Decrease tfu their movement speed when they are wearing full armor.

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Main Idea: Decrease tfu their movement speed when they are wearing full armor.

Full description of the idea:
TFU will be able to choose between 2 armor sets. One set of armor will be the current set of armor and will decrease their movement speed. Somewhere around 20-30% slower compared to civilians thus making them slower than civilians. This will allow civilians to run away from tfu and also will be realistic.

Tfu can also choose to equip a lighter piece of armor giving them the current movement speed, but less armor obviously.
Full armor would be the following:
  • 100% armor. (the current tfu armor)
  • 20% less movement speed compared to civilians.
  • Head armor
The light armor version would be:
  • 70% armor.
  • Normal cop movement speed (So faster then civs)
  • No Head armor

Why should it be added?: The current state of TFU is not balanced and it needs to be balanced. This should be a decent update in order to balance tfu. Tfu will be able to choose between playstyles because one set of armor allows you to be more mobile while the other one will make you less mobile but have a shit ton of armor.

Almost every suggestion gets denied I believe that straight up says ''decrease tfu armor''. I believe this might be a very good alternative to the whole nerfing tfu thing.

Different ways to ''play'' tfu.

Tfu gets nerfed.

*Other additions: If a tfu is wearing full armor and their armor is destroyed or damaged below 70% they will still have the movement speed debuff.

Even though this might be plpd related I believe that more people check the perpheads forums compared to the forums. Therefore I think it's better to discuss this here.

Note: I still believe that the following should be discussed:
Full armor tfu will have head armor
Light armor tfu will have no head armor.
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I support this, I don’t want TFU to be crippled or whatever, but some sort of speed decrease would be realistic and good for balance since criminals commonly get crippled.
Imagine disagreeing with a good suggestion that would help everyone on the server without even providing an argument smh my head.

At the end of the day PLPD people say "bUt, But, TFU iS r3al1sti1c when you need 20 magazines to kill him!!!1!1!111!!!"
Imagine having a huge armor and still being able to move like Husein Bolt.
Guess what you can play just like a crim when you get tired of TFU.
TFU is very enjoyable rn, especially since no bullets hit you properly (always thought it was my aim going shit when I saw TFU)
And it takes me as TFU 3 minutes to rearm or get uncrippled from any location.

This is a game. In every game where you pick armor you lose agility. It's a point which really makes you consider how to play it. With this you could get different TFU play styles and get more diverse roles within a TFU team.


We're working on some fixes for these issues, however this specific one isn't a favourite of mine.

Expect changes relating to this in January.
I remember when swat used to stay at pd and only used to respond to panics or calls from officers, that's actually a good idea to bring back
I love these one sided nerf tfu topics, because they are never about balancing and always about giving crims an even more easy time. They have already nerfed/fixed the head armor, removed contruction booklet for cancerous bases, then nerfed the van, then nerfed the deployment policy and people are still crying because TFU is the one obstacle left to turn every LEO into a GTA NPC to run over or shoot on sight for fun.

Take into perspective that most shootouts are actually lost by PD and that the win rate is like 25-35% at most in big shootouts. We're already at the point that charging into a apartment is completely pointless because there are 6 people aiming AK-47/101 to the single entrance behind a massive cancerous defense structure. In addition getting a actually full TFU team of 4 as trained with almost never happens because there aren't even enough TFU's that play / aren't playing anymore.

By today's standards a single TFU is expected to take down around 4/5 guys to win the big shootouts, take that into mind that the armor only protects you from a single headshot in most cases and that 50 cal's being used against leo's isn't uncommon.

Your suggestion about nerfing speed would cripple TFU even more if they would try to go into the apartment death trap that is already nearly impossible to win. That is why i disagree @Jonah
Can you please elaborate on what “Today’s standards” are and what you mean by that?
The amount of crims VS the TFU on duty in the latest shootouts of December. Taking into consideration a single AK-101 person can easily take on 3 normal leo's at mid to long range distance i expect normal leo's to do about 2-4 crim kills if we're up vs 10-12 or so, leaving the rest of duty on the couple TFU on duty.
They have already nerfed/fixed the head armor
If "nerfed" means fixing headboxes, sure

then nerfed the van
If by "nerfed the van" you mean they actually made it realistic, before even 2 mags from M82 couldnt break it.

In addition getting a actually full TFU team of 4 as trained with almost never happens because there aren't even enough TFU's that play / aren't playing anymore.
There is always 2+TFU which is enough to raid a base, one camps with a sniper like a complete cunt and the other one wallbangs the living shit out of the property.
The amount of crims VS the TFU on duty in the latest shootouts of December. Taking into consideration a single AK-101 person can easily take on 3 normal leo's at mid to long range distance i expect normal leo's to do about 2-4 crim kills if we're up vs 10-12 or so, leaving the rest of duty on the couple TFU on duty.
In a different situation yesterday there was around 8 of us raiding an appartment in Slums, with 3 tfu and 5 cops they managed to kill us all by rushing and sponging everything. Saying 1 person with an AR can kill 3 LEO' but how many people does it take to kill 1 TFU without defence? 3-4 in most cases or Id excpect a TFU to get atleast 2 kills before dying. In that case, how many crims would we have to take to win a raid against 3 tfu and 5 cops? 10+. We shouldnt have to. The only reason we cant have org wars and revive criminal RP is that we have to team against the PD or its impossible to beat more than 2 TFU with 6-8 criminals in a shootout.
Nothing has been "nerfed" only fixed. Only thing that was nerfed was that only 2 can patrol even though you're yet to make it clear when more gear up so it can be abused for free shootouts in your safespace.
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