Server Suggestion Automatically disable Whisper after some time

Reaction score
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Suggestion Title: Automatically disable Whisper after some time
Suggestion Description: Automatically disable the Whisper mode after some time passed where you haven't used voice activity (or text chat as it also seems to reduce the range of that as well).

I propose about 3 minutes until it automatically switches back to Normal.

Optional Additions:
Make it an adjustable setting in the F1 menu where you can customize the time or turn the feature on/off.

Why should this be added?:
-Takes care of situations where you forget to switch back to Normal mode.
-^also for situations where you accidentally enable Whisper.

What negatives could this have?:
-3 minutes is too short/long.
-Useless feature.
I honestly think it might lead to some awkward situations, and might be a cause of broken policies, as an officer in a talk in supervisors office might switch to normal after writing smthing for 3 mins and leak classified information due to speaking too loud.
I honestly think it might lead to some awkward situations, and might be a cause of broken policies, as an officer in a talk in supervisors office might switch to normal after writing smthing for 3 mins and leak classified information due to speaking too loud.
It was the other way around for me, people don't hear my voice commands or I say a very thought out sentence only to be told to "speak up" and repeat what I said to the person infront of me.
Although I've upvoted this, I personally have no issue dealing with accidentally whispering. The blue voice icon is extremely obvious and I immediately know I need to change voice mode if I want to be heard at any useful range.

It's still a good idea to have some sort of auto-unwhisper function that's toggleable though. It'll lead to less people forgetting to change their voice modes, and a lot of new players won't be confused about why they're being ignored by people at slight ranges. I've ran into new players who are trying to communicate, but don't realize they've hit G and are whispering as they speak.
As exnem said its not hard to see but maybe for new players, maybe a client side sound of some kind to alert the player? When your chatacter is whispering they do a different animation?
Although I've upvoted this, I personally have no issue dealing with accidentally whispering. The blue voice icon is extremely obvious and I immediately know I need to change voice mode if I want to be heard at any useful range.

It's still a good idea to have some sort of auto-unwhisper function that's toggleable though. It'll lead to less people forgetting to change their voice modes, and a lot of new players won't be confused about why they're being ignored by people at slight ranges. I've ran into new players who are trying to communicate, but don't realize they've hit G and are whispering as they speak.
Problem is, I literally never look up or even notice that it's blue which is why I made this lol. I rarely use Whisper so I don't tend to even look up, almost all Whisper mode usage from me is accidentally.

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