Wardrobe Update - 04/05/22

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A month ago we made a poll about what we should develop next. The wardrobe system won that vote and I am very happy to release it in today's update. Here is how it works:
When approaching the mirror in Jennifer's you are now greeted with two options, either purchasing new clothes or go to the wardrobe:
Selecting the purchasing option is the same menu as before. However, unlike before, whenever you buy an article of clothing, the old article is no longer lost. Instead, any clothes you purchase will be saved and you can view them from within the wardrobe.

When you enter the wardrobe, you will now be greeted with the new wardrobe menu. This menu allows you to change your current clothes by changing to any clothes you have previously purchased.

It also allows you to create new outfits by pressing the "+" next to the name of the current outfit, which you can then edit similar to the previous menu. Saving the outfit just saves it, while selecting will save the outfit and make the outfit your current clothes.
You are also able to delete clothes and outfits directly from the menu. Please be aware that deleting clothes does not refund you the money. Only delete clothes if you have too many clothes that are cluttering up your wardrobe.

A few more details:
  • Outfits are unique per sex, i.e. you will not be able to see your female outfits as a male (they are saved though), this is due to females and males having slightly different outfit choices.​
  • You can have up to 20 outfits per sex​
  • You can have up to 1000 articles of clothing (this will not break your game)​
If you find any bugs or have further suggestions, please let me know in this thread
Time to blow a few million recreating every single org outfit I’ve ever been part of.
  • Outfits are unique per sex, i.e. you will not be able to see your female outfits as a male (they are saved though), this is due to females and males having slightly different outfit choices.
    Mfw no femboys.