Gym routine for a 14 year old

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Anyone got anything i've been going to the gym and like all ive been doing is 5Ks like i need the gains but idk what to do
I can't get onto that since it breaches my parental thing
yes can u take screenshots of it or something please
Anyone got anything i've been going to the gym and like all ive been doing is 5Ks like i need the gains but idk what to do
if u dont eat right u wont get gains no matter how much u lift and how heavy it is, talk to the guy at the desk or the guy that walks around in the gym if he can make / help you with making an eating plan.
you dont have to lift heavy do what fits you. but if ur alpha like me go all in #dab (☭ ͜ʖ ☭)
I have to say, your pretty young, but alright,
-If u don't know how an exercise work, always ask someone.
-don't only focus on your arms, focus on Chest and back, shoulders and (arms).
U train one day: Biceps and back (because u make the same movement with both these exercise.
Other day: Chest and Triceps
Eat good and healthy.
Very important: Do not only train 2 body parts u want to focus in. Train more things like your shoulders, back and never forget legs.
By training legs, your growth hormones are gonna be active asf.
What made me stronger is doing sets. (Europe kilo) (just an example)
first time = do the exercise 12 times with 8 Kilo
Second time= Do the exercise 10 times with 10 Kilo
Third time = Do the exercise 8 times with 12 Kilo.

Just an example with this way, your Muscles are already used to do the exercise and u won't collapse
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If you want to gain strength and mass. You need to eat on a caloric surplus (like 300 calories more than what people at your age/height/weight should eat) and lift weights that put stress on your muscles. Your protein intake is KEY to strength and without it, it'll take a while before you see any physical differences. You say chest/arms so bench press, bench flys and bicep curls should be good for example. says your TDEE, and just add 200-300. You need to have a food weight and MyFitnessPal to count your calories of everything you drink and eat, and you check your scale, you should add around 0.7 to 1kg of weight a week.

But, you're 14. So I'd probably say ignore the calorie counting. Just EAT MORE (not overboard, don't eat a bunch of desserts) and lift weights for the muscle group you want to be stronger/bigger.
how much would i bench press I weight 45 kg
Too young, still growing. I wouldnt go for any gains until your older because you're still growing. Focus on fitness.
yea. i would work on the fit? if u wanna call it like that like shape ur muscles and not on becoming the next teen bodybuilder.
plus if have alot of fat percentage ( dosent mean you are that fat physicaly) then work on getting in shape and lowering that percentage.
Also since u are young u shouldnt be in the gym for more then 30min to an hour 2 times a week
yea. i would work on the fit? if u wanna call it like that like shape ur muscles and not on becoming the next teen bodybuilder.
plus if have alot of fat percentage ( dosent mean you are that fat physicaly) then work on getting in shape and lowering that percentage.
Also since u are young u shouldnt be in the gym for more then 30min to an hour 2 times a week
i might just stick to 5ks they take me 30m to do
id advise you to ask someone that works in the gym, he probably knows better then us
If you're just coming on to resistance training from pure cardio, don't worry about programs/splits/shits/whatever.
A simple full body routine 3 times a week including squats, bench and back work (machines are okay if you're not comfortable with deadlifts) and some others depending on your goals (weighted chins for increased bicep strength for example) will be sufficient. Really, until you get proper strong (unlike me) anything will work. dw

oh yeah start at a challenging weight that you can comfortably do for your target reps (I'd start at 5 so that there's less chance of you overestimating your capabilities and hurting yourself), whether that weight is 5 kilo or 50 isn't important. just whatever works. you are a sticcboi, so i'd start really light or even just start with calisthenics at home just so you can safely learn how your body works ♂♂♂
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