Help Needed - Server Browser Retrieval Order

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Our server was always getting massively disadvantaged by gmod's server browser. I am specifically talking about the order in which the servers are loaded by the server browser.
Up until now I did not make much of it and we had the theory that the order the servers were being retrieved in was determined by the uptime of the server (map changes do not count as a restart).
We knew yesterday's gmod update was going to be released at 13 GMT and we were ready to restart our server immediately as soon as the update dropped. However, even though we were one of the first servers to be restarted, this had seemingly no effect whatsoever on when our server was being retrieved by the server browser.

In fact, here is a video from today demonstrating this issue:
As you can see in the video, our server is loaded as roughly the ~2900th server. Even turkish and russian servers are loaded long before our server, so something has to be wrong.
Clearly, some part of it has to be location based, which is why german servers are loaded first for me.

To understand the order that the servers are loaded in I'd love to see similar results from you, some from every part of the world. Make sure you click into the correct DarkRP category when loading the server list so that our server shows up. Please also include what country you are from! Thanks!
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I've just tested this multiple times and each time perpheads shows up in the first 300 servers loaded for me. Clip below shows it being the ~242nd server that loaded in for me.

Looks like you are from belguim which is why french servers are loaded first. Does germany just hate the french so much that they let them load in even after the russians?
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Loads in at ~2800 each time for me, you would probably have picked a server to join before Perpheads even shows up in my region.
By default, servers are ordered by their Ranking, as seen on the far right of the server list. Servers are ranked by multiple variables such as ping, players in the server, and if you have the current map or not. Ranking is intended to help you find the best server possible.

facepunch wiki, I guess it's all dependant on region as the ping will be significantly worse the further you are away and alot of these servers fuck around with their ping giving them a higher ranking
PH loaded in at the very top of the list for me, around ~750 and I live in Turkey.

Don't mind the noise, I was listening to the King Ian Moore's emergency meeting speech which was truly important.

By default, servers are ordered by their Ranking, as seen on the far right of the server list. Servers are ranked by multiple variables such as ping, players in the server, and if you have the current map or not. Ranking is intended to help you find the best server possible.

facepunch wiki, I guess it's all dependant on region as the ping will be significantly worse the further you are away and alot of these servers fuck around with their ping giving them a higher ranking
Someone didn't read the post, or the title...
Server loads in as roughly the 1700th server for me.
One test.

I never noticed this because for over 5 years I've only used the console to connect to the server.

A theory I have is that the servers that load in, load faster dependent on player activity 24/7, and player count. Most of the servers I see loading first are usually servers that almost always have players.
When I was getting my mate on perp the other day it took about 5 mins for perp too come up. When I first joined the server it wasn’t coming up anywhere and I had too join through steam when my mate connected too the server. Couple of my other mates when the joined the server needed join through a mate as well
PERPHeads appeared at 2100 for me...second time it appeared at 2000. German servers loaded in first for me, followed UK/British, Turkish then Russian. Lots of Russian servers on the top most likely spoofing their player counts.

On my alt account it didn't even manage to find the PERPHeads server or the countless of Russian servers with their super high player counts, clocking in at 6200...majority of them are German.

It did manage to find the server on a second run however, this time at 2200.

Location is obviously Germany.
PERP showed up at roughly 1100. Mainly French and UK servers appearing first. Once PERP appeared, German, Danish and Russian servers showed up
From United Kingdom
A lot of servers have fallen victim to this shit and facepunch fucked this likely intentionally. Reports and rumours of botted servers, servers posing as other servers and the likes have been running rampant all week.