5.5 Robbing the bank

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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 5.5 Robbing the bank

Your version of the rule:

Players are only allowed to assist in the bank robbery if they have joined the bank robbery by texting the NPC. They must be outside the vault when the drill is placed and must not travel too far from the bank before the vault door is opened. Any player who is removed from the bank robbery must no longer assist in the robbery and must flee the area.

Hostages may not be taken before, during or after a bank robbery. Police may not force players who are arrested after the bank robbery is successful to forfeit the cash given to them by the bank robbery NPC.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:
The goal is to create more interesting bank robberies, rather than to just immediately open fire on bank robbers/police. This allows for more tactical planning from both sides, and creates an interesting situation for both police & bank robbers to solve. This also allows smaller groups of people to stand a chance in robbing the bank while there is a strong police presence.

Obviously there are other things to take into account as well. The hostage would have to be a genuine hostage, meaning that it must be a person who is not "in" on the robbery. The player being taken hostage may not be mugged either.

I discussed this with @Samuel, and we were not really sure what positives and drawbacks there could be (Except the ones mentioned above) so if you have any views on it, please, leave it bellow!
it was argued it would be too easy. technically there's little to no counter to getting hostages then getting a person to grab the money. You can then blackmail police that you'll start executing hostages if you don't let your money-wielding friend free and allow him free passage. You can do this and only end up leaving one behind to negotiate. Police really has no choice if they want the hostages to live, so it'll usually end up being too easy. It would also allow the hostage takers to use them as body shields where applicable.
it was argued it would be too easy. technically there's little to no counter to getting hostages then getting a person to grab the money. You can then blackmail police that you'll start executing hostages if you don't let your money-wielding friend free and allow him free passage. You can do this and only end up leaving one behind to negotiate. Police really has no choice if they want the hostages to live, so it'll usually end up being too easy. It would also allow the hostage takers to use them as body shields where applicable.
Combine this with the rest of Rule 5.5 and it seems like an easy method to make money as you pointed out. Police are always obliged to ensure the hostages safety, depending on the current on-duty officers you have to hope that higher ranks prevent a shootout where Officer Bob Good makes a daring pistol sniper shot to take down the hostage taker.
Police may not force players who are arrested after the bank robbery is successful to forfeit the cash given to them by the bank robbery NPC.
My concern would be that if negociating for the hostage you will just get shot whenever the bank robbers feel like it.

dont get me wrong, I really like this. But it happens so often that I get shot mid negotiations just because the hostage takers feel like doing this.
this would be good as it would require the police to plan more rather then just spraying up the place like target practise
My concern would be that if negociating for the hostage you will just get shot whenever the bank robbers feel like it.

dont get me wrong, I really like this. But it happens so often that I get shot mid negotiations just because the hostage takers feel like doing this.
this is exactly why we teach tfu to keep an angle & always have people from outside watching on stage 3s, seems like a skill problem to me at this point

It takes up a huge portion of the city where a large number of NPCs are, as well as car spawns. Having hostages takes far too long, meaning these areas will be closed off, restricted or otherwise unsafe for much longer, and also results in people being randomly kidnapped and held against there will for ages.

Killing the whole PD during a bank robbery is also far more effective than keeping them all alive.
You cant let criminals take hostages because the police will have no choice but to shoot everyone and still somehow only kill the hostages.
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