very illegal substances on him and has committed an large amount of crimes with constant drug smuggling. Wouldn't calling the cops to a location where constant crimes are being committed be 3.4 for this 'real player'? Why would he even call the cops to his location? If you raided someone you don't call the police to your location just because you saw someone mugging someone else. You just committed a crime and the last thing you would want is police attention. Even if he would call the cops and report you for mugging, in order to properly give the information about the mugger he would have to be questioned by the police with his so called infinite amount of drugs. What would his gain be? In the end getting a guy locked up means losing on a potential buyer/seller. Since he is the only drug dealer in town and the only option for us to deal our drugs he wouldn't lose costumers due to lack of trust and the fear of being mugged at his location because we have no other option. Why would he even care in the first place? It's not like we're mugging the actual drug dealer. He sold/bought his drugs and that's what really matters for him.

No, I'm not salty and I would appreciate it if I could get some serious reactions to it explaining why you think it should or shouldn't be allowed.

People are already being warned for 3.21 because of this, some staff have also told me they disagree with the fact you can no longer mug at the drug dealer.

3.21 Non-Player Characters (NPCs)
When role-playing within the vicinity of NPCs (for example, the NPC that resides within Fredy’s Bakery, the City Hall, etc.), the NPCs must be treated as regular players and taken into consideration within roleplay situations, simply killing the NPC usually isn’t sufficient. For example is if a player is involved in a bank robbery and is visiting the hospital to receive treatment from the NPC the aforementioned player should ensure his and the NPC’s lives are not in immediate danger.

Personally, I feel something has to be done to avoid his misunderstanding. Everyday you see in help chat or OOC "Can I mug at the drug dealer?". Currently the rule 3.21 is too vague when it comes to situations like this.
What I would love is for staff:
@Bolli Blair
To either make an addition to the rule to avoid future misunderstanding ( I can't think of an examples) or consider allowing people to mug at the drug dealer aslong as they are treated as another player and his location is not public.
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I prefer to be worried over going somewhere and not having a fear of being mugged, its the RP it creates overall actually gives you involvement with other players instead of sitting in a base.
When playing Arma 3 rp servers, I admired the fear that people had when going to various places to sell stuff as they would be worried about being robbed.

Exactly this.

Whenever you went to sell your stuff, there was a constant fear of being robbed and/or relentlessly gunned down by the criminals waiting for you to arrive. With every run back and forth to the npc, the chances of you ending up dead on the ground were higher and higher. The smell of bullets was in the air and before you know it you had an assault rifle pulled up to you and you could weave goodbye to your stuff. Getting a group together did not make the fear go away. There would be just more criminals waiting for you.

Yet what we decided to do was make the most interesting part of drugs, the drug dealer, a safe heaven. Just pull up, take as long as you need, do your business and you're out. Nothing to fear, nothing to lose.

It would hurt his business as well if people were being mugged due to his enterprise

There is no possible way for him to lose out on anything due to the fear of being mugged at his 'enterprise'

His enterprise is the only enterprise in town, meaning;

have to go to him to sell our drugs
have to go to him to buy our drugs

There is no other option. It's him and nothing else. There is no other way for us to make good, solid money besides drugs. Calling cops to him because you got robbed will only hurt yourself since, and let's face it, everyone does drugs.

This is the new rule in a nutshell.

You are going to break the law, keeping the law as backup in case you fail.

"His enterprise is the only one in town" Which is why he switches locations and is also able to transform himself from male to female, black to white etc? Yeah no
@Imperial Watch


Homeboy, come get your stash. I'm at the Ragnatech

Wagwan, I'm at the City subway slingin' dope.

at the City Office, wont be there for long hurry up.

I'm at the Garages behind Bazaar, wont be there for long, hurry up

Oi, I'm at the Suburbs storage come find me. Don't keep me waiting.

Homeboy, come get your stash. I'm at the docks.

You get where I'm going, right? Evidence beyond doubt that it's only 1 enterprise, business, corporation or whatever you want to call it. Besides, never seen a boy dressed as a girl or vice versa?

As no other staff member has replied to this thread I'll just do it myself;
The reason behind our decision to disallow mugging at the drug dealer is because of the fact that the locations where the drug dealer currently is are pretty much in the public, for example by the docks, underpass, office, hungriges schwein and such are locations where a lot of people pass daily and will see such events taking place, thus we've decided to not allow anyone to mug at the drug dealer at this moment of time, there's nothing stating that this is a permanent change nor a temporary change, we're currently discussing this in the administrative meetings and will come back to you with a final decision at a later date.
As no other staff member has replied to this thread I'll just do it myself;
The reason behind our decision to disallow mugging at the drug dealer is because of the fact that the locations where the drug dealer currently is are pretty much in the public, for example by the docks, underpass, office, hungriges schwein and such are locations where a lot of people pass daily and will see such events taking place, thus we've decided to not allow anyone to mug at the drug dealer at this moment of time, there's nothing stating that this is a permanent change nor a temporary change, we're currently discussing this in the administrative meetings and will come back to you with a final decision at a later date.

