AR on Dai and Phantom

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been told if they have been witnessed in cop shooting by another cop, gun or no gun out, shoot em.
Not completely true Daft also, he had just been dead he was just in a 3.4 Area.
You are confused why Dai got sprayed down? Fucking hell Jackier, if this was real life he would have been shot as soon as he had exited the car. He got so many chances, and he decided to break these chances.
Grow up it' a game. How's staring shootouts a bad thing? without me you'd be wanking doing speed traps again. Kenty said he doesn't understand why you're so pissed off we're starting shootouts because you'd be doing nothing otherwise. We were the bank robbery. You've literally shown this is pure salt from that 1 comment.

Listen daigestive. You are only being toxic right now. If you don't got any good things to say, shut your mouth. Silence is better than bullshit, and you talk shit all the time. Rules are to be followed at all time, that's what I had to do these 4 years I been playing perp. So get along with it, or get outta here.
I wasnt warranted nor had I commited a crime. Garret just metagamed its Jane's car after he died because she was warranted.
16 bans. You have no concept of the rules. You have an open AR for RDM lmao what an idiot.
Orawolfie is pissed off I've started shootouts all day even though he's on duty wanking and told him IC nice tail because he's a furry. Complete salt AR @Ethan @NoHax

Marcus is pissed off he's got an AR for RDMing two of us in a shootout lmao. Even dumb enough to act like he has any concept of the rules with 16 bans.

Garret has been angry all day. I even have people on duty saying how salty he is dying in shootouts. Executes me for pressing my wrong bind twice while I hadnt commited a crime and he had metagamed Jane's car during his NLR while killed by people warranted for the bank. Very salty in an admin sit with me as well even though I wasnt saying anything until he started trying to roast me that I have no intentions to follow the rules.
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Also you weren't kinda involved you WERE involved, since you were a part of Bank Robbery :).
even oliver thought it was unfair in this clip "What the hell are you doing"
Nice metagame lmfao what an idiot... Don't see no radio comms. Why didn't you report this?
I am going to limit my involvement here as much as I can. But you cannot hear my side of teamspeak audio. I told him to mute his teamspeak when responding to police incidents and not to say stuff like that to aviod meta gaming, and that i didn't want to report him (implying i would in the future). This is the first time I noticed him saying something like this while in the TS.
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