AR on Leonard Mayfair, Dylan Rusell and Natsumi Asao

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Will Ray / [IFN] Danger [TM]
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: ALOO89, Leonard Mayfair, STEAM_0:0:169228602
Legend_RF, Natsumi Asao, STEAM_0:1:82948729
DB_KILLER, Dylan Rusell, STEAM_0:0:51492557
His/Her SteamID: ^^^ steamids are above
Why Should This Player Be Punished: So all of them for 3.4/3.6. So Natsumi was warranted for investigative purposes as we dont fully know what happened with the officer, if someone ran over the officer, squished him between Natsumi's car and their car and Natsumi's took the brunt of the DNA. We noticed that Leonard and Dylan were illegally transporting, and we were chasing them because of it. All the officers lost sight of them and they could of went into hiding. Instead they were driving around, and when we finally stopped them, Leonard and Dylan got out and killed us over a small illegal transportation. We didnt know Natsumi was in the car until Collier mentioned it to me when he was dealing with the report.

Evidence (Demo Required): Demo will be sent to Staff who are handling this due to data protection.
Tick: Will be in the PM i send to the Staff who are handling this.
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Before when i uploaded my full demo, people managed to work out my real name and shit and started signing my email up for shit.
Bro, you clearly broke rules or some shit and don't want us seeing it. It is physically impossible to gain someones personal information through a garrys mod demo being uploaded. The only way possible would be if you uploaded it to mega and named your mega your real full name...
@Atomic At the time, i signed up to Drop box, had my email, didnt have privacy settings set correctly and real name, and they got my name and shit.
Sure i will be happy to do so, if you dont mind having collier there aswell.
what are you talking about i dont remmber and when did we shot you ?
can you put video so i remmber
I spoke to Daft Punk/Danger on teamspeak and I believe I’ve sorted the situation on my side, what it was is we when trying to get the drill and do the bank raid and we thought cops were after natsumi for a past situation which was only a investigation. So I believe I and Daft Punk/Danger has sorted it from my point of view. He can confirm
i want to see video so i know why i got AR on me and where i break 3.4 and 3.6 other way idk what are you talking about
We believed That I was warranted which I was so tfu was after us for me and we had guns and drill on us so we tried to kill the tfu and get rid of him then go to the bank but the positioning we took was bad which led to most of us dying
Leonard and Dylan were illegally transporting, and we were chasing them because of it. All the officers lost sight of them and they could of went into hiding
I have received some context to this and also gone over your evidence. As far as I can tell, the drill had just been collected at Bazaar (explaining their presence) and they had visible guns on them. Stopping them would have resulted in a failed Bank Robbery.

What are your opinions on this @Daft Punk?
Me and Bojing didnt know they were about to do another bank raid. From what DB Killer said, the original person who they were doing it with fucked up first time around, meaning they had no warrants. When they got the drill, was when they shot us. Officers (including me and Bojing) were after Leonard and DB Killer for Illegal transportation, a small ticket and probably a small jail time or a ticket, depending on the situation.
the original person who they were doing it with fucked up first time around, meaning they had no warrants.
Warrants are set when the alarm goes off, this made no difference
When they got the drill, was when they shot us.
I don't have an issue with this as they were preparing for a Bank Robbery already. Stopping and searching can take a long time and can be the deciding factor in a Bank Robbery failing (especially with the drill confiscated). They would have shot you a few moments later at the Bank had they continued with the pursuit.
after Leonard and DB Killer for Illegal transportation, a small ticket and probably a small jail time
This would have failed the Bank Robbery.

After taking everything I have read here and over my Steam chats with the people involved into consideration, it appears to me that the players mentioned in this AR prolonged the pursuit and ultimately shot cops in an attempt to ensure the Bank Robbery would go ahead.

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