A story of a mass RDMer

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United Kingdom

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Apology much? They all mass RDM because they are too retarded to just temporarly quit the server because in the end they are all making apologies..... Same like cheaters huh?! They dont deserve to play here, Mass RDMing is something u do on DARKRP like all other 9 year olds. Atleast on DARKRP they wouldnt come crying back.
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Apology much? They all mass RDM because they are too retarded to just temporarly quit the server because in the end they are all making apologies..... Same like cheaters huh?! They dont deserve to play here, Mass RDMing is something u do on DARKRP like all other 9 year olds. Atleast on DARKRP they wouldnt come crying back.
Yea cause the dark rp rdmers are random people who jut joined for the first time.
For some of us it was a huge impact and fun times, we did what we did and we are sorry for it, most of the rdmers laugh and keep going, we try to be apart of the community (either on the forums or on the server) even after what happend.
You cant compare us.
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Yea cause the dark rp rdmers are random people who jut joined for the first time.
For some of us it was a huge impact and fun times, we did what we did and we are sorry for it, most of the rdmers laugh and keep going, we try to be apart of the community (either on the forums or on the server) even after what happend.
You cant compare us.

So you are saying you are better then any other Mass RDM'r? You shouldnt RDM or cheat in the first place and fucking think. If you decide to do it then atleast just permanently leave as your not worth it. You even have your ban count as your signature like you are proud of it.
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So you are saying you are better then any other Mass RDM'r? You shouldnt RDM or cheat in the first place and fucking think. If you decide to do it then atleast just permanently leave as your not worth it.
When did u see me saying im better ? lol i just said its different circumstances and u cant compare us, i never said that rdmers can suck my kippah
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When did u see me saying im better ? lol i just said its different circumstances and u cant compare us, i never said that rdmers can suck my kippah

I cant see how your RDM is a huge impact to you though. You choose to do it you have to face the punishment and if you later want to come cyring back well thats your problem at the end of the day you shouldnt have Mass RDM'd.

If you want to leave just fucking do so without shooting up people for no reason wasting their's and staff's time and fuckfest by doing so.
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I cant see how your RDM is a huge impact to you though. You choose to do it you have to face the punishment and if you later want to come cyring back well thats your problem at the end of the day you shouldnt have Mass RDM'd.

If you want to leave just fucking do so without shooting up people for no reason wasting their's and staff's time and fuckfest by doing so.
I was talking about the server not the rdm/cheating it self lol
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Great Britain
Now, I'm not like, a psychopath, but I do like it when mass RDMers get unbanned, because then others feel there's less consequence if they do it, and it's always entertaining to watch someone do a jihad at bazaar every few months. Again, not a psychopath, according to my counselor.
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Parts Unknown
Apology much? They all mass RDM because they are too retarded to just temporarly quit the server because in the end they are all making apologies..... Same like cheaters huh?! They dont deserve to play here, Mass RDMing is something u do on DARKRP like all other 9 year olds. Atleast on DARKRP they wouldnt come crying back.
that sounds gay. Its a garrys mod server, no one cares
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cody can be freed and i cant :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

Because when you Mass RDM'd you were good enough to get more than 3 kills.

Apology much? They all mass RDM because they are too retarded to just temporarly quit the server because in the end they are all making apologies..... Same like cheaters huh?! They dont deserve to play here, Mass RDMing is something u do on DARKRP like all other 9 year olds. Atleast on DARKRP they wouldnt come crying back.

