Should Perp be displayed in the Darkrp section on the server list?

Perp server info in Darkrp section?

  • Yes-For a week.

    Votes: 7 13.7%
  • Yes-For a month

    Votes: 15 29.4%
  • No

    Votes: 29 56.9%

  • Total voters
Reaction score
United Kingdom, Hastings, East Sussex
Hello, So I went on a fact finding Mission to 3 Darkrp servers that are aimed around 'City RP'. I asked people as to why they joined the current server they are on and if they know what perp is. The responses I got were:
  1. A friend or 2 had invited them to join the server.
  2. Seen via a Youtuber.
  3. How custom and enjoyable the server is.
  4. No-one knew what perp was.
Now I know that Perp is far from Darkrp, but people don't know what Perp is which I think is putting people off from joining since it's not that easy to spot when first loading up the server list. I put forward that moving/making perp appear in the Darkrp section we could get a number of new players since some said they enjoy custom content and the server is completely custom and easy to understand. This could also open up the gates for minges, but we have a Staff team that is always on hand to deal with them anyway. Well, Darkrp is a mess on certain as I found out on Icefuse's 'City RP' which be renamed to how many people can you kill with an RC Truck.
This could only be for a month just too see what sort of reaction we get and to see if any new players would be tempted to join.

Another point to mention is that @BigBenji just bought up is that it would be buried along with the rest of the servers within that section which is a good point. City rp is popular on the 3 three servers that I have played on being Civilgamer and Monolith now I know people here may hate them servers but it would only be for a week to a month tops.

Please reply on what you all think.
And be crammed in with like 1000 other servers? Mislead new players into thinking they’re getting a simple darkrp experience when in reality they end up on a PERP server where you have to use NPC’s to get jobs and buy properties? A server where you have to play for a month just to use a simple taser? A server where sweaty admins or dribbly cops kill you for taking a step onto the highway and you end up with 5 minutes of a black screen as a result?

Put it in the CityRP section maybe, but this isn’t darkRP, people would feel mislead and get mad at us for it.
At the moment server has Serious RP in the title of which is very misleading since the level of rp has fallen. People are turning this into a Cops and robbers server by the minute. Most servers have NPC's that need to be interacted with and some have buildings that can be bought via the door or by going to the bank. People are voting to remove the PD whitelist anyway and most servers have playtime requirements before you can be a cop. Darkrp servers are mostly you getting ran over and killed randomly anyway so would make no difference.
Is there any way as an alternative to still keep perp in that section but also have it display within Darkrp aswell? So instead of moving it completely, it would still appear in both places at the same time? People like serious rp and customized content but are oblivious to what this server can offer since they don't know what perp means (Pulse Affect Roleplay). And before you say 'minges will ruin it etc' Have you seen the server lately? Could not tell the difference between a darkrp server and serious server as it been that bad. Talking to the 20 people that voted no since votes are hidden ;)
Yes there should be a way. Maybe creating a server which redirects you to this one when connecting and displaying the same playercount.

Technically PERP has some corelation
with DarkRP, but not a lot really.
who cares, i know how to fix all of ur issues, clearly the only people left are sheckle goblins and PLPD trihards so uhhhhhh just spawn all the sheckle gobblins millions so they fight other sheckle goblins instead of sit in there slums 3 apartment and give all the PLPD trihards whatever rank they want so they don't have to lick someones asshole or send dickpicks for ranks omegalul
You are aware that people do look at unique gamemodes other than the most popular to simply sate their curiosity. I visit unique gamemodes often just to usually see what they are but if the server gets classified as "Just another darkrp" then you think that will help player counts. Perhaps you should consider player counts on the game instead of the server. But the main thing to remember is trend its all about what gamemode is trending, just like how battle royales started.

This could just be a lapse in activity and interest could return I still know a server whch had the issue of always being full being shut down because no-one was interested anymore. My Idea Custom PERP so people who visit will dig deep to find whats custom about it instead of just "Meh another perp server"
Definitely not, City RP is essentially Dark RP and the gameplay is identical; Join the server, change to thief on the F4 menu, spawn in a load of 1 way props from your spawn menu to make a massive square in the middle of the road, add a massive hallway filled with fading doors and keypads and done, not even slightly like how PERP works

If the server was made DarkRP, people would either join, quickly realise it's not the default darkrp shit they want with all the edgy addons etc and leave or fuck around until they get banned like they did when all those SantosRP servers tried to do the same thing a few years ago

Jack Dougherty came to PERP from CityRP, look how that turned out, and I think he's a pretty accurate representation of the CityRP playerbase.
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