Mayor Kabui Khan
Chinese Communist Party
1. Rule of Kabui Khan is absolute.
2. Upholding the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party
In addition, all citizens must greet Kabui Khan with the Official Greeting to show respect, which resembles a strong, closed fist with which he leads his people.
Chinese Communist Party

1. Rule of Kabui Khan is absolute.
2. Upholding the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party
In addition, all citizens must greet Kabui Khan with the Official Greeting to show respect, which resembles a strong, closed fist with which he leads his people.

Kabui Khan aims to improve the life for his citizens in the City he leads. With mutual respect between the citizens and the Chinese Communist Party and Kabui Khan on top, he plans to allow businesses in the City to grow and prosper under his wing. He plans to ensure that all citizens are secure, cared for and confident in their leader.
Under Kabui Khan's rule, the City will have an active Social Credit System which will allow different benefits for those with high Social Credit score, including, but not limited to: Increased pay on your job (collective for jobs with multiple positions open with possibility of special payments to your account), ability to become Secret Service, additional slots opening for the job of your choice, as well as special benefits for civilians who are unemployed.
Citizens with low Social Credit score may be restricted from certain benefits, and will instead be punished. Read more here.
To apply for the Social Credit System, fill the template below on this page. Citizens will be added without the application, however, if you apply within the next 2 weeks, you'll receive additional 1,000 points on top of your sign-up. Entering any false information will result in 500 point deduction.
If you change your name, please post here to update us.
1. Your full name and last name.
2. Your bank account number.
3. Your qualifications for any government or city-issued job. Please only choose one. If none, please move on to the next question.
4. Your occupation as an unemployed citizen.
1. Ted Hastings (8631848) - 2,050 points
2. Sam Ireland (5497823) - 2,200 points
3. Luca Falcone - -3,000 points
4. Ezra Morgan - 1,100 points
5. Albrecht Ficklestein - -6,000 points
6. Vina Yin (6284866) - 2,000 points
7. Gammon Staker (2929233) - 2,000 points
8, Mohammed Abu (3912626) - 2,000 points
9. Koji Kobayashi (1062039) - 2,000 points
10. Brad Lay - 700 points
11. Wesley Coleman (2177407) - 2,100 points
12. Ashley Maia (2367281) - 2,050 points
13. Callum Byford - -3,000 points
14. Henry Eman (4482828) - 2,000 points
15. Dom Eman (3168576) - 2,000 points
16. Matthew Warrington (4719634) - 2,000 points
17. Richard Millard (5782334) - 2,000 points
18. Ellie Wolf (8064373) - 2,000 points
19. Petra Wolf (8809004) - 2,000 points
2. Sam Ireland (5497823) - 2,200 points
3. Luca Falcone - -3,000 points
4. Ezra Morgan - 1,100 points
5. Albrecht Ficklestein - -6,000 points
6. Vina Yin (6284866) - 2,000 points
7. Gammon Staker (2929233) - 2,000 points
8, Mohammed Abu (3912626) - 2,000 points
9. Koji Kobayashi (1062039) - 2,000 points
10. Brad Lay - 700 points
11. Wesley Coleman (2177407) - 2,100 points
12. Ashley Maia (2367281) - 2,050 points
13. Callum Byford - -3,000 points
14. Henry Eman (4482828) - 2,000 points
15. Dom Eman (3168576) - 2,000 points
16. Matthew Warrington (4719634) - 2,000 points
17. Richard Millard (5782334) - 2,000 points
18. Ellie Wolf (8064373) - 2,000 points
19. Petra Wolf (8809004) - 2,000 points
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