Plus lots of staff members, like me, have different opinions on public places so this might confuse people like salty Adrish who always goes "ugh but he said this and louise love is a terrible admin". It's best to keep it until a 'proper' solution can come to play.
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As no other staff member has replied to this thread I'll just do it myself;
The reason behind our decision to disallow mugging at the drug dealer is because of the fact that the locations where the drug dealer currently is are pretty much in the public, for example by the docks, underpass, office, hungriges schwein and such are locations where a lot of people pass daily and will see such events taking place, thus we've decided to not allow anyone to mug at the drug dealer at this moment of time, there's nothing stating that this is a permanent change nor a temporary change, we're currently discussing this in the administrative meetings and will come back to you with a final decision at a later date.

So are you telling me we're dealing our drugs in public view and thereby risking our freedom because this public space has a lot of people passing by that will the cops on our drug operation and will cause us to go to jail? Does this mean we're all breaking 3.4?










So are you telling me we're dealing our drugs in public view and thereby risking our freedom because this public space has a lot of people passing by that will the cops on our drug operation and will cause us to go to jail? Does this mean we're all breaking 3.4?










You wouldn't risk your life in this scenario, you would only risk a jail sentence, also it's not deemed a public area, just a public view under the rule =)

Plus it is quite dumb to bring XQ Bank into this as I haven't stated that it's in a public view, I've only stated that it's currently not allowed to mug at the DD at all
So are you telling me we're dealing our drugs in public view and thereby risking our freedom

You wouldn't risk your life in this scenario, you would only risk a jail sentence,

Lol ok.

I haven't stated that it's in a public view, I've only stated that it's currently not allowed to mug at the DD at all

Your reason for not mugging at the DD is that it's in a public view/space. Literally you've just said this.

The reason behind our decision to disallow mugging at the drug dealer is because of the fact that the locations where the drug dealer currently is are pretty much in the public,

also it's not deemed a public area, just a public view under the rule =)

I'm taking you're referring to rule 3.4?

Rule 3.4 says nothing about public view or area whatsoever.

What exactly are you trying to get here? None of the reasons anyone has given me can directly indicate mugging at the DD shouldn't be allowed.
Lol ok.

Your reason for not mugging at the DD is that it's in a public view/space. Literally you've just said this.

I'm taking you're referring to rule 3.4?

Rule 3.4 says nothing about public view or area whatsoever.

What exactly are you trying to get here? None of the reasons anyone has given me can directly indicate mugging at the DD shouldn't be allowed.
For the public view part it seems like you haven't read that part of my reply, I stated that the XQ bank isn't in a public view.

You are correct about the 3.4 part, however please do not forget about rule 5.1 - Mugging;
Muggings should only take place in locations which are out of the view of the public.
What I'm saying is that mugging at the DD is deemed at the moment as mugging someone in a public view as of the current locations that the DD is placed at.

For my reference to rule 3.4 against you this is what I read and responded to

  • Does this mean we're all breaking 3.4?

You're not risking your life, you're risking a jail sentence
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You are correct about the 3.4 part, however please do not forget about rule 5.1 - Mugging;

  • Muggings should only take place in locations which are out of the view of the public.

What I'm saying is that mugging at the DD is deemed at the moment as mugging someone in a public view as of the current locations that the DD is placed at.

Rule 5.1 says this.

"Players may only mug other players in a realistic manner, for example mugging someone in the middle of a street is not realistic. Muggings should only take place in locations which are out of the view of the public."

- Players may only mug other players in a realistic manner,

If mugging someone in an alley is not realistic then fuck me what is

- for example mugging someone in the middle of a street is not realistic.

Middle of the street = not realistic. Meaning you should look for something that isn't in the middle of the street. Like an alley

- Muggings should only take place in locations which are out of the view of the public."

Behind bank, abandoned docks, alley behind a set of garages, cove underneath a building, a rarely used underpass (where the lights literally flicker due to bad maintenance), the garbage containers behind a wall of a restaurant, I don't know how far you want to get out of public view but that's as far as you can probably go.

"He said it might only be temporary? Just follow the rule until further notice." - @Minilarro

If I get told off, get punished and get restricted from something I honestly do not give a fuck if it's temporary or not. Maybe reconsider a new rule before you enforce them.

Just follow the rule until further noti....
Right, to fully examine this situation, we need to first consider the context of the scenario:

  • The drug dealer will carry a weapon
  • He will not call cops
  • He will want to protect his clientele as if they get killed he can't make money
Taking these factors into account, it can be derived that if the drug dealer sees you mugging someone who has clear intentions of selling to him, he may see that as a threat to his business, and take out his firearm to kill you. Whilst completely hypothetical, if you consider the DD as a real person, as is a requisite of the rules, then this scenario and this context make sense. You may be wanting to keep the drugs for yourself, or may be working for another dealer, so of course he may well try and shoot you.

That's why you don't mug at the drug dealer kids.

Did I do a good @Chris impression?
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