Official goodbye lel

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Oi perpcuntssss , im quittin gaming forever cuz i actually got a life now so cya , i aint gonna cry like OHHH I WILL MISS U REEEE , yet i had some fun on here lol. I got a job , a girlfriend , and im way too busy with school aint got no time to waste on a stupid ass game that gives me no progress in life whatsoever so bye lmao

rate dumb pls
Im just being a troll on the forums to piss people off , you're still a virgin and dont even know what a girlfriend is cuz you play perp all day lmao
you probs made this post only because you cant shoot for shit and you are salty because everyone raids you, i bet you dont even have a gf and job pmsl
you probs made this post only because you cant shoot for shit and you are salty because everyone raids you, i bet you dont even have a gf and job pmsl

he hasnt even played on perp for the past 2 months
he hasnt even played on perp for the past 2 months

just made a post to tell everyone hes got a girl friend
im confused, are you saying goodbye or telling us that u got a job and a girlfriend???
if so who cares we both know its not gonna last more than 1-3 months same goes for your job you'll probably do the same thing like perp, now when im re-reading it i dont even think youre over the age of 13... "HEY GUYS I JUST WANTED TO LET YOU KNOW THAT IM LEAVING THE COMMUNITY CUZ IM NOT GOING TO BE A VIRGIN ANYMORE HHAHAHAHA I HAVE A JOB IM GONNA GET MONEY SPEND IT ON MY GIRLFRIEND AND HAVE LOTS OF SEX" oh and how can gmod not get you to somewhere?? explain it please, for an example look at fredy he opened perpheads in 2013 and makes x5 what u make in a year in a month lol, ever thought about getting in like making a website that is helpful for that "stupid game" or a program that people would pay for? youre honestly dumb i dont know if ure acting dumb or just trying to be a troll.
go away and never come back ttyl
you probs made this post only because you cant shoot for shit and you are salty because everyone raids you, i bet you dont even have a gf and job pmsl
umg , yeah i cry myself to sleep every night cuz im bad at perp , by the way i work for my dad's company full time , i make more than your dad driving a 2012 opel corsa lmao
By the way i made this post cuz people are like nearly crying over them quitting perp ''I WILL MISS YOU ALL SO MUCH , WEEWEEEWEEEE'' basically they act like they are spending their last 5 minutes on planet earth
By the way i made this post cuz people are like nearly crying over them quitting perp ''I WILL MISS YOU ALL SO MUCH , WEEWEEEWEEEE'' basically they act like they are spending their last 5 minutes on planet earth
some people cry when someone else quits cuz they loved playing with them / loved them? youre not making sense at all
By the way i made this post cuz people are like nearly crying over them quitting perp ''I WILL MISS YOU ALL SO MUCH , WEEWEEEWEEEE'' basically they act like they are spending their last 5 minutes on planet earth
who cares
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