Nade Alardin - 3.4

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Sneaky / Thomas Greenfield
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Nade Alardin
His/Her SteamID:STEAM_0:0:76440963
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
After someone picked up a bag of weed whilst i attempted to talk to somebody(i didn't even see it) he kindly drops it but Nade decided to:
1. Pick it up.
2. Pull a shotgun on two occasions adding fuel to "a fire that wasn't present at the time"
3. Decide to not give it back and kill cops (including a PO, you monsters!) and lie about it claiming voice was broken(which it was but it fixed itself long before this situation) and lying about it since he clearly responds to what i say in voice chat.


@Nade Alardin

There would be no reason to raid him since the bag of weed was outside the property and i probably wouldn't even fine him if he just dropped it instantly.
Well I seen this coming to be honest, but you should know that when everyone is talking about it in OOC that I can't hear some of your voice commands. Anyways, I picked it up because like you said, you didn't see it. I had it in my hands ready to drop it and give it to you and you just come inside trying to cuff me so I pull a gun out incase because we have drugs in there and I wasn't sure if anyone was going to open the back door and come out from it. By doing so, it scared you off and got you out. I told you that I was going to bring it out and you literally called Swat to respond and shit.

Fair to say, if that was the other day round and you guys won the raid, it would of been a completetly different story and you know it. However, I will admit I did break 3.4 and I'm prepared to take a punishment, I just fail to understand why you didn't just make a report in-game instead of immediately coming to the forums. I can provide my side I think if it shows the perspective of voice chat being broken.

[Yell] Thomas Greenfield: put it down

That's what you said in chat, but I don't know what you were referring to as it was brief. Whether that was the Weed or the Shotgun.
Well I seen this coming to be honest, but you should know that when everyone is talking about it in OOC that I can't hear some of your voice commands.
Oh please, i ordered you over 10 times in voice to drop it, you baited me two times and you replied to everything i said.

Anyways, I picked it up because like you said, you didn't see it.
I didn't see it when jak picked it up until he dropped it, that's why i said what are you doing.
I had it in my hands ready to drop it and give it to you and you just come inside trying to cuff me so I pull a gun out
you had, so much fucking time. This didn't all happen within 10 seconds.

because we have drugs in there and I wasn't sure if anyone was going to open the back door and come out from it.
So why bait me multiple times, why refuse to drop it after you LIED ABOUT IT saying you already ate it?
By doing so, it scared you off and got you out.
by doing so, you caused me to panic because i believe my life was in direct danger and requested assistance since you failed to cooperate.
if that was the other day round and you guys won the raid, it would of been a completetly different story and you know it.
No, you would still get an AR for 3.4.
I will admit I did break 3.4 and I'm prepared to take a punishment
So why is your entire story a lie
I just fail to understand why you didn't just make a report in-game instead of immediately coming to the forums
Because i wanted to go off anyway and not wait for half an hour since the staff/player ratio was 50/1
I can provide my side I think if it shows the perspective of voice chat being broken.
Yet it wasn't since you replied to what i said IC and even if it was broken you should've responded to my roughly 6 text chat orders to come out.

[Yell] Thomas Greenfield: put it down

That's what you said in chat, but I don't know what you were referring to as it was brief. Whether that was the Weed or the Shotgun.
stop digging the hole deeper.




+voice chat which you also replied to, it wasn't broken.
1. I fail to see how you think voice chat works for everyone. No. It doesn't, It's broken for people.
2. And how was I suppose to know that, you said you didn't see it.
3. Yeah, but you stated most of this in voice chat apparently.
4. Not necessarily baiting you.
5. Well to be fair, that was your own fault. You expect to run on a property filled with lots of drugs and armed me to apprehend a suspect single handedly. I would of just came to the door, but you're trying to cuff me.
6. Don't be so sure of that.
7. It's not a lie, I have to defend myself in some way, I'm not saying it was a lie, but what I'm saying is that, if you actually considered using text chat for the majority of it rather than using voice chat, I would of happily complied.
8. There was active staff available to do reports, you're more than likely going to wait longer with an AR than you will of just making a report.

I've already owned up for my mistakes, I don't see a need to take this further, I'll take my punishment and let it be that.
1. I fail to see how you think voice chat works for everyone. No. It doesn't, It's broken for people.
Twenty minutes before this situation:

4. Not necessarily baiting you.
Pretending to give it back isnt? risking 10 years for not dropping something worth 150$ isnt?

5. Well to be fair, that was your own fault. You expect to run on a property filled with lots of drugs and armed me to apprehend a suspect single handedly. I would of just came to the door, but you're trying to cuff me.
No, it's not my fault. you failed to give it back and started trolling me. You didn't come to the door and YOU LIED ABOUT IT CLAIMING YOU ATE IT

6. Don't be so sure of that.
sure of what

7. It's not a lie, I have to defend myself in some way, I'm not saying it was a lie, but what I'm saying is that, if you actually considered using text chat for the majority of it rather than using voice chat, I would of happily complied.

8. There was active staff available to do reports, you're more than likely going to wait longer with an AR than you will of just making a report.
Read again, i wanted to go off and do something else.

What a deep hole

Nade should not have picked up the weed when the Officer was standing there.
The rest of the situation was mainly an unfortunate misunderstanding due to VOIP problems.
The punishment will reflect this.​
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