New Rule: Forceful Removal from a vehicle

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The Death Star
What rule do you wish to Add: Forced removal from vehicle and execution

Your version of the rule:
Users may not in any circumstance force any person out of their vehicle(s) just for an execution unless all other options have been exhausted (Example: Cop pulls over someone who is friends with someone who got killed by cops and is getting 10 years but a cop pulls them over, they jump out gun pointing the car forcing them out, just to execute them, this should not be allowed due to their being no way to defend yourself or even conform to the rule of staying alive as you die in every situation)

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:
In recent, people are constantly being executed unrealistically when being gun-pointed ending up in constant death especially for officers who are gun-pointed at their car, the criminals take 0 effort to keep them alive by taking their weaponry/radio which would be more viable that just straight up executing, it ruins the RP experience for anyone that has this happen as there is 0 way to defend as by the time the gun is up you are dead.

The RP has seemed to be minimal when this action happens.
I agree with this slightly, as this is where rule 3.4 morphs into rule 3.6. If you don't follow the orders to get out the car then you are of course putting your life at risk. However, if you know they're going to execute you as soon as you step out, then surely in order to preserve your life (3.6) you would attempt to drive off.

How would you be able to defend this. Wouldn't people just start to say "I didn't get out because he was gonna kill me so I drove off" ?
Seems to me as breaking 2.5. If my friend isn't in the car with me at the time of you pulling me over I'm not going to hop out and execute you publicly
A problem I can see with this is the fact that it is extremely situational. For example, in the video below at 0:17 I make an effort to get the officer out of the vehicle, but I was forced to shoot him as it would be a pain in the ass to kill the other officer and keep him down, risking him pulling a weapon and firing.

Would situations like this fall under 3.4 as it would give me a better chance of survival if I execute him?
If they've done it before to other popo or medics I just drive off, I know they're going to kill me so 3.6 takes precedence.
They only tell you to get out because irl they'd just fucking shoot you through the car window but because of engine limitations they can't, so you have to get out voluntarily.

Adding whatever the hell this is would make the abuse of this engine limitation even more widespread than it is currently.

This is, in my opinion, an awful idea, which makes no sense whatsoever.
especially for officers who are gun-pointed at their car
Is this because I did this to you earlier? :booty:

Anyway, I see where you are coming from, but what Allen says is true. Especially in a situation where my plan is just to get out of there as soon as I can, killing the officer is the fastest rather than having to deal with all sorts of negotiation, just giving officers time to to plan out their plan to kill me.
Something I am going to add here;

I do not believe it would be viable in all situations to GP and kill, if you have the chance to make them flee as opposed to straight up killing fair enough but if all other options are exhausted and keeping them alive would hamper your chances of living i.e. as you see in @Eviction Notice 's video then it should be fine, but the point I am making is if the officer is alone, you should at least make the effort to "gag" them and take their stuff so that you could always use them as a bargaining tool later or even make them flee
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