Addition to 3.24

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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add:

Your version of the rule:

Players are prohibited from bringing out of character information into in-character gameplay. Out of character information is defined as any information that would not be realistically accessible to your character. Common examples include discussing server rules during roleplay situations and initiating a raid on the sole basis of viewing illegal substances through a wall.

The exception to this rule allows you to talk about OOC related things when it does not affect anyone around you, or anyone openly involved in a roleplay situation, for example when inside your base or in a private area.

This also includes discussing on-going situations in OOC using information that could be beneficial to those taking part.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:

I know staff already enforce the rule this way but I believe it should be explicitly stated within the rule. It is obviously beneficial when someone starts talking about how many people they killed as it can change the way a situation is played out. Other examples could be stuff like "I can't believe the guy that scammed someone out of a million is just sat at car dealer".
i mean most people talk about OOC thing in there houses anyway so the rule may as well change to match this
What rule do you wish to Edit/Add:

Your version of the rule:

Players are prohibited from bringing out of character information into in-character gameplay. Out of character information is defined as any information that would not be realistically accessible to your character. Common examples include discussing server rules during roleplay situations and initiating a raid on the sole basis of viewing illegal substances through a wall.

The exception to this rule allows you to talk about OOC related things when it does not affect anyone around you, or anyone openly involved in a roleplay situation, for example when inside your base or in a private area.

This also includes discussing on-going situations in OOC using information that could be beneficial to those taking part.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:

I know staff already enforce the rule this way but I believe it should be explicitly stated within the rule. It is obviously beneficial when someone starts talking about how many people they killed as it can change the way a situation is played out. Other examples could be stuff like "I can't believe the guy that scammed someone out of a million is just sat at car dealer".
So you did remove my message stated I was breaking rules when in fact you have now decided I havn't broke the rules and making a suggestion for it. Just take the loss next time.
I really don't see an issue when the raid was over to ask the person who killed me if I traded with them. Since I can clearly see my nade landed inside the area of where he killed me.
So you did remove my message stated I was breaking rules when in fact you have now decided I havn't broke the rules and making a suggestion for it. Just take the loss next time.
I really don't see an issue when the raid was over to ask the person who killed me if I traded with them. Since I can clearly see my nade landed inside the area of where he killed me.

No, the rule can be enforced in this way but I simply took your point that it wasn't really clear enough within 3.24. I simply took your advice on board and made a suggestion to make the rule more clear so it doesn't happen again. This isn't about being "right", it's about improving the rules. I would, and have, deleted people talking about a situation you were involved in.

Also, the raid wasn't over, people were still alive inside and there was an ongoing firefight.

i mean most people talk about OOC thing in there houses anyway so the rule may as well change to match this

The part in bold is what I suggest changing, that is already part of the rule.
No, the rule can be enforced in this way but I simply took your point that it wasn't really clear enough within 3.24. I simply took your advice on board and made a suggestion to make the rule more clear so it doesn't happen again. This isn't about being "right", it's about improving the rules. I would, and have, deleted people talking about a situation you were involved in.

Also, the raid wasn't over, people were still alive inside and there was an ongoing firefight.

The part in bold is what I suggest changing, that is already part of the rule.
After speaking on discord with a few blokes we can now also see your POV of it. And, fully understand how in the information can be used by other members. Personally when I said "did I trade" it was based on the fact there was 2 people left inside the base and its a 30 second gap between my death and the ooc message and just assuming it was over.
People can lie in chat too, the classic OOC strat which serves them right for relying on that info xdd
I was warned for this in 2018 and did not know this was against the rules, I've also already given warnings and blacklists for this in the past. Adding this to clarify on the rule change could work wonders as myself when I was warned for it, and when I've warned everyone else about it, They said its not mentioned in the rule directly.

Could take it a step further and disallow "Meta bait" posts.
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