AR on Dai and Phantom

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Your Steam/In-game Name: [WOLF]Orawolfie | Oliver Jorgensen
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Bryn something | RR for 5 Minutes/ Johnny Won-Tun | Phantom
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:155798045/STEAM_0:1:91191946
Why Should This Player Be Punished: I was just walking out of PD, relaxing. I had just been walking around doing absolutely nothing, I come out the PD and Bryn decides immediatly to make a shot and kill me right outside PD, which resulted in he's own death. Their Apology was due to they were gonna do a bank robbery, but as far I know their not allowed to raid PD for that. After I killed Bryn I was killed by Johnny. @Garret_Pp Wished me to tag him same did @Marcus Hudson I sadly lost Evidence of this Scenario, but I have 3-4 guys more to witness it which @Kenty Was a part of too. There was a second scenario where Bryn didn't take he's hands up under gunpoint resulting in he's second death rigth after he had come back to life.
Evidence (Demo Required):
- Second Scenario
kinda involved cause i was raiding bank with them

I'm 99% sure people have camped outside pd during bank raids before to kos cops and no staff has done anything. I'm also pretty sure a group bombed pd during a bank raid too and I think that might have been @Collier's group
it also wasn't really a raid because there wasn't any intentions of breaking into the pd
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Your Steam/In-game Name: [WOLF]Orawolfie | Oliver Jorgensen
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Bryn something | RR for 5 Minutes/ Johnny Won-Tun | Phantom
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:155798045/STEAM_0:1:91191946
Why Should This Player Be Punished: I was just walking out of PD, relaxing. I had just been walking around doing absolutely nothing, I come out the PD and Bryn decides immediatly to make a shot and kill me right outside PD, which resulted in he's own death. Their Apology was due to they were gonna do a bank robbery, but as far I know their not allowed to raid PD for that. After I killed Bryn I was killed by Johnny. @Garret_Pp Wished me to tag him same did @Marcus Hudson I sadly lost Evidence of this Scenario, but I have 3-4 guys more to witness it which @Kenty Was a part of too. There was a second scenario where Bryn didn't take he's hands up under gunpoint resulting in he's second death rigth after he had come back to life.
Evidence (Demo Required):
- Second Scenario
4am and you're pissed off that other people started a shootout for you. Would you rather go of duty because nothings happening or just drive around. Really isn't hard to see criminal rp is suffering. Nobody bases and when someone does start something you get petty ARr's because you cant make refund requests for 5 minutes. Was anyone negatively affected by my actions? Did you get to chase bank robbers and have something to do for 2 hours? This is pathetic honestly. If you're that sad and dumb enough to realise that without us you'd have been doing nothing all night rather than more speed traps while wanking in hour long videos there's something wrong.

I pressed my bind for act zombie twice instead of act surrender. Either way your P.O.V shows I am no threat.
You've literally been a Pain in the ass All day, and yes Multiple people were effected and literally pissed off over your actions. I'm not sure if @Kenty Was, but @Garret_Pp, @Marcus Hudson and I definitely were pissed off over it, even if you hadn't shot at us, we would have had something to do in the bank robbery. You've legitly done nothing, but trying to piss everyone off lately. You bet your fucking ass I would make an AR
To be honest this is my first time getting AR lemme say that I was going for PD rush with @Daigestive he told me to KOS cops when we start bank robbery.
by the way I saw this happen 2-3 times and nobody was talk about it so I think Legit to do that.
to be make sense sometime I saw people getting killed before bank robbery by cops and cops gonna hunt bank robber anyway.
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Video of Johnny Won-Ton raiding PD during bank raid to "get easy kills"...
I just don't think this behavior is acceptable or should be encouraged.
Nice metagame lmfao what an idiot... Don't see no radio comms. Why didn't you report this?
Grow up it' a game. How's staring shootouts a bad thing? without me you'd be wanking doing speed traps again. Kenty said he doesn't understand why you're so pissed off we're starting shootouts because you'd be doing nothing otherwise. We were the bank robbery. You've literally shown this is pure salt from that 1 comment.
Nice metagame lmfao what an idiot... Don't see no radio comms. Why didn't you report this?
Yeah that was me over the radio - It was 4am, we were discussing some topics and I was holding both my Push 2 Talk for both Teamspeak3 and In-game, hence why you could hear me talking. I wasn't attempting to use this information to gain any particular advantage, and in no way meant to do so. So, apologies about that.
Doesnt bother me at all but these guys want to be petty. I don't see why you'd need to say what you did IC to someone in your car tbh. Because you're not talking over radio.
this was a rly cringey when you pretended to be scared defiantly not a reason to pop him in the head tho
I'm more confused on why you decided to spray him down for just flinging his arms around? He wasn't running at you and his hands weren't going in his pockets? Seems like you just wanted to kill him because "You've literally been a Pain in the ass All day".
this is possibly the 2nd worst AR i've seen, the #1 was when a guy got himself banned
The alarm has went off, so i'm pretty sure they are allowed to kill cops on sight? I might be wrong, but i've done that multiple times with staff members present by my side
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