Tbh mass RDM is more of a temporary inconvenience than an actual issue. Make RR if you lost something when revived by admin and you dont have to see the perpetraitor for a few months ezpz
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec aliquam consectetur ligula in luctus. Cras id enim a nunc dapibus blandit. Pellentesque eu euismod ante. Proin at massa urna. Cras aliquet quam id felis sollicitudin, a laoreet sapien suscipit. Vivamus purus justo, vulputate nec tincidunt non, volutpat quis arcu. Aenean consequat dapibus nunc, id scelerisque ante finibus in. Vestibulum nibh ipsum, ullamcorper vitae euismod at, elementum at ante. Donec dignissim odio mattis, pellentesque est a, placerat elit. Curabitur placerat dolor eget erat gravida volutpat non porta dolor. Proin placerat ligula ante, eleifend scelerisque ante scelerisque sit amet. Suspendisse euismod lectus nec lorem vestibulum, eget tempor lectus tempus. Integer mi quam, tempus ac metus non, consectetur rhoncus ipsum. Proin eu egestas eros, ut ultrices arcu. Donec in facilisis ligula. Mauris leo mauris, mattis vel quam eu, bibendum commodo sapien. Suspendisse risus felis, rhoncus posuere velit ut, accumsan tempus quam. Proin semper sagittis ante nec euismod. Nulla blandit ornare condimentum. Mauris mauris ante, bibendum ut tortor id, gravida placerat ex. Aenean dui eros, ultrices et auctor in, vehicula bibendum neque. Morbi id scelerisque purus. Nullam id aliquet velit. Etiam sed iaculis dolor. Maecenas egestas quam ut velit scelerisque convallis id vel tellus. In ut interdum justo. Praesent pretium velit et enim tincidunt dignissim. Nunc efficitur aliquam odio in dictum. Duis placerat nulla tellus, hendrerit lacinia felis sollicitudin at. Pellentesque placerat tempus felis congue volutpat. Etiam eleifend semper volutpat. Maecenas aliquet cursus lectus, ut rhoncus velit porttitor aliquam. Etiam iaculis nec elit at tempor. Vivamus ut nunc eu nisi commodo euismod. Aliquam aliquet nec urna sit amet maximus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque consequat elementum leo sit amet eleifend. Integer iaculis diam in nisi rhoncus pellentesque. Mauris mollis porta nisl, eu gravida lorem euismod interdum. Donec at tempor tortor, id laoreet metus. Sed mattis lacus quis sem ultricies, eu rutrum nulla luctus. Vestibulum quis augue ultrices, luctus lacus id, dictum nisl. Quisque arcu felis, posuere quis lorem sagittis, vestibulum dignissim ipsum. Suspendisse in tincidunt purus, non pretium nunc. Maecenas eu magna arcu. Phasellus luctus tempor neque, id tincidunt metus maximus sed. Mauris quis neque imperdiet, pellentesque libero vel, feugiat purus. Aliquam egestas tempor ipsum, ac lobortis lorem imperdiet a. Nullam auctor magna ultricies augue pharetra, at ullamcorper libero sollicitudin. Mauris rutrum, mauris vitae sollicitudin dapibus, elit elit pellentesque ex, sed pulvinar arcu mauris quis massa. Morbi accumsan nunc eget finibus consectetur. Nullam eu nisi tellus. Quisque fermentum, purus ac malesuada facilisis, massa urna imperdiet leo, quis suscipit nisl elit eget sem. Vestibulum sollicitudin in nisl viverra lobortis. Aliquam non nibh commodo, dictum mi id, posuere massa. Donec in imperdiet magna.
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I thought I would have been gone long ago but here I am now. It's important not to burn bridges no matter how tempting it is.
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Now, I'm not like, a psychopath, but I do like it when mass RDMers get unbanned, because then others feel there's less consequence if they do it, and it's always entertaining to watch someone do a jihad at bazaar every few months. Again, not a psychopath, according to my counselor.
lol, you're from menstrie. Every second person there is a junkie, so I wouldn't trust your "counsellor".
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Straight outta Racxes pedophile basement
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec aliquam consectetur ligula in luctus. Cras id enim a nunc dapibus blandit. Pellentesque eu euismod ante. Proin at massa urna. Cras aliquet quam id felis sollicitudin, a laoreet sapien suscipit. Vivamus purus justo, vulputate nec tincidunt non, volutpat quis arcu. Aenean consequat dapibus nunc, id scelerisque ante finibus in. Vestibulum nibh ipsum, ullamcorper vitae euismod at, elementum at ante. Donec dignissim odio mattis, pellentesque est a, placerat elit. Curabitur placerat dolor eget erat gravida volutpat non porta dolor. Proin placerat ligula ante, eleifend scelerisque ante scelerisque sit amet. Suspendisse euismod lectus nec lorem vestibulum, eget tempor lectus tempus. Integer mi quam, tempus ac metus non, consectetur rhoncus ipsum. Proin eu egestas eros, ut ultrices arcu. Donec in facilisis ligula. Mauris leo mauris, mattis vel quam eu, bibendum commodo sapien. Suspendisse risus felis, rhoncus posuere velit ut, accumsan tempus quam. Proin semper sagittis ante nec euismod. Nulla blandit ornare condimentum. Mauris mauris ante, bibendum ut tortor id, gravida placerat ex. Aenean dui eros, ultrices et auctor in, vehicula bibendum neque. Morbi id scelerisque purus. Nullam id aliquet velit. Etiam sed iaculis dolor. Maecenas egestas quam ut velit scelerisque convallis id vel tellus. In ut interdum justo. Praesent pretium velit et enim tincidunt dignissim. Nunc efficitur aliquam odio in dictum. Duis placerat nulla tellus, hendrerit lacinia felis sollicitudin at. Pellentesque placerat tempus felis congue volutpat. Etiam eleifend semper volutpat. Maecenas aliquet cursus lectus, ut rhoncus velit porttitor aliquam. Etiam iaculis nec elit at tempor. Vivamus ut nunc eu nisi commodo euismod. Aliquam aliquet nec urna sit amet maximus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque consequat elementum leo sit amet eleifend. Integer iaculis diam in nisi rhoncus pellentesque. Mauris mollis porta nisl, eu gravida lorem euismod interdum. Donec at tempor tortor, id laoreet metus. Sed mattis lacus quis sem ultricies, eu rutrum nulla luctus. Vestibulum quis augue ultrices, luctus lacus id, dictum nisl. Quisque arcu felis, posuere quis lorem sagittis, vestibulum dignissim ipsum. Suspendisse in tincidunt purus, non pretium nunc. Maecenas eu magna arcu. Phasellus luctus tempor neque, id tincidunt metus maximus sed. Mauris quis neque imperdiet, pellentesque libero vel, feugiat purus. Aliquam egestas tempor ipsum, ac lobortis lorem imperdiet a. Nullam auctor magna ultricies augue pharetra, at ullamcorper libero sollicitudin. Mauris rutrum, mauris vitae sollicitudin dapibus, elit elit pellentesque ex, sed pulvinar arcu mauris quis massa. Morbi accumsan nunc eget finibus consectetur. Nullam eu nisi tellus. Quisque fermentum, purus ac malesuada facilisis, massa urna imperdiet leo, quis suscipit nisl elit eget sem. Vestibulum sollicitudin in nisl viverra lobortis. Aliquam non nibh commodo, dictum mi id, posuere massa. Donec in imperdiet magna.
Tl:dr please