Thread closed due to starting/designing something new and exciting.
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With best regards;

"The best way to enter our business is to be born into it”

"What is Los Zetas?"
Los Zetas are well armed and equipped, and unlike other traditional criminal organizations in Paralake City, drug trafficking makes up at least 50% of their revenue, while a large portion of the income comes from other activities directed against both rival drug cartels and civilians.
Their brutal tactics, which include beheadings, torture and indiscriminate slaughter, show that they often prefer brutality over bribery. Los Zetas are also Paralake City's largest drug cartel. Los Zetas also operate through protection rackets, assassinations, extortion, kidnappings, and other criminal activities.
'We do not have any specific rules, only rational inhibitions
Stupidity will lead to consequences, cameron'
'Behave properly!'

▲ Lieutenants (Spanish: Lugartenientes): The second highest position in the drug cartel organization that are responsible for supervising the hitmen and falcons within their own territory. They are allowed to carry out low-profile executions without permission from their bosses.
▲ Zetas (Spanish: Zs): Zetas are the elite force in the drug cartel that have proved that they are ready for anything. They're are Highly trained
▲ Marines (Spanish: Marinas): The military group of the drug cartel who are well trained. They're responsible for fighting rival cartels and well armed organizations.
▲ Hitmen (Spanish: Sicarios): The armed group within the drug cartel that are responsible for carrying out assassinations, kidnappings, thefts, extortions, operating protection rackets, and defending their 'plaza' (turf) from rival groups and the military.
▲ Falcons (Spanish: Halcones): Considered the "eyes and ears" of the streets, the 'falcons' are the lowest rank in any drug cartel. They are responsible for supervising and reporting the activities of the police, the military and their
rival groups.

Drug lords (Spanish: Capos):
Heriberto Lazcano
Miguel Lazcano @Yung Vuitton
Lieutenants (Spanish: Lugartenientes):
Carlos Lazcano
Zetas (Spanish: Zs): (Classified)
Z-7 (sgt)
Z-9 (spc)
Z-6 (spc)
Marines (Spanish: Marinas):
Shay Agapito (cpl)
Soren Rabit (pfc)
John Sugavi (pvt)
Antonio Rodriguez (pvt)
Ramon Chavez (pvt)
Ran Luka (pvt)
Hitmen (Spanish: Sicarios):
Phill Brooks
Jacobe Vega
Mortakai Costello
Falcons (Spanish: Halcones):
Juan Lopez
Nick Kalaschnikov
Michael Miller
Steve Cockerel
Pablo Vega
Hennry Mortiboy
Andrew Clayton
Minions (Spanish: Esclavos) (Trial members +1)
Seiko Brook
Membership: 21+1
Commando Medallion "♛"
Heriberto Lazcano
Miguel Lazcano @Yung Vuitton
Lieutenants (Spanish: Lugartenientes):
Carlos Lazcano
Zetas (Spanish: Zs): (Classified)
Z-7 (sgt)
Z-9 (spc)
Z-6 (spc)
Marines (Spanish: Marinas):
Shay Agapito (cpl)
Soren Rabit (pfc)
John Sugavi (pvt)
Antonio Rodriguez (pvt)
Ramon Chavez (pvt)
Ran Luka (pvt)
Hitmen (Spanish: Sicarios):
Phill Brooks
Jacobe Vega
Mortakai Costello
Falcons (Spanish: Halcones):
Juan Lopez
Nick Kalaschnikov
Michael Miller
Steve Cockerel
Pablo Vega
Hennry Mortiboy
Andrew Clayton
Minions (Spanish: Esclavos) (Trial members +1)
Seiko Brook
Membership: 21+1
Commando Medallion "♛"
[Recruitment Applications: Closed]
Thread closed due to starting/designing something new and exciting.
Thanks for almost 2K views!
With best regards;

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