Computer restarting

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A land down under
This has been going on for quite a while now, I have no clue where to start with fixing the problem.
So, whenever I am on perp sometimes my computer decides to restart itself randomly and it is getting very annoying whilst growing at the moment because it is literally eating my money through pots and seeds. Any solutions???
Is there any way I can find out what part is broken? and if so how?
You could monitor which parts are performing badly, either by watching constantly the voltage and temps of components using something like HWMonitor, or by unplugging parts, using without them (if possible) or trying them in another PC.

Removing parts is probably the most painless way if you believe it is a hardware issue, software issues can be very vast though. Be sure you get an idea of what you're working with before you fuck something up accidentally.
Welp, I'm probably going to send it back to the company I bought my pc from and get them to look into it before buying any new parts. I'm completely useless at this stuff.
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