Question about cracks in wooden fences

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
A thread where I'm just wondering about something, does not fall under rule discussion and just general server discussion. I still don't know if these kind of investigations are allowed by the Police. I'm talking about looking through the cracks of Wooden Fences and using photos like these as evidence to raid or to find raids.

Not throwing shade at the person who uploaded this I'm just using this as an example, this has been done before in the past but never got to know if such thing is even allowed. Official staff word on this matter would be nice as I always doubted myself if I should use this kind of thing too back in the day.

The prop itself is from Half-Life 2, not very complete and made to look weary from the setting/atmosphere it comes from but I still treat it as a solid wall that you can't just look through. People have boarded up this little crack with wooden boards/planks before to stop this kind of "pixel peek" thing some players have been using to gather evidence for a raid or for other purposes.

Please don't be too philosophical in the replies, polls are no longer a thing so I can't really post one to see what people think.
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No, that could be a living room plant for all you know. That isn't good enough evidence for drugs in my opinion.

I always say if you can see the planter box with the leaves sticking out, you are good to go. But this is just being raid hungry if you raid over this.
No, that could be a living room plant for all you know. That isn't good enough evidence for drugs in my opinion.

I always say if you can see the planter box with the leaves sticking out, you are good to go. But this is just being raid hungry if you raid over this.
it's perp. Most people are powerhungry and will take this chance anyways to raid. They say "mAkE iA". Think it should just be against the rules
yes this is allowed, so long as you're not prop climbing to see it and what not. Just place 2 boards on top of each other for 100% coverage
yes this is allowed, so long as you're not prop climbing to see it and what not. Just place 2 boards on top of each other for 100% coverage

This is the crack he is talking about I believe (correct me if im wrong). I don't think a crack like that which is caused by a shit gmod prop should give reasons to raid
This shouldn't be allowed. I mean for all anyone knows that could just be a chai tea plant!

I think there should be something put it place to actually distinguish drugs between an everyday plant, so cops don't just see a single leaf and raid you.

I was raided for this back in April, although a bit more of the plant is visible. Realistically, you wouldn't be able to determine it's a coke plant but it's PERP. Cops are still pretty likely to raid over a tiny gap, as long as they can see some of the plant.

I was raided for this back in April, although a bit more of the plant is visible. Realistically, you wouldn't be able to determine it's a coke plant but it's PERP. Cops are still pretty likely to raid over a tiny gap, as long as they can see some of the plant.
That's a pretty considerable gap that you left out on your part, I'm on about the little vertical/horizontal gap that goes through all the way the (short) wooden fence which lets you peek through it.
I always assumed the gap in the prop itself is something you're not supposed to see trough, so i never used it to raid. Only if the prop wasn't properly placed and if there was a gap visible to the sides of the fence then i'd say thats just lazy placement and your own fault
From what I've heard it's not allowed to raid someone because of it even though long ago (2016-2017) it used to be allowed. I always put 2 fences when I'm blocking a window just in case the officer that sees it is a newer player and thinks it's allowed to place a warrant because of it.

I was raided for this back in April, although a bit more of the plant is visible. Realistically, you wouldn't be able to determine it's a coke plant but it's PERP. Cops are still pretty likely to raid over a tiny gap, as long as they can see some of the plant.
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Bearing the fact this is PERP and the only thing you can grow is cocaine and weed I don't see why cops shouldn't be able to raid over it, basing is already a risk free money making method the only risk is being raided by another civ other than that cops are no problem
Grounds for questioning and investigation. If they fail to comply with an investigation breach may be necessary.

Imo this is the same as raiding over a text message ping @Synatec ;) x
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