"An Administrator's discretion" is retarded

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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: Mainly 3.1 but also all rules that feature the term "Administrator's discretion"
Your version of the rule: Remove the term "Administrator's discretion" and take some time to actually detail the rule
Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:
because the term is retarded and leads to staff contradicting each other, which in turn harms the playerbase

-a week later-
I think the problem mainly lies within the staff team needing to meet up more often and discuss with each other certain aspects of 'discretion'.
We used to have our staff meetings and make fine rulings on controversial situations. For example, killing medics was a common theme.

Admin discretion is still needed though because otherwise you end up with loopholes and besides, how else would you like it done?
A long list of names that you can pick from?
The issue is that there is no guide to inform staff on what specifically is right and wrong. Its pretty stupid to cry for something like this though.
I completely agree.

Way back when there were discussions about putting up defenses in business shops, there was a guy boarding up a business shop's windows and adding barricades basically making a base. I reported it and the admin said it was fine.

I did the same basing shit 5 hours later and Xhantium physgun-blasted my entire fucking shop's defenses with drugs inside, lost those because "Administrator's discretion" basically means "You're fucked if you land on the wrong admin and you will never know for sure what is wrong and what is right"
About the first picture you showed where you trying to get someone into trouble?
Remove all human staff and replace them all with kittens that are presented only with two buttons: Ban or Don't Ban.
I mean, it'd basically be the same as staff discretion at this point, but no one would be mad, because you can't get mad at kittens.

If you already knew this, why'd you change your name? :thinking:

Maybe someone just wanted to have a reason to complain.
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