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Just to clarify, no I'm not a nonce.

Cutting straight to the point, it doesn't need an explanation to realise that there are sex offenders in this community and the fact that both of them were staff members. There are also a lot more rumours going around about current staff members and I wouldn't doubt them after the events that just transpired. The reason I still care about it is because of the fact that this has only just been dealt with after two years of grooming and the recurring answer is that there isn't enough proof or some other half-hearted reason to the point where it's beyond a joke. Furthermore, I don't feel comfortable working with an administrator that uses his job as an ego boost due and constantly feels the need to think that he's above everyone just because he cannot replicate the amount of respect he gets inside of perp, outside of perp.

I resigned from RTU Command a couple of months ago due to the same type of power-hungry environment, making it feel like a full time job and not enjoyable at all. Not to mention the fact that the division was overseen by a sex offender who was also acting weird around me at the time of me being Command, thankfully now gone from the community.

One thing that I think needs to happen in the community is change within the Senior Administration team. I constantly hear there's not enough evidence about things and nothing has been done for months, for it to only turn out that we were right all along. This doesn't just apply to the situation that happened today and I think the same problem is present with cheaters. This time I had to take some change upon myself because clearly Senior Administration was not doing anything about the consistent complaints about harassment on Snapchat, and now he's gone from the community.

Don't remove this post; it's not slander if there's evidence.

edit: been reinstated due to the fact they're both community wide banned now, the point of the post still remains.
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Time to get the 2.5 machine ready,

remove nonce.

On a serious note, it's god awful that those are the responses that people got for a legitimate and serious concern regarding that sort of behaviour. When this sort of thing happens, it does make me sick to my stomach knowing it might even happen to someone I know, or even me. Thanks for standing up to this shit.
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Just to clarify, no I'm not a nonce.

Cutting straight to the point, it doesn't need an explanation to realise that there are sex offenders in this community and the fact that both of them were staff members. There are also a lot more rumours going around about current staff members and I wouldn't doubt them after the events that just transpired. The reason I still care about it is because of the fact that this has only just been dealt with after two years of grooming and the recurring answer is that there isn't enough proof or some other half-hearted reason to the point where it's beyond a joke. Furthermore, I don't feel comfortable working with an administrator that uses his job as an ego boost due and constantly feels the need to think that he's above everyone just because he cannot replicate the amount of respect he gets inside of perp, outside of perp.

I resigned from RTU Command a couple of months ago due to the same type of power-hungry environment, making it feel like a full time job and not enjoyable at all. Not to mention the fact that the division was overseen by a sex offender who was also acting weird around me at the time of me being Command, thankfully now gone from the community.

One thing that I think needs to happen in the community is change within the Senior Administration time. I constantly hear there's not enough evidence about things and nothing has been done for months, for it to only turn out that we were right all along. This doesn't just apply to the situation that happened today and I think the same problem is present with cheaters. This time I had to take some change upon myself because clearly Senior Administration was not doing anything about the consistent complaints about harassment on Snapchat, and now he's gone from the community.

Don't remove this post; it's not slander if there's evidence.
Glad some staff members are standing up to this type of behavior. Here's to hoping it will change but I won't hold my breath..
I mean it's funny because when I applied for staff I was denied, I asked Madda on two occasions why this was and I was never given an answer, I poked him and didn't get an answer, I checked his Idle timer on TeamSpeak to see if he was purposely ignoring me; Which he was :^)

I was also told by an anonymous source that an ex-staff member who is currently a high ranked officer in the PLPD has asked for nudes from several people, male users within the community, the user also promised the user who was asked to send a picture of their genitals something in returned (probably a PLPD rank). I have evidence of this situation. This user will probably and hopefully know who they are and their snapchat chat is saved and if it doesn't stop and them not quitting they will be reported to the feds.

You're a piece of shit and to the people in the division who have more or less forced some people to send nudes of themselves to you for ranks, you deserve to fucking rot in hell you ugly maggots. You're disgusting and don't stay in the community.

In all seriousness it's sad that this went unchecked. To do it towards minors as well is just despicable
Furthermore, I don't feel comfortable working with an administrator that uses his job as an ego boost due and constantly feels the need to think that he's above everyone just because he cannot replicate the amount of respect he gets inside of perp, outside of perp.
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