GTX 1060 Won't Boot

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Edinburgh, Scotland
Hello, recently when i was on my PC i went idle for about an hour or so, i came back to see my keyboard leds off and my pc was still on but my GTX stopped lighting up as it usually does, i've had this issue before and it was just an issue with dust building up, i have tried blowing in it to remove dust and vacuuming dust but none have worked, if anyone has had this issue or knows a fix please help.

NEVER use a vacuum on your PC, the plastic hose is a static electricity magnet and you'll fry components, try using a different graphics card to see if its the card or the mobo.
Not the host perse, but the dust getting sucked in causes the static build up, regardless of how stupid it is it is not the cause of his issues.

Also, do you have a multimeter? could be that the CPU does not supply enough power anymore.
Could also be a software fault but make sure the rest of your components work.
I fixed my issue of the graphics card not working by taking it out, booting with on board graphics and then uninstalling the GPU drivers. After that I just put the GPU back and re-installed the drivers.
I finally fixed it, I had a wire that needs replaced because its fucked because of the way its been bent it snapped or something, thanks for the help.
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