Lebron Lee breaks 3.4

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Your Steam/In-game Name: orzel1244 / Maciej Rosiak
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Lebron Lee / Edit: 99% ooc name is Anne Dank
His/Her SteamID: edit: almost sure, it's STEAM_0:1:80727941
Why Should This Player Be Punished
: He clearly broke 3.4, which caused him to die (actually get shooted few times and fall on ground), he risked rushing me with knife, he knew he's going to die, but he were hoping he'll make me lose enought hp, to let his friends kill me later, would he do it IRL? it's kind of abousing letting your friend with knife rush in, and stay with gun at the back, but the only person which I'm blaming is Lebron Lee.
I think it's important to say, that he already got reported and warned for 3.4 in past.
Evidence (Demo Required): https://plays.tv/video/5b23f58c8c2e8a3a3c/lebron-lee-3-4 (I can upload demo too, but I don't think it's important int this case)
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I think its very clear that there are 2 people in the background with guns so how is he breaking 3.4
I think its very clear that there are 2 people in the background with guns so how is he breaking 3.4
Hmm, because he's trying to rush into guy with Deagle in hand? He died, that's the best proof, he lost it and it wasn't worth to risk his life
The report isn't focussed on you, so the only thing you do now, is trying to defend your friend which broke rule.
That doesn't matter he had broke a rule you wouldn't mind me defending him because you'd be right but the fact is you lowered your weapon making you vulnerable and I came through with a gun
That doesn't matter if had broke a rule you wouldn't mind me defending him because you'd be right but the fact is you lowered your weapon making you vulnerable and I came through with a gun
I don't care about you with your gun, I care about him risking his life too much which is breaking of 3.4, can't you agree, if he wouldn't rush me with knife, I could propably win fight against you and the other person?

Breaking 3.4 is big advantage, I could do it aswell, in first seconds(0:02-0:05) I was aiming at you, and I could shot you, but you had no weapon in hands, so I would risk going to jail, It's not like I'm salty cuz I'm losing guns, I'm just pissed of because I'm losing it cuz of people breaking rules when I'm playing fair.
I don't care about you with your gun, I care about him risking his life too much which is breaking of 3.4, can't you agree, if he wouldn't rush me with knife, I could propably win fight against you and the other person?

Breaking 3.4 is big advantage, I could do it aswell, in first seconds(0:02-0:05) I was aiming at you, and I could shot you, but you had no weapon in hands, so I would risk going to jail, It's not like I'm salty cuz I'm losing guns, I'm just pissed of because I'm losing it cuz of people breaking rules when I'm playing fair.
You could have shot us but it wouldn't have made much a difference when there's three of us, even still if you lower your weapon and expect not to get attacked when 3 people are running into your base you're even stupider than this report
You could have shot us but it wouldn't have made much a difference when there's three of us, even still if you lower your weapon and expect not to get attacked when 3 people are running into your base you're even stupider than this report
Yeah I don't expect getting attacked by 3 random people which acciedntly goes into mine opened apartament - that's called RP, don't expect everyone is criminal and everyone gonna kill you. I can't shot you if you don't have weapon, even if you're transpassing, the only case when I can shot someone without weapon is when they don't follow my orders under gunpoint for a while.

you're even stupider than this report
The only stupid thing which I can see, is playing without reading rules, I'm really hoping you didn't read it, because if you read it, and still understood nothing, well..

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