Why is the shoutbox becoming a safe-space

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dont you fucking dare remove/close/lock this without any form of discussion.

Apparently, i'm not even allowed to discuss autism with other users in the shoutbox wether i do this in a negative or positive way. Apparently, the autistic and the people with a mental disability are always offended and cry daily in a corner about someone saying the word on an online message board for a game which involves guns, murder and anything they want to say. If you're jewish and someone acts as hitler ig you shouldn't bitch about it since it's "IC" but the moment you say something incredibily minor on the forums you can fuck off with a ban.

I recieved a warning for saying retarded before this was even clarified it was allowed to.
This goes to show the amount of invisible rules still fucking exist.


the community is going to fucking shit tbh and you're worrying about someone saying the word retard, autistic and various others on a server's message board that is about murder, drugs, even fucking rape if @Slayerduck is here and it's against the rules to say retarded in the shoutbox?

Can someone(@MrLewis @Blicky ) tell my why this was made in the first place? Why do we care this bad about one word being so bad?

it's going to be loopholed to shit, since i can apparently do it in a thread if i want to. makes no goddamn sense. if i even want to discuss being autistic for example, in the shoutbox i can get a ban.
We're losing players so the staff team are making the community more welcoming to get more people obviously. :laughcry:

No, but this is a classic example of the staff team taking offence for the members of the community. We already had a good system in place where we could still joke to each other in a banter way, so why change it?

If someone gets offended, they will report it. Stop treating us like children who will cry at the first sight of a "bad word."
What really bothers me is the fact that they stated Zero Tolerance. For anyone who has been around long enough it wouldn't require having more than two braincells to rub together to figure out that this is just a blank check for some special snowflake staff to just go around punishing people for the tiniest of things.
Shadowjoey himself said that they are not trying to make the shoutbox into a safespace which is the most ridiculous load of horseshit I have ever read in my life, because we all know that it will be "abused" by salty staff or worse yet, people who get offended over the smallest things because "muh feelings"
The shoutbox functioned well enough with the rules already set in place, it didn't need staff to take a smelly dump on top of it.
How about we have a shoutbox specific staff team that has its own team!!!!!
then certain staff members can't really get triggered and start removing and banning for having banter
So I guess I will be the first staff member to actually respond to this thread, throw hate at me or whatever you wish but this is the reason and how we came to the decision;
As you may know we have administrative meetings weekly/bi-weekly where we discuss what we what to change, adjust or just simply add. This meeting we decided to bring out a discussion to adjust the shoutbox as some believed that it wasn't clarified what was allowed and what wasn't allowed in the shoutbox before this thread was made, when we went into discussing this we came to the conclusion that some words that are being used in the shoutbox should really never be allowed as it would cause confusion in the community by just letting them say it once then when a staff member feels it isn't acceptable anymore they would ban them which would cause some aggression from the member who was banned and other members of the community who also don't understand why he was banned when he was just allowed to use it.
A great example to this is when AyJay two days ago decided to say the word "nigger" an instant reaction from me caused him to be banned for this when another staff member allowed it a couple of days earlier, so to stop situations like this as it didn't only cause confusion for AyJay as another staff member just allowed to but then I come and don't allow it but it also confused me as a staff member who felt it was violating the rules completely, obviously AyJay was unbanned but it obviously caused confusion round the whole situation. So for that reason we did not feel like allowing anything like this.

Please note however that this is a change that we did so we can discuss the situation further in future meetings and adjust it or remove it depending on how we feel.

If you have any questions regarding it just quote or comment.
Its the fucking internet and we are not banning people for saying "retarded".

Turn off your fucking computer if this triggers you.
This meeting we decided to bring out a discussion to adjust the shoutbox as some believed that it wasn't clarified what was allowed and what wasn't allowed in the shoutbox before this thread was made, when we went into discussing this we came to the conclusion that some words that are being used in the shoutbox should really never be allowed as it would cause confusion in the community
I dont think many people disagree when it's said that calling someone a niggER or a retard in a clearly malicious way is not acceptable
Why I think the post was stupid was the fact that it was so broad that you can "offend" someone in the slighest way and receive a shoutbox ban for it (and perhaps a forum warning as well) because it is "zero tolerance"
It's something I shouted at @MrLewis for as well because the generality of the post just suggests it's something staff or people who are easily offended / triggered will take advantage of
So I guess I will be the first staff member to actually respond to this thread, throw hate at me or whatever you wish but this is the reason and how we came to the decision;
As you may know we have administrative meetings weekly/bi-weekly where we discuss what we what to change, adjust or just simply add. This meeting we decided to bring out a discussion to adjust the shoutbox as some believed that it wasn't clarified what was allowed and what wasn't allowed in the shoutbox before this thread was made, when we went into discussing this we came to the conclusion that some words that are being used in the shoutbox should really never be allowed as it would cause confusion in the community by just letting them say it once then when a staff member feels it isn't acceptable anymore they would ban them which would cause some aggression from the member who was banned and other members of the community who also don't understand why he was banned when he was just allowed to use it.
A great example to this is when AyJay two days ago decided to say the word "nigger" an instant reaction from me caused him to be banned for this when another staff member allowed it a couple of days earlier, so to stop situations like this as it didn't only cause confusion for AyJay as another staff member just allowed to but then I come and don't allow it but it also confused me as a staff member who felt it was violating the rules completely, obviously AyJay was unbanned but it obviously caused confusion round the whole situation. So for that reason we did not feel like allowing anything like this.

