Server Suggestion Daily objectives

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Description of the idea:
To encourage varied and unique gameplay experiences, players should be given several daily objectives that offer rewards.

Maybe it could work as such:
- Regular players are given 2 daily objectives
- VIPs and new players are given 4.

People say there’s nothing to do on PERP anymore when a huge part of this game mode relies on player creativity.

The rewards for the daily objectives shouldn’t be too large.
Ideas for daily objectives include:

- in general, sell (amount) of (item type) via cash register price tags

- Craft (amount) of (item type based on a crafting skill)
- Craft (amount) workbench items
- Cook (amount) of fish
- Grow (amount) of pumpkins.

drugs / fishing:
- Catch (amount) of (fish type)
- Harvest (amount) of mushrooms.
Shrooms should be the only drug with this award in order to make them viable + growing shrooms doesn’t need to be done in a base and therefor people need to actively search for them. Money gained from mushrooms is horrifically disbalanced with their risk of detection + time consumed.

Put out a naturally occurring fire as firefighter
Revive (amount) of different people as medic
Drive the mayors limo for 2 miles with the mayor as a passenger
Repair (amount) of different civilian cars as roadcrew worker
Deliver (amount) of packages to different people or businesses as Courier.
Drive (amount) of different passengers to their locations as taxi driver.

Successfully raid bank with no more than (amount) of other players
Steal (amount) of different cars.

Anti abuse tactics:
- Items sold should be sold to non organisation members via cash registers regardless of tax state, the price of said item should be slightly more than the items base value to prevent 1 dollar objective farmers.

- for fireman and medic objectives, players you kill or fires you start won’t count towards the objective count.
- Daily objectives involving sales, car thefts, etc. would only count if not done to org members, allies, or cars you have keys to.

- Courier package objectives should only count if the packages are delivered outside of Courier van spawns or package spawn areas.

- All objectives involving the word “different people” will only apply if the service is being provided / victims of the crime are offered / committed against different people.
Other notes:
Players will not be stuck with objectives they would be unable to fulfil in regards to crafting, etc.

Ideas for rewards could include:
- Essential items that don’t last forever / break when used such as fishing rods, wrenches, medical supplies, ammo, etc.
- Money. (5000-20000)
- Org XP.

Why should this be added? (pros):
- Would encourage people to be more creative with incentives of rewards.
- Encourages varied gameplay for people who would do anything to get money.
- Rewarding players for creating a more lively and enjoyable atmosphere to PERP.

What negatives could this have? (cons):
- Potential for abuse could still be there.
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Maybe daily rewards/roulettes in some form to encourage logging in and playing?
Maybe daily rewards/roulettes in some form to encourage logging in and playing?
Money for nothing is never a good thing. This idea takes the pros of that idea without taking away from a grind. Players will essentially be encouraged to roleplay, or create more items to add into the economy in some way, shape or form, and receive the rewards for doing so.
Can't we just make it so everyone gets the same amount of daily objective, VIP's already get an enormous amount of benefits, which kind of makes the server "unplayable" as a non VIP, I do like the daily objectives idea though, I just don't think it should benefit VIP's more than the server already does

Also, having the same amount of objectives for everyone, will encourage EVERYONE to Roleplay atleast 4x right? Which essentialy would improve the server
Can't we just make it so everyone gets the same amount of daily objective, VIP's already get an enormous amount of benefits, which kind of makes the server "unplayable" as a non VIP, I do like the daily objectives idea though, I just don't think it should benefit VIP's more than the server already does

Also, having the same amount of objectives for everyone, will encourage EVERYONE to Roleplay atleast 4x right? Which essentialy would improve the server
It’s not unplayable at all without vip.
We Genshin Impact fuck it, I like the idea but I'd love to be able to choose 1 or 2 daily objectives instead of being forced to do those that a random system picks out for me which is a problem in the previously mentioned game. Being able to re-roll them would also work.
Nice idea.
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