Map Suggestion Make the small buildings next to slums usable

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Main Idea: Make the small buildings next to slums usable (maybe a small restaurant that could be competitive to to McUwes or other business establishment )

Full description of the idea:
The current space next to the fire station is blocked off even though it is a very good location for a small business or a small office type of place as it is close to the city hall where people spawn

Why should it be added?:
It would make use of the space next to the fire station and would provide more places to purchase

  • More purchasable places
  • New business establishment where people can start a business/ small office
  • will make use of an empty space

  • can't think of any

The issue with this right now is as far as I know, the map is still basically on it's limit for how many things it can have.
So this could be done, but something else might have to be removed, or someone would have to build these buildings as one big model which is time consuming
The issue with this right now is as far as I know, the map is still basically on it's limit for how many things it can have.
So this could be done, but something else might have to be removed, or someone would have to build these buildings as one big model which is time consuming
I think this was fixed via a recent update to gmod? so the limit was pretty significantly increased, correct me if I'm wrong however
I think this was fixed via a recent update to gmod? so the limit was pretty significantly increased, correct me if I'm wrong however
This is correct, a year or 2 ago the limits were highered significantly (I think almost doubled) giving more space to new developments to be made possible but I don't know how much is added in V5 and what the possibilities will be
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