Please note however that this is a change that we did so we can discuss the situation further in future meetings and adjust it or remove it depending on how we feel.

If you have any questions regarding it just quote or comment.
thanks for responding

what i see from this further proves my arguement which i threw around on other threads that the staff team doesn't work on one line.
why should we suffer from mistakes made by staff/senior? tbh, nobody should be punished for using any meanie words it just doesnt make sence on a gaming community all based about murder and drugs and you can even be an anti semitist if you want to ic.
So I guess I will be the first staff member to actually respond to this thread, throw hate at me or whatever you wish but this is the reason and how we came to the decision;
As you may know we have administrative meetings weekly/bi-weekly where we discuss what we what to change, adjust or just simply add. This meeting we decided to bring out a discussion to adjust the shoutbox as some believed that it wasn't clarified what was allowed and what wasn't allowed in the shoutbox before this thread was made, when we went into discussing this we came to the conclusion that some words that are being used in the shoutbox should really never be allowed as it would cause confusion in the community by just letting them say it once then when a staff member feels it isn't acceptable anymore they would ban them which would cause some aggression from the member who was banned and other members of the community who also don't understand why he was banned when he was just allowed to use it.
A great example to this is when AyJay two days ago decided to say the word "nigger" an instant reaction from me caused him to be banned for this when another staff member allowed it a couple of days earlier, so to stop situations like this as it didn't only cause confusion for AyJay as another staff member just allowed to but then I come and don't allow it but it also confused me as a staff member who felt it was violating the rules completely, obviously AyJay was unbanned but it obviously caused confusion round the whole situation. So for that reason we did not feel like allowing anything like this.

Please note however that this is a change that we did so we can discuss the situation further in future meetings and adjust it or remove it depending on how we feel.

If you have any questions regarding it just quote or comment.

Sure ban people if they use words like this in some hateful way but really.... sneaky said "retarded" in the shoutbox and got banned, at that point you need to realize its gone too far. Almost everyone that used shoutbox, used it to joke around and post memes etc, even if they were "offensive" no one had a problem with it unless they were super racist and if so they would report it.
Sure ban people if they use words like this in some hateful way but really.... sneaky said "retarded" in the shoutbox and got banned, at that point you need to realize its gone too far. Almost everyone that used shoutbox, used it to joke around and post memes etc, even if they were "offensive" no one had a problem with it unless they were super racist and if so they would report it.
you know what's fun walker today we went into a mini revolution in the shoutbox and with 9 staff online after this new policy i said retarded and autistic atleast 8 times and im still not banned, goes to show staff aren't working on one line and don't care/disagree with this. probably just are too scared to go against the regime or something. it was a week ban too, with the excuse of: "you already had too many warnings". i had 1.
Its the fucking internet and we are not banning people for saying "retarded".

Turn off your fucking computer if this triggers you.
exactly what i tried to say
i haev autsim
i have autism too and im proud
I dont think many people disagree when it's said that calling someone a niggER or a retard in a clearly malicious way is not acceptable
Why I think the post was stupid was the fact that it was so broad that you can "offend" someone in the slighest way and receive a shoutbox ban for (and perhaps a forum warning as well) because it is "zero tolerance"
I get your point where you mean that someone can simply just act like they get offended and that we have to ban you for it, that's simply not how it is and it might be worded in a way where it seems like that's our intention but it's really not, what we wish to do is just make the shoutbox a mild place where no one should be harassed and such.

