Ban Apology (Double J)

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Cuenca, Spain / Leicester, England
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Double J
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Months

Your Steam Name: Santiago17
Your Roleplay Name: Santi De La Cavalleria
Your SteamID: STEAM_1:1:130055199

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Organising a metagame discord with over 25 members out of 50 org members

Why should this appeal be considered?: I was at work whilst most of the org was banned, so im not sure how it went down.

I admit to organising the discord channel and encouraging the 50 members of the organisation to actively metagame for tactical advantages and our personal gains.

I know it was wrong and a clear violation, i'm perfectly okay with waiting out the 2 months, an appeal would be amazing but lets be realistic i had over 20 people metagaming under my provision i was just wondering if i could get some more information of what happened, and if some of the players that were permanently banned could be reconsidered even for a long term ban, as i feel they truly enjoy the game as much as i know we all do.

Having seen the impact it's had on my fellow friends i truly apologize for this, and while i don't expect any ban reductions on my end i hope you consider my honesty, and while i don't have full context of how things went down, i'd like to be able to see some of my friends again, even if it's in a few months, as opposed to never again due to permanent bans, especially Eldon, he is a great roleplayer and has helped so many new players start the game and make friends in our organisation, i'm sure in due time he will issue his own apology.

But for now, I both admit, and apologize to the many problems caused over time as a result of this metagaming situation.

you have my confession of organising all of this, I am sure you will have the full cooperation of all 50 members willing to provide proof and remorse of our wrongdoings.

we have nothing to hide, and you have our full cooperation with whatever else you need to inspect.

I will patiently await my ban length and think upon my mistakes, as i'm sure the rest of us will. a large amount of these members have already left the discord and the organisation altogether due to the shame we have brought upon ourselves.

We can wait, but for the one perma banned member, who did not organise this mass metagame server, it is unfair that i wait 2 months and he does not return, we ask that you please reduce it, and you have our full compliance in return.

i take full responsibility, and you can PM me with any further queries.

Santiago, and the rest of the team at Castilla, both involved, and not involved but aware.


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United Kingdom
Just to mention, regarding the permanent ban I believe it was originally 1 month but extended to permanent for death threats or something so, it wasn’t just for meta gaming
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Cuenca, Spain / Leicester, England
Just to mention, regarding the permanent ban I believe it was originally 1 month but extended to permanent for death threats or something so, it wasn’t just for meta gaming
my bad, like i said i was absent, but i'm sure if he apologised with meaning it may be reduced, he was probably extremely upset obviously it doesnt warrant any death threats but i'm sure they were just spur of the moment wrong decisions that he wouldn't normally back, everybody knows he's a great guy so even i'm surprised,

like i said, you have our full support with whatever you need to see so im sure we can come to agreements
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(Involved) i dont know if he was in

I am one if the developers of this discord server and there are 2 possible things that are meta gaming we have a phone nummer register and a giveaway tab that asks you for your bank number when you when and there is a standard voice chat where all discord servers start with but alot of people including myself got banned for not really anything since we werent in the vc
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Cuenca, Spain / Leicester, England
(Involved) i dont know if he was in

I am one if the developers of this discord server and there are 2 possible things that are meta gaming we have a phone nummer register and a giveaway tab that asks you for your bank number when you when and there is a standard voice chat where all discord servers start with but alot of people including myself got banned for not really anything since we werent in the vc
Basically what he said, even if it gives an advantage at the end of the day it wasn't so extreme, and the only voice communication we used was either in-game locsl voice or the teamspeak app, sometimes we would have offline members chat w us on the standard voice channel but we would just deafen and mute ourselves if it was something best spoken of in-game
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Cuenca, Spain / Leicester, England
(Involved) i dont know if he was in

I am one if the developers of this discord server and there are 2 possible things that are meta gaming we have a phone nummer register and a giveaway tab that asks you for your bank number when you when and there is a standard voice chat where all discord servers start with but alot of people including myself got banned for not really anything since we werent in the vc
The only other thing I can think of that is meta is that we shared announcements for achievements so everyone could see, basic things like congratulating someone publicly which can't be done in game if not everyone will see it
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Basically what he said, even if it gives an advantage at the end of the day it wasn't so extreme, and the only voice communication we used was either in-game locsl voice or the teamspeak app, sometimes we would have offline members chat w us on the standard voice channel but we would just deafen and mute ourselves if it was something best spoken of in-game
Some people got into the voice chat but i really dont think this man did and i will include a link so you can see the discord server//// i have accses to the logs. i will delete everything thats meta gaming aswell just tell me what to delete
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Cuenca, Spain / Leicester, England
Some people got into the voice chat but i really dont think this man did and i will include a link so you can see the discord server//// i have accses to the logs
Other than coming up w the idea I never actually built it so if you did want to see any logs which is fine @doublejj speak to lenndrik since I don't have access to those things
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Firstly, I thank you for your apology but you have submitted it less than 24 hours after being banned...

Everyone in that discord server had some sort of contribution to the metagaming, whether it be sending messages about IC information or Failing to report it.

In Eldons case, He was issued a ban for using Third Party Communication Software however went on to threaten me with a death threat in an entire different discord server of which one of your Organisation members is a part of. Eldon knew what he was doing and instead of stopping he continued with the threats. I'm sure you know where I am coming from and how those threats made me feel?
His ban length and extension were approved within seconds of that threat being received and so if Eldon wants a chance at even having it shortened, He can make a heartfelt apology which is of decent length towards myself and the community. This will obviously be reviewed by the administration team who will come to the conclusion as to whether or not to accept it.

Metagaming bans have come a long way and the main reason for your ban length was due to your part in setting the discord up and high communications which were considered metagaming. All other members received between 2 weeks - 1 month for their actions.
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