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Your Steam/In-game Name: You sure -.-' ? / Johnny Desperado
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: or @Jdar / ???
His/Her SteamID:

Why Should This Player Be Punished: This player broke 3.4 and 3.6 - I was in an alleyway as shown at the video, I gun pointed him coming around the corner. The corner is very sharp and he could've possibly (although very unlikely) managed to get away to the side since he has little cover, instead the user has batoned me twice (bit laggy since messed up, can provide full demo if needed).
The user batoned me twice before I even shot at him, this would in no way benefit him since no shots in his direction was fired, this would only realistically allow me to shoot him instantly on the spot.

- This caused for the TFU on scene to hear the gunshots coming from the general direction and made me lose my firearm and get shot, if the user just ran to the side as intended he could've escaped. If the user even complied with the gunpoint he would've lived. Instead, as said, the user batoned me under gunpoint, in a very tiny alleyway which I could've easily shot him from.

Evidence (Demo Required): -NOTE- little buggy, can provide full demo if needed.

Tick: /

Would be nice if the user could also provide his demo to see this from his POV.
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@You sure -.-' ? for me, everything is an error and people are invisible, what do I need to do?
From your demo i still see no justification to hit an armed person from point blank range.
Justification of "attempting to disarm me" is not really a thing due to game mechanics.
For example, if someone has a rifle I do not think you would charge them with a machete to "disarm" them while they hold you under gunpoint.
Knowing this, I feel your justification is invalid as you should know not to do this.
I was there at the time this happened, I was the one who shot down Johnny.
From what I remember, he already had his nightstick out when you pulled out the deagle. Because he was right in front of you, in range of the nightstick, he hit you to disarm you which would give him a chance to escape, thus preserving his life.
I may be wrong, but that's my point of view from what I remember seeing.
in range of the nightstick, he hit you to disarm you which would give him a chance to escape, thus preserving his life.
Yet again, as shown in my example, you do not hit an armed guy that is having you at gun point with a machete to "cut his arm off" so you can escape and preserve your life, not how it works.
Neither videos that have been provided are really reviewable. Demo files are easy for me to view, as I do all the set-up for you.

Therefore, can both @You sure -.-' ? and @Jdar upload your .dem files in 48 hours, or I will close this.
I will supply the demo today later in the evening. It's currently 3:35am here and I don't remember which demo it is.
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