thanks for responding

what i see from this further proves my arguement which i threw around on other threads that the staff team doesn't work on one line.
why should we suffer from mistakes made by staff/senior? tbh, nobody should be punished for using any meanie words it just doesnt make sence on a gaming community all based about murder and drugs and you can even be an anti semitist if you want to ic.
You're simply answering your own arguement, sure the game in general is around RPing where drugs and such are involved however this is a gaming community, outside the RP and on the forums we treat each other like normal humans, you wouldn't call a random person arguing with you on the street an autist, sure it might seem silly to bring that up but seriously, we wish to keep players within our community and make it a nice place for them when they come on not a place where they would be harassed and get shit thrown at them, and I know you're gonna use the arguement oh it's a computer just leave it; Sure I do agree on some places that it should be that way where it's the internet but here we wish to have rules and not have it the way where it's the internet just leave if you can't handle it.
I get your point where you mean that someone can simply just act like they get offended and that we have to ban you for it, that's simply not how it is and it might be worded in a way where it seems like that's our intention but it's really not, what we wish to do is just make the shoutbox a mild place where no one should be harassed and such.
if someone gets offended they should just get over it. nobody gets offended if i call someone an autist if they make a mistake. If they do, they need to get off the internet, close all blinds, turn off all telephones and live in solitary in a basement.

You're simply answering your own arguement, sure the game in general is around RPing where drugs and such are involved however this is a gaming community, outside the RP and on the forums we treat each other like normal humans, you wouldn't call a random person arguing with you on the street an autist, sure it might seem silly to bring that up but seriously, we wish to keep players within our community and make it a nice place for them when they come on not a place where they would be harassed and get shit thrown at them, and I know you're gonna use the arguement oh it's a computer just leave it; Sure I do agree on some places that it should be that way where it's the internet but here we wish to have rules and not have it the way where it's the internet just leave if you can't handle it.
im trying to say if you play a game that involves drugs, deaths, guns, murder and even antisemitsm but get offended by someone saying retard/autistic on the forums something's not quite right.
this is what you respond with? we get banned for the very fucking slightest of things but if a staff post a stupid gif without context its ok? seems legit.
I dont think many people disagree when it's said that calling someone a niggER or a retard in a clearly malicious way is not acceptable
Why I think the post was stupid was the fact that it was so broad that you can "offend" someone in the slighest way and receive a shoutbox ban for it (and perhaps a forum warning as well) because it is "zero tolerance"
It's something I shouted at @MrLewis for as well because the generality of the post just suggests it's something staff or people who are easily offended / triggered will take advantage of

I couldn't agree more, however we could change it to something like 'with malicious intent' or someone says something in order to offend someone directly. Rather than someone randomly saying 'nigger' or 'autistic'.

It comes to the point where the rules create a borderline between us actually being an 'awesome garry's mod' community or a dictated communist community.

This is something I think that should definitely be debated both between the staff team and with the rest of the community.
I get your point where you mean that someone can simply just act like they get offended and that we have to ban you for it, that's simply not how it is and it might be worded in a way where it seems like that's our intention but it's really not, what we wish to do is just make the shoutbox a mild place where no one should be harassed and such.

You're simply answering your own arguement, sure the game in general is around RPing where drugs and such are involved however this is a gaming community, outside the RP and on the forums we treat each other like normal humans, you wouldn't call a random person arguing with you on the street an autist, sure it might seem silly to bring that up but seriously, we wish to keep players within our community and make it a nice place for them when they come on not a place where they would be harassed and get shit thrown at them, and I know you're gonna use the arguement oh it's a computer just leave it; Sure I do agree on some places that it should be that way where it's the internet but here we wish to have rules and not have it the way where it's the internet just leave if you can't handle it.

Stop being offended

SB should not be censored because it's a place for talking and jokes init?
If you get offended then just leave
I get your point where you mean that someone can simply just act like they get offended and that we have to ban you for it, that's simply not how it is and it might be worded in a way where it seems like that's our intention but it's really not, what we wish to do is just make the shoutbox a mild place where no one should be harassed and such.

Okay firstly, where the hell did you get the impression people were being harassed in the shoutbox??? I don't think anyone has been "Harassed" in months and if so they were banned, therefore proving this rule is pointless as staff already dealt with harassment.

Secondly I would much rather someone act offended and people get banned occasionally over us not being able to use the shoutbox like we could previously.
At the end of the day, I see where you're coming from. For the most part, the jokes posted in shoutbox are quite funny and stimulate conversation over suppress, but sometimes it goes too far, and a majority of the time when it goes too far everybody is up in arms about punishments given out. It's understandable why this clarification was made.

It's nothing new. Just a clarification of rules that were pre existing
I couldn't agree more, however we could change it to something like 'with malicious intent' or someone says something in order to offend someone directly. Rather than someone randomly saying 'nigger' or 'autistic'.

It comes to the point where the rules create a borderline between us actually being an 'awesome garry's mod' community or a dictated communist community.

This is something I think that should definitely be debated both between the staff team and with the rest of the community.


Seeing as a lot of people, including staff don't exactly agree with the rule can we get it changed in the way adrish suggested. We all have to abide by the rules so surely we should have a say in what they are.
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