If you were to visit the US where would you go?

I was half a sleep bro, it was 6:15AM no need to be like this, anyway you’re in dirty Serbia

Normal people = Can talk down on a 3rd world country
Welsh people = Your country is an even bigger shithole so no commenting
Come london so you can throw some acid in my face ?

yeah sure jk. Will probably visit at least once and then gtfo just so I can say I've been to the UK and made it out alive. Gotta link @MrLewis and you.
i live close to mr lewis so u can visit me while ur at it kk?
To be honest as long as you don’t go to the wrong parts of London you won’t see many bad chavs maybe just some year 9s on mountain bikes pulling wheelies down the high street. But there’s actually some nice places to visit, might as we’ll make the most of being in Europe. Also Lewis lives in Birmingham and I don’t know why anyone would want to visit there’s to be honest.

Dont forget the 'roadmen' who ask you to 'raise them up' outside a shop and those year nines smoking while tapdancing on their carreras and shit.
im going to usa in 23/6 and im going to miami las vegas and some out of us Mexico,Jamaica,
Haiti,orlando la and california nice vacition:D
i'll try go somewhere that I won't get jumped for making a joke or not finding a + part (of lgbtq+) attractive. America has problems and they mostly come from us looney lefties