Police Suggestion PBC available to SO+

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Brief description of idea: Make PBCs available to all officers ranked SO+

What benefits would this idea have for the department:

It just makes sense that all officers are able to broadcast messages to the general public, not only RTU.
- Blocked areas due to shootouts
- RTC when no RTU on duty

What potential negatives could this have for the department:
Abuse? (However SO+ requirement should prevent this)

Other additions: None
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Totally, RTU arn't the only unit that need it. What if there is a shootout and TFU have to broadcast it to tell people the roads closed, bomb there etc.
to be honest i expect a certain amount of professionalism and 'quality' from a police broadcast and being a senior officer is barely proof that you have the capabilities of doing so. Considering the way some senior officers talk on the radio i wouldn't really want them to able to do it.

however i feel that an exception could be made for TFU officers as they are already tested on their communication and professsionalism.
to be honest i expect a certain amount of professionalism and 'quality' from a police broadcast and being a senior officer is barely proof that you have the capabilities of doing so. Considering the way some senior officers talk on the radio i wouldn't really want them to able to do it.
Senior officers that have RTU have the ability to, why not patrol and TFU?
to be honest i expect a certain amount of professionalism and 'quality' from a police broadcast and being a senior officer is barely proof that you have the capabilities of doing so. Considering the way some senior officers talk on the radio i wouldn't really want them to able to do it.

however i feel that an exception could be made for TFU officers as they are already tested on their communication and professsionalism.
Exactly, just as @Na1 said, if RTU SOs are allowed so should patrol officers be
Senior officers that have RTU have the ability to, why not patrol and TFU?
i've edited my post to include TFU. RTU officers have been tested and observed to be capable of doing so, same for TFU. The patrol application is just a quiz you can barely fail and just really questions policy and law. it doesn't really make you able to speak for an entire PD. you'd have to understand senior's rarely take charge in situations and sometimes lack knowledge of authority to do so in my opinion, so being able to speak for the entire police department and communicate in their name feels wrong.
you don't even need to be an SO to do a PBC if you're a part of the RTU I've seen normal officers do them
The whole of RTU have access to PBC. If you really want it, you could always apply for RTU :cool:;)

Giving it to senior officers in patrol isn't really needed. There is usually always a Corporal + or RTU on duty so just ask them to make one.

I could understand giving it to TFU.
There is usually always a Corporal + or RTU on duty so just ask them to make one.
I 10000% must disagree with this, this is not true xD

It would be useful for everyone, I cant see a reason why RTU needs it more than Patrol tbh
The whole of RTU have access to PBC. If you really want it, you could always apply for RTU :cool:;)

Giving it to senior officers in patrol isn't really needed. There is usually always a Corporal + or RTU on duty so just ask them to make one.

I could understand giving it to TFU.
Its not about it not being ‘needed’? I dont understand some people saying that SO’s shouldnt be trusted while RTU is 20x easier to get than SO.

When playing as cop it sucks to ask others to do something for you everytime something happens, which in perp, is quite often.

Imo SO should be trusted and I think this idea is very good.
I feel like its usually RTU or CPL+ on duty that you can ask, but also this should work.as an insentive to want to rank up in the PD, not necessary up but to breach out to RTU or TFU. I don't think granting SO more tools will help the gameplay much more than remove motivation to actually want to do better in the PD, but maybe that's just me.
I feel like its usually RTU or CPL+ on duty that you can ask, but also this should work.as an insentive to want to rank up in the PD, not necessary up but to breach out to RTU or TFU. I don't think granting SO more tools will help the gameplay much more than remove motivation to actually want to do better in the PD, but maybe that's just me.

CPL : Shotgun
SGT : Supervisor + Warrants + Information about suspects + Battering ram + DNA gun
Command Positions : Other responsibilities

I understand what you mean but I don't think that SOs using PBCs will 'remove motivation to want to do better' since upper ranks still have a lot of other 'perks'.

The most important point here is that even regular RTU Officers have access to this tool therefore there is no reason to prohibit people from using the tool just because they are in the patrol division
In my opinion, I believe it is fine as is; having a system that can broadcast to all members of the public is a fairly large responsibility and RTU officers undergo training and have accompanying policies regarding its use, hence the trust bestowed in them to use it.

If we are giving SOs the ability to use /pbc, a system that represents the entire PD, why not also give them the ability to use the battering ram without a warrant, carry a shotgun, arrest paramedics, etc.

If for some reason there is no Cpl+ or RTU officer on and you need to broadcast a road closure in a pinch, a $200 advert should suffice without the need or high profile nature of police broadcast.

however i feel that an exception could be made for TFU officers as they are already tested on their communication and professsionalism.

The argument for TFU being given extra privileges just because 'tfu elite trained amazing officers' isn't a fair one considering that TFU is a tactical firearms unit, and whilst many officers gain important tactical and organizational skills from their training, TFU does not necessarily quantify being a 'better officer' in handling leadership, communication, etc. than any other officer - that is what is denoted by rank.
RTU officers undergo training and have accompanying policies regarding its use, hence the trust bestowed in them to use it.

RTU do not receive training on how to use pbcs.. The only thing you need to do is not being retarded in order to use pbcs, if you manage to get SO that means you've already proved your worth.

If we are giving SOs the ability to use /pbc, a system that represents the entire PD, why not also give them the ability to use the battering ram without a warrant, carry a shotgun, arrest paramedics, etc.

What you're saying here makes absolute no sense... using PBC and battering ram doors/carrying shotguns are VERY DIFFERENT perks that have a MUCH BIGGER impact on rp,

If for some reason there is no Cpl+ or RTU officer on and you need to broadcast a road closure in a pinch, a $200 advert should suffice without the need or high profile nature of police broadcast.


The argument for TFU being given extra privileges just because 'tfu elite trained amazing officers' isn't a fair one considering that TFU is a tactical firearms unit, and whilst many officers gain important tactical and organizational skills from their training, TFU does not necessarily quantify being a 'better officer' in handling leadership, communication, etc. than any other officer - that is what is denoted by rank.

You are literally saying that TFU should NOT be able to use PBCs for the same reason that RTU SHOULD...

TFU does not necessarily quantify being a 'better officer' in handling leadership, communication, etc. than any other officer - that is what is denoted by rank.

Exactly, thank you, that's the exact reason why SO+ should have access to it, because higher ranks = "better officer" as you rightfully said!
there have been so many times were a massive big old crash had happened no rtu have been on so we have had to use adverts instead and its a pain in the arse and doesn't look as official as Broadcasts
The argument for TFU being given extra privileges just because 'tfu elite trained amazing officers' isn't a fair one considering that TFU is a tactical firearms unit, and whilst many officers gain important tactical and organizational skills from their training, TFU does not necessarily quantify being a 'better officer' in handling leadership, communication, etc. than any other officer - that is what is denoted by rank.
I'll have to disagree on this. Leadership and communication is not only a crucial factor in the first stages where TFU trainers 'weed out' the applicants, it's something thats tested and examined during the entire TFU application process. You can be the absolute worst shot of whole perp, but if you demonstrate leadership, communication and professionalism, you'll pass the TFU application with flying colors. While, you might have a point in how that's denoted by rank, in a police department where the rank equals the amount of time you dedicate to filing virtual reports and paperwork, i feel that being a senior officer but with a particular role qualifies you in much greater amounts than just being a senior officer.

for the rest i think that @Maia explained it more than well and i don't have to repeat his arguements.
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