AR on spaceshots and nohax

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Your Steam/In-game Name: bobo

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @SpaceShots / @NoHax

His/Her SteamID: @SpaceShots STEAM_0:0:93635910 / @NoHax Unknown

Why Should This Player Be Punished: both users broke 3.4 i was trying to pull them over for reckless driving they both started evading for no reason as then i got one of their friend at subs on ramp putting him under gun point @NoHax decided to run me over failed the first time the second time ran me over as then @SpaceShots pulled a shotgun and shot me as soon as i got up, remember all this for trying to pull them over for reckless driving they all started reckless driving for no reason and putting themselfs in risk for not a good reason.
i also believe they all died afterwards.

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Tick: none
We were out to kill the mayor, @Mango had a gun on his back and i simply wanted to get @Mango out of the situation. I did not die neither did @SpaceShots or @Mango.

You gunpointed @Mango, so i didn’t think it had anything to do with a traffic offence.

I only ragdolled you and i had a solid chance to escape, as i was In fast car and you were alone armed with a baretta.
Didn’t die in this situation. Pretty sure police knew what our intentions were anyway, is just that you didn’t know. Very suspicious how someone drives down the onramp with guns on their backs whilst on their phones following the mayor. Other than that, pretty much was Nohax has said. Like seriously get a grip and play the game
I was following the mayor down to the suburbs with a weapon on my back, all organisation members being aware of that. You then gun-pointed me out of my vehicle and they shot you on the terms that, we were armed, we were following and trying to kill the mayor, and minutes after you died we killed the mayor. I don't see anything wrong with what they did.
nobody really knew you were after the mayor i knew when the mayor told us you guys been following him and it's when i got on the ramp to intersection you guys really killed me there for no reason and i don't have a reason to arrest you other than reckless driving and evading police and probably gonna give you a ticket for illegal transport and by the way the video you just uploaded it's @Ethan 's perspective @Racxes asked for your perspective ethan was somewhere else when you killed me and it doesn't make any sense adding him to that.

PS. @Racxes they never attempted to assassinate him before that's the first attempt and it doesn't look like anything it just looks like they reckless driving
no that wasn't, you were in the a skyline and you ran me over with it this gif doesn't make any sense for the report rn, and what's up with the 3-5 secs gifs upload the full situation.
i mean mclaren* stop being sarcastic and take this ar seriously... you ran me over there on the ramp and your friend shot me just to catch up with the mayor which isn't even a reason mate.

Dom_    Dom Gandhi    STEAM_0:1:68712767    [Radio] WE BEING FOLLOWED NIGGA    30. Okt. 2018 22:23:29

Dom clearly said in the government radio that he was in danger.
@NoHax can you please tell me why you ran me over and assisted your friend in killing me?
I have told you already, we were out to kill the mayor and the SS and multiple cops were aware.
I haven't read much of the situation, but when I drove up the on-ramp in subs I definitely told the Officer who was there what the situation was as they were blocking me with their cars, not sure how relevant this is but I'll just put this here
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