1.1 + Slander

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United Kingdom, Devon
Your Steam/In-game Name: James Husky
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Matt Douglas
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51638925
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 1.1 / Slander / 2.5 (Maybe- Admin can decide)
Evidence (Demo Required):
https://gyazo.com/c2594ade34981bc06a768f6309c39b1d (Apparently I'm slandering them)
After fail raiding us (we both died) his mate ran over to me at spawn saying:
'ur org did get fucked'
'Us 4 killed so many of you'

I assume he was looking for a reaction (Didn't provide one as I was pretty chill), he then continued saying he didn't care that he lost the raid and that they were able to store guns. I simply asked as I was confused from the rule with the Police that you are unable to confiscate the weapon without the situation being under control/calm, this was a genuine question on my half and I don't see how this would cause an actual issue between us. Matt claimed this was 'passive/aggressive' and that his response of 'Don't slander me Husky' was justified... which is slightly ironic as slander = 'make false and damaging statements about (someone).' which he just did himself in stating that I had slandered.

After 5 minutes of back to back shit talking (no name calling literally just sly comments and spam) I had enough and simply told him to 'stfu' as he was causing unnecessary attention in OOC that really wasn't necessary at the time. Matt then replied with 'Don't disrespect me or slander me you little cunt', this wasn't the first time he called one of our org members a cunt in OOC either, he also said that Glacial_Subzero/Victor Gonzales was a cunt (Comment about the 'cunt' coming from the bridge).

2.5 Below - Not sure on it but Id like to know anyway. - Thanks :)
After the ordeal he became an officer, nothing wrong with that obviously but it was clear that he was out to get us. After spying on our balcony for god knows how long he rocked up claiming that he needed to confiscate the gun of Carlos Terrance/Panda, he issues him:

'$10000 ticket received from Corporal Douglas for Displayable of offensive weapons, possession of offensive weapons, failure to comply, causing harassment alarm and distress.' and a 7 year jail sentence.' Which yes he displayed a firearm but he never failed to comply nor did he cause 'harassment alarm or distress'.

Although he did that it was clear to us all that he was as the Twtich chat loves to say: 'Salty', so me and 2-3 others simply wrote in LOOC. 'Salty kid' which at the time was exactly how he was acting.

He then came back claiming he had saw another person on the balcony with a weapon and he also confiscated that: '3k ticket and 4 years' which I believe is a correct sentence to give but its evident that with it happening within 5 minutes of each other and himself claiming that he was watching with binoculars, now I don't mind this happening but its when people make small comments like calling him a 'twat' (IC) he just charges you with Harassment and maxes all of the fines and sentences.

Max ticketed me for 'Causing Harassment, alarm and distress and failure to comply' which is slightly weird as I only asked why I was being detained, as the previous two I was given a max ticket.
Your Steam/In-game Name: James Husky
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Matt Douglas
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51638925
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 1.1 / Slander / 2.5 (Maybe- Admin can decide)
Evidence (Demo Required):
https://gyazo.com/c2594ade34981bc06a768f6309c39b1d (Apparently I'm slandering them)
After fail raiding us (we both died) his mate ran over to me at spawn saying:
'ur org did get fucked'
'Us 4 killed so many of you'

I assume he was looking for a reaction (Didn't provide one as I was pretty chill), he then continued saying he didn't care that he lost the raid and that they were able to store guns. I simply asked as I was confused from the rule with the Police that you are unable to confiscate the weapon without the situation being under control/calm, this was a genuine question on my half and I don't see how this would cause an actual issue between us. Matt claimed this was 'passive/aggressive' and that his response of 'Don't slander me Husky' was justified... which is slightly ironic as slander = 'make false and damaging statements about (someone).' which he just did himself in stating that I had slandered.

After 5 minutes of back to back shit talking (no name calling literally just sly comments and spam) I had enough and simply told him to 'stfu' as he was causing unnecessary attention in OOC that really wasn't necessary at the time. Matt then replied with 'Don't disrespect me or slander me you little cunt', this wasn't the first time he called one of our org members a cunt in OOC either, he also said that Glacial_Subzero/Victor Gonzales was a cunt (Comment about the 'cunt' coming from the bridge).

2.5 Below - Not sure on it but Id like to know anyway. - Thanks :)
After the ordeal he became an officer, nothing wrong with that obviously but it was clear that he was out to get us. After spying on our balcony for god knows how long he rocked up claiming that he needed to confiscate the gun of Carlos Terrance/Panda, he issues him:

'$10000 ticket received from Corporal Douglas for Displayable of offensive weapons, possession of offensive weapons, failure to comply, causing harassment alarm and distress.' and a 7 year jail sentence.' Which yes he displayed a firearm but he never failed to comply nor did he cause 'harassment alarm or distress'.

Although he did that it was clear to us all that he was as the Twtich chat loves to say: 'Salty', so me and 2-3 others simply wrote in LOOC. 'Salty kid' which at the time was exactly how he was acting.

