Ar on Daft Punk

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Straight outta Racxes pedophile basement
Your Steam/In-game Name: Illuminathan | Jessamy Hudson
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Daft Punk | Will Slater
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:173809331

Why Should This Player Be Punished: Shooting me while having no gun pointed at his direction, the reason I pulled my gun away was that I was surrendering but had to fleed due him shooting me, I fleed into an alley, he couldn't run after me as flankers would get him on the run. When I looked at him he shot me again and I died
Evidence (Demo Required):

Tick: @Daft Punk
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You also went around the corner, you were armed, another officer died next to me so i shot and got you as i thought you pulled the gun off the back.
[DOUBLEPOST=1507742155,1507742093][/DOUBLEPOST]BTW, Tom, this happened when i was an officer, so this should be dealt with via IA complaint. You werent surrendering as there was a massive shootout at projex
[DOUBLEPOST=1507747160][/DOUBLEPOST]It was in my best interest for my safety, as another person who jessamy was just with shot and killed an officer, moments just before as i witnessed them shoot a medic, to shoot jessamy, in my demo i had the animation of jessamy pulling the gun. Unfortunately, my demo is corrupted.
  • You also went around the corner, you were armed, another officer died next to me so i shot and got you as i thought you pulled the gun off the back.
But were you certain that the individual in question was armed? As far as I'm aware, the PLPD does not have a shoot to kill policy regardless of the circumstances of the suspect. Especially when the person in question was surrendering.

  • It was in my best interest for my safety, as another person who jessamy was just with shot and killed an officer, moments just before as i witnessed them shoot a medic, to shoot jessamy, in my demo i had the animation of jessamy pulling the gun.
You sound as if you weren't entirely certain that he was armed or not.

Unfortunately, my demo is corrupted.
Regardless, this can still be viewed by others. Delete some add ons.
  • this should be dealt with via IA complaint.

This is already being dealt with via an IA afaik, also due to staff discretion, I am going to investigate this action request as one could argue that your actions were unrealistic. The PLPD doesn't exactly rule the server.


@Jessamy Hudson did you utilise /act surrender to tell them you were surrendering?
He did not tell me he was surrendering, i shot him the second time cus the animation appeared to me as he was pulling out his gun.
I didnt hear you saying anything about surrendering.
[DOUBLEPOST=1507752462,1507752361][/DOUBLEPOST]btw, i could clearly see that he was armed by the big massive m4a1 on his back.
I didnt hear you saying anything about surrendering.
[DOUBLEPOST=1507752462,1507752361][/DOUBLEPOST]btw, i could clearly see that he was armed by the big massive m4a1 on his back.
Does not mean you have to kill me, I was clearly trying to surrender when I was against the wall before you started shooting at me where I fleed into the alley.
No the fact that each time i have to join the server, i have to factory reset my gmod, i dont know why its doing this but its the way it happens now. If you want proof that i do this, ask Wewai and Gimic cus they witnessed my controls not being correct due to the fact of this.
[DOUBLEPOST=1507792380,1507790343][/DOUBLEPOST]Also since you believe that you were wrongfully shot at, and lost your m4, il give you a replacement.
I cant submit it due to the fact that i cant access it cus i have to factory reset my gmod everytime i connect to the server.

Daft Punk shouldn't had shot you on sight. This isn't Dark RP. Ideally he should had gun pointed you in order to stop you and verbally told you to surrender.

Note to OP: Next time use the command "/act surrender". This will make your character throw his/her hands up in the air dropping any active/equipped items.

User shall recieve a ban for 1.4 (cooperation and evasion) and 2.5 (excessive negativity).
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