Bazaar shop do be dead

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The Pyramids
Bazaar shop has been very dead recently it used to be a very fun and nice place to be but now no one is there :( There was atleast 2 shops with guns and sometimes one with big guns or other stuff. Anyways its very dead it would be nice to bring it back to life. #MedicReviveBazaar
there really isn’t much incentive to run a business, it can rather be a time consuming process setting up the shop (give us presets for props and shop signs!!) and there’s also the risk of having your stuff molotoved
We are in need of shops or atleast i am idk abt other people it used to be a place for people to hangout and talk now its shet
Maybe there should be an incline to having a shop, maybe you should be rewarded on how many items you sell at your shop or the amount of money made from selling items. This could be rewarded with a different crafting bench that can hold more weight or give some sort of advantage to someone who crafts and sets up shops? Maybe even a cosmetic change would influence more people to set up shops as it's something to work towards other than just getting the best car in the game and shooting people?
I agree make in the next update that there is more content in the shopping industry my friends quit the server because they said there is nothing to do.
since casino was added everything is just automated. what’s the point of having a casino or gun store when you can get it all done automatically. all you need to do is steam message a tinycalc code and pay their bank number
The reason why I stopped creating shops is due to two reasons, first one is big orders from people but the most important is just others pricing it that low it is not worth for me to open a shop. people sell incredibly low to crafting price of not crafting price meaning the market is satisfied with weaponry and my more expensive pricing isn't going to cut it anymore.

Take for example rifle ammo, back in the day it used to cost 1250 to craft and would sell 2000 and 1850 bulk, nowadays it costs 1200 to craft and most people sell it around 1200-1300 which means there is absolutely no margin to be caught there. You have these crafting services around for literally 0% crafting fee.
Bazaar shop has been very dead recently it used to be a very fun and nice place to be but now no one is there :( There was atleast 2 shops with guns and sometimes one with big guns or other stuff. Anyways its very dead it would be nice to bring it back to life. #MedicReviveBazaar
yeah we need to get some new things so people would by in there again it was so fun when people was there 24/7
Bazaar is just used for random "shops" which don't provide anything other other crafting. Most also are just purchased as a spare storage in case people need to shoot cops or others.
I feel like the lack of customers is the problem, rather than the lack of people interested in making shops.

A while ago me, @Mina, @Edisom and @Epithax set up a full gun store in Puffermart and spent in total like 8 hours working in it, in the total time the only customers we had were 2 sweaters who bought guns immediately to try and kill us with them.

I'm not sure if it's because of the delivery system ignoring taxes or something else but the only shop I've seen run very successfully in the last month or so was a person selling at crafting price, which dissuades people from setting up shops in the first place.
How do people feel about making it so shop prices aren't affected by taxes? I think when players list items you rarely see anyone purchase from the shop without the owner having to take the money first. I think if this was added, more people would buy guns straight from shop fronts because its less effort than waiting around for the owner to have to take the gun off sale, give him the money get storage and list it for 0%.
there really isn’t much incentive to run a business, it can rather be a time consuming process setting up the shop (give us presets for props and shop signs!!) and there’s also the risk of having your stuff molotoved
This is the only thing stopping bazaar from being active imo, just need a new system that makes running a legal business actually a viable choice if you want to make money
I used to run a small cafe at business shops, it was a lot of fun setting it up and just hanging out but I'm too lazy to set it up again and again, someone suggested making it so you can make building presets so if that gets added then it'll make passiverp easier lol.

The problem is that even though for me it was pretty okay to just have to either afk or play the piano 90% of the time while running the shop, most people probably don't have time for this so passiverp shops are pretty much dead as well
there really isn’t much incentive to run a business, it can rather be a time consuming process setting up the shop (give us presets for props and shop signs!!) and there’s also the risk of having your stuff molotoved
Sorry, what? When? If it's a random molotov then that's an instant report
the reasons i dont make shops anymore is just due to how expensive it is to get to lvl 125 or the high ranks were you can craft weaponry with a meh at best profit margin it just isnt worth it for most people anymore tbh
the reasons i dont make shops anymore is just due to how expensive it is to get to lvl 125 or the high ranks were you can craft weaponry with a meh at best profit margin it just isnt worth it for most people anymore tbh

I went profit almost all the way from 40 to 125, sell your guns for a bit lower profit and grow drugs in the back.