He then came back claiming he had saw another person on the balcony with a weapon and he also confiscated that: '3k ticket and 4 years' which I believe is a correct sentence to give but its evident that with it happening within 5 minutes of each other and himself claiming that he was watching with binoculars, now I don't mind this happening but its when people make small comments like calling him a 'twat' (IC) he just charges you with Harassment and maxes all of the fines and sentences.

Max ticketed me for 'Causing Harassment, alarm and distress and failure to comply' which is slightly weird as I only asked why I was being detained, as the previous two I was given a max ticket.
Your Steam/In-game Name: James Husky
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Matt Douglas
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51638925
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 1.1 / Slander / 2.5 (Maybe- Admin can decide)
Evidence (Demo Required):
https://gyazo.com/c2594ade34981bc06a768f6309c39b1d (Apparently I'm slandering them)
After fail raiding us (we both died) his mate ran over to me at spawn saying:
'ur org did get fucked'
'Us 4 killed so many of you'

I assume he was looking for a reaction (Didn't provide one as I was pretty chill), he then continued saying he didn't care that he lost the raid and that they were able to store guns. I simply asked as I was confused from the rule with the Police that you are unable to confiscate the weapon without the situation being under control/calm, this was a genuine question on my half and I don't see how this would cause an actual issue between us. Matt claimed this was 'passive/aggressive' and that his response of 'Don't slander me Husky' was justified... which is slightly ironic as slander = 'make false and damaging statements about (someone).' which he just did himself in stating that I had slandered.

After 5 minutes of back to back shit talking (no name calling literally just sly comments and spam) I had enough and simply told him to 'stfu' as he was causing unnecessary attention in OOC that really wasn't necessary at the time. Matt then replied with 'Don't disrespect me or slander me you little cunt', this wasn't the first time he called one of our org members a cunt in OOC either, he also said that Glacial_Subzero/Victor Gonzales was a cunt (Comment about the 'cunt' coming from the bridge).

2.5 Below - Not sure on it but Id like to know anyway. - Thanks :)
After the ordeal he became an officer, nothing wrong with that obviously but it was clear that he was out to get us. After spying on our balcony for god knows how long he rocked up claiming that he needed to confiscate the gun of Carlos Terrance/Panda, he issues him:

'$10000 ticket received from Corporal Douglas for Displayable of offensive weapons, possession of offensive weapons, failure to comply, causing harassment alarm and distress.' and a 7 year jail sentence.' Which yes he displayed a firearm but he never failed to comply nor did he cause 'harassment alarm or distress'.

Although he did that it was clear to us all that he was as the Twtich chat loves to say: 'Salty', so me and 2-3 others simply wrote in LOOC. 'Salty kid' which at the time was exactly how he was acting.

He then came back claiming he had saw another person on the balcony with a weapon and he also confiscated that: '3k ticket and 4 years' which I believe is a correct sentence to give but its evident that with it happening within 5 minutes of each other and himself claiming that he was watching with binoculars, now I don't mind this happening but its when people make small comments like calling him a 'twat' (IC) he just charges you with Harassment and maxes all of the fines and sentences.

Max ticketed me for 'Causing Harassment, alarm and distress and failure to comply' which is slightly weird as I only asked why I was being detained, as the previous two I was given a max ticket.
SsssSSSSsssNakes in the org ;)
After fail raiding us (we both died) his mate ran over to me at spawn saying:
'ur org did get fucked'
'Us 4 killed so many of you'

don't see why this is relevant.
As far as to me calling you a cunt this was because you were provoking me in OOC, in scotland it's not as bad as people in other countries take it but that's alright, I shouldn't have said this I was just provoked by you disrespecting me and complaining in OOC, you were just attracting irrelevant attraction, i don't see where i slandered you? i asked you to stop slandering me as i felt you were.

I was watching your apartment as i'd reason to believe you were illegally displaying weapons (which you were) and when i realised i took the gun and arrested you, it's not excessive I gave appropriate tickets dependant on how many laws you broke and how compliant you were, of which I did.

So the only rule I broke was 1.1 by calling you a little cunt as you were provoking me, I was dealt with in accordance to this though.
I never provoked anything, you accused my of something I never did (Slander- It was a genuine question) and then when I say 'stfu' you call me a cunt in OOC (Way out of order and not necessary), scouting it out made sense ofc but confiscating the weapons without warnings, max tickets and sentences was IMO excessive negativity. You also claimed Panda of not complying which is the furthest thing from the truth.
You told me to stfu and were boasting in OOC, provoking me, I called you a cunt because you told me to stfu, that's the only thing i said whereas you called me a salty lil kid and salttttt and slandered me by claiming i was only taking your guns because i was salty. I don't have to give warnings. I felt you were slandering and still feel you were just in a passive aggressive way.
You told me to stfu and were boasting in OOC, provoking me, I called you a cunt because you told me to stfu, that's the only thing i said whereas you called me a salty lil kid and salttttt and slandered me by claiming i was only taking your guns because i was salty. I don't have to give warnings. I felt you were slandering and still feel you were just in a passive aggressive way.
Do you mind showing the part of me boasting in ooc?

You will all be spoken to by @Adrish. Regarding the 2.5, my best advice is to make a police complaint on him if you feel it's necessary due to his conduct.​
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