AR On NoHax

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Ringo McQueen
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Marc Harvey / Nohax
His/Her SteamID:
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4, 3.21: Decided to put a timed explosive in the PD lobby during a bank robbery, Unarmed and completely ignoring the desk NPC, for "A distraction". User died shortly afterwards. Action request posted under @Lelios 's request. I feel as though this is a blatant breach of 3.4 and 3.21 as the NPC he ignored whilst doing this was a cop and likely would have shot him. This was the 3rd bank robbery I've seen him involved with where he hangs around the PD area armed with nothing but a single bomb and a grenade / molotov, none of these can be effectively used to defend yourself against multiple armed officers with.
Evidence (Demo Required):
@NoHax Can you please explain why you dropped a bomb at PD also unarmed which lend to your death moments after
I did it to confuse police and possibly catch a few officers rotating. I was in the vault when the bank robbery started and i really only peeked my head into the pd when throwing the bomb and going towards beach.

I've even done it after asking @Collier if it's alright, but i don't see the exact issue if no one died anyway?
It doesn’t matter, there were NPC’s and realistically within the PD the desk officer would of shot you. Thus making this a breakage of rule 3.21, since you went unarmed in there too and only with a bomb doesn’t compensate you since it was a timed bomb and nothing you could use at an instant to protect you thus making his also a breakage of another rule being 3.4.
To add on to this, there were all ready officers at PD around you vehicle and you still ran off to PD to put the bomb down. The officers wouldn’t of been confused at all. You didn’t ‘peek’ if you were in the vault, you would of had to exit the vault area then drive to PD all when unarmed and then run to PD then go back to the bank.
Overall I don’t see how you can justify the breakage of both of these rules since all you had were bombs and never took NPC’s and Civillians into consideration. I too alongside @Aquaa and @Saint Wylde have seen @NoHax running around with no firearms and only bombs and Molotov’s in bank raids.
There was a misunderstanding between Collier and NoHax. Collier had misunderstood what was being asked and assumed the intention was to bomb the SWAT van and kill TFOs in the process and thus gave him permission. NoHax will be spoken to.
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