Raiding Unowned Properties.

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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: Add a rule in section 4: City Employee Rules
Your version of the rule: Police Officer may NOT raid an unowned property until at least 10 minutes has passed since it has become unowned and they must be 100% certain there are people inside of it and in the case of a shootout, only use it for cover only if necessary.
Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:
I believe it should be added as when you get aids cops on that raid properties minutes after a player has crashed / left without telling anyone. Example, I was in a position today where the owner of a property had left the server without telling anyone he was doing so, when we finally found out he left and we went to buy the property again, a squad of TFU had breached the main room at office. It ended in all of us dying and our planters being confiscated because they hadn't given us enough time.
-support, sometimes TFU battery ram the unowned properties for safety against nades. Sure, if your mate has just crashed, the door would be locked and no need for us to raid it as you should be all quiet.
-support, sometimes TFU battery ram the unowned properties for safety against nades. Sure, if your mate has just crashed, the door would be locked and no need for us to raid it as you should be all quiet.
I did say,"and in the case of a shootout, only use it for cover only if necessary. "
It isn't saying you can't raid unowned properties, but you cant breach recently unowned properties for 10 minutes to give the people inside a chance to rebuy it, but you can still raid if there is a valid reason, such as seeing drugs.
How would we know how long it have gone unowned?
I was in a position today where the owner of a property had left the server without telling anyone he was doing so, when we finally found out he left and we went to buy the property again, a squad of TFU had breached the main room at office. It ended in all of us dying and our planters being confiscated because they hadn't given us enough time.

Let's make this clear, the owner was still on the server when police entered the building.

How would a player be able to see how long ago it was that the owner disconnected and how would the player know that it is not just random civilians growing in an unowned property?
Let's make this clear, the owner was still on the server when police entered the building.

How would a player be able to see how long ago it was that the owner disconnected and how would the player know that it is not just random civilians growing in an unowned property?
As LoD said. Ask in OOC
As LoD said. Ask in OOC

So police should ask in OOC everytime they raid a property that got no owner? It's not sustainable, police needs a reason to raid unowned properties, they can't just go around busting doors down.
Oh yeah that's great, how about we make a rule that we have to /advert RAID while we're at it for every unowned property we want to go into.
How would a player be able to see how long ago it was that the owner disconnected and how would the player know that it is not just random civilians growing in an unowned property?
I agree. Last time I checked, there was not a feature that allowed for someone in the PD to check for how long a property has been unowned for or who it was last owned by.
Oh yeah that's great, how about we make a rule that we have to /advert RAID while we're at it for every unowned property we want to go into.
As Baggers said, it's basically plastering a big "We are going to raid you any minute now" on the apartment which very easily allows for the suspects inside to take advantage of this 3rd-party feature (OOC) and stand at the ready by any barricades they may have had inside by the time the owner of the apartment crashed/left/whatever.
If the people you base with leave without telling you then you need better friends, not more fucking retarded rules.
What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: Add a rule in section 4: City Employee Rules
Your version of the rule: Police Officer may NOT raid an unowned property until at least 10 minutes has passed since it has become unowned and they must be 100% certain there are people inside of it and in the case of a shootout, only use it for cover only if necessary.
Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited: I believe it should be added as when you get aids cops on that raid properties minutes after a player has crashed / left without telling anyone. Example, I was in a position today where the owner of a property had left the server without telling anyone he was doing so, when we finally found out he left and we went to buy the property again, a squad of TFU had breached the main room at office. It ended in all of us dying and our planters being confiscated because they hadn't given us enough time.

I'm sorry, but the situation you're talking about was that the person who owned the property was warranted, then suddenly left whilst we were breaching - You can't just expect us to stop when we get to the door because the text goes from red to green, sure it's annoying for you guys, but why should that stop us from going inside a property? That isn't your property, and you made the choice to base there, so someone leaving (or selling the property) isn't our problem. We still have reason to believe crime has been committed on this property, or someone who has committed a crime still resides there, so we're of course still going to go ahead with the search warrant.

Base alone, or base with people that have better internet. We're not waiting outside your property with a stopwatch simply because the person we're looking for is in an unowned property.

If the people you base with leave without telling you then you need better friends, not more fucking retarded rules.
I'm sorry, but the situation you're talking about was that the person who owned the property was warranted, then suddenly left whilst we were breaching - You can't just expect us to stop when we get to the door because the text goes from red to green, sure it's annoying for you guys, but why should that stop us from going inside a property? That isn't your property, and you made the choice to base there, so someone leaving (or selling the property) isn't our problem. We still have reason to believe crime has been committed on this property, or someone who has committed a crime still resides there, so we're of course still going to go ahead with the search warrant.
The issue I saw with this is that you weren't looking for him at all; he had already been imprisoned and you raided solely on the fact that he was warranted. Understandable if it was a drug offence, but as far as I know, it wasn't.

Honestly I'd really like this rule addition or something similar to work, due to some of the annoying situations that can arise from it, but I really can't forsee it working. Over-complication is the issue here.
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So police should ask in OOC everytime they raid a property that got no owner? It's not sustainable, police needs a reason to raid unowned properties, they can't just go around busting doors down.
thats exactly what you were doing at bazar
The issue I saw with this is that you weren't looking for him at all; he had already been imprisoned and you raided solely on the fact that he was warranted. Understandable if it was a drug offence, but as far as I know, it wasn't.

Honestly I'd really like this rule addition or something similar to work, due to some of the annoying situations that can arise from it, but I really can't forsee it working.

If someone is warranted, we have the right to search their property as they may still be residing there.. you know that?
The reason you're so wound up about this, is because you were involved.

A little tip by the way, maybe don't base with warranted people, or maybe even just don't let them buy the property you're growing drugs in. It's not the smartest move.
If someone is warranted, we have the right to search their property as they may still be residing there.. you know that?
The reason you're so wound up about this, is because you were involved.

A little tip by the way, maybe don't base with warranted people, or maybe even just don't let them buy the property you're growing drugs in. It's not the smartest move.
Sure, you can search his property as he may still be residing there, but he can't be residing there if he's residing in fucking jail lmfao.

We don't know he's warranted for whatever the fuck he was warranted for and he got the warrant while we were basing, not before. He didn't even know he did anything to be warranted I'm pretty sure.

Honestly I'm not as bothered about it anymore, it's just your chosen actions seemed a bit questionable, considering he was already in jail.
- Support because:

1: It's next to impossible to enforce
2: It's Unneeded
3: People break into unowned properties all the time to grow drugs in
4: There's rarely any instances of this happening where players are negatively affected, and no in-game mechanics or rules are being bent or exploited in the process of instances of police raiding properties where the owner has disconnected.
This is another one of the rules like lamps on barricades. They've been a part of perp since the beginning, but because people cry, o it becomes a thing.

There's no 100% of knowing that someone is warranted sometimes...

Besides. As my boy @TheRealPleaseDiePie mentioned. Impossible and pointless to avoid and this post is just a bunch of people crying over a situation that is their own fault.

Perp is not fair and it shouldn't be, because that's what makes it fun.
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