Bank Robbery

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United Kingdom
Is this a new law or a change to a current law: New

What law do you wish to change/add: 9.8 - Any person who commits the offence of robbing money from the bank or is involved in the robbery.
Liable to 10 years / Dont know what ticket.

Why should this change/addition be made: I believe that this should be added because when people rob the bank and we catch them it is very hard to know if we can put them in for murder or anything as such because it could have been from a different day. I also think this should be added because it would be so much easier to have a bank robbery law which has the same amount of years as murder so then it doesn't matter if they killed anyone or not since they were involved in the killings or stealing of anything.

What is the aim of this change/addition: To make it much easier for bank robbery suspects to be charged even though if it is unidentified that they have killed someone during the bank robbery.

Additional Information: Please leave your opinions below.
I just don't see it necessary. A Bank robbery is an extreme case, so just stack up the charges of attempted murder, weapon offenses and break and enter.
I just find that this would be easier and much quicker than doing all of that which you have listed. That's why I deem it necessary. But I see where your coming from aswell.
I don't ever bother listing the law numbers after a bank robbery. I just put "Bank Robbery" as the reason.
Cops need to realise that Robbing the bank is not 10 years and max ticket unless they kill someone, policy states that charges can't be stacked unless lt approval, would be nice to have an actual law covering this, should not be 10 years by default maybe 7-8?
Cops need to realise that Robbing the bank is not 10 years and max ticket unless they kill someone, policy states that charges can't be stacked unless lt approval, would be nice to have an actual law covering this, should not be 10 years by default maybe 7-8?

I wouldn't mind that either. All I want is a specific law that states what they are liable too. This will also stop people from stacking charges when they aren't allowed since I believe this happens a lot within the bank robbery charges side of things.
Bank robbers at LEAST are guilty of being an accessory to the murder of multiple LEO's and strong armed robbery, there doesnt need to be a specific law regarding it.
Bank robbers at LEAST are guilty of being an accessory to the murder of multiple LEO's and strong armed robbery, there doesnt need to be a specific law regarding it.

Yes but all I am saying that for some Officers who are new and don't fully understand the charges for bank robberies yet this would be a big help. It doesn't matter to you since you already know them all.
TLDR; Much more easier for newer officers to charge the suspects, however I don't new officers will charge them since there is always Seniors+ on.
As of right now you can be less lazy and interogate them. Get some answers out of them if they murdered anyone etc. Works for me. I usually offer compromises if they offer answers etc.

By default they are charged with trespassing, theft and aiding and abedding. That is a max. 5 year sentence.

Don't add a law that will remove interogations. Do some RP.
You cant interrogate someone with 0 evidence other than a automatically placed warrant
They are not guilty to that offence unless it can be proven they took part in the murdering of that person or if they attempted it.
Aiding and abedding, trespassing and theft are all you can charge them with. You can not stack these charges unless permission has been given by an LT or above.

You only have the right to charge someone if you know they comitted these actions/crimes. Not if you only suspect it.
Not true. Policy states "Officers are expected to not add up laws and not use maximum sentences unless in extreme circumstances". Nowhere does it state they need approval, they simply need to use their own judgement.
Yes you can. I can work off everything. It's how it works irl. I would go into further detail, but it'd expose my interogation technique.
Find your own one and use it. It can be really fun.
Hr's actually right tilin. You can be charged for accessory to murder if someone gets murdered in a bank robbery you are aiding. If you are with that individual and allow him to murder someone or fail to report him you are accessory to murder.
What is an extreme circiumstance??? There are no guidelines on this. Just like use of force. The handbook misses alot of required and valuable information. Such as definitions or guidelines as to what may be extreme or not.

A bank robbery law should be introduced. And put to 7-8 years in jail unless you have comitted 9.5/9.2
Tillin, in real life they would look back over CCTV footage but regardless, all of them would face the same felony charges. Battery, Jeopardy, Assault, Intent to harm and simply using weapons to intimidate. As soon as one person commits one offense, they all have.
Investigation like that isn't possible. We don't have CCTV recordings, only the live feed and if there isn't a d ispatcher, you have no video evidence. Then you need to rely on DNA which (lets be honest) isn't always ideal.
True. But if you put roleplay into it you might get something out of it. I see your point though.
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