Rule Suggestion (New Rule)

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Suggestion Topic: New Rule
Suggestion Description: A lot of us know the feeling of wanting to purchase a shop in Bazaar, only for all bazaar shops to be sold and half the stores just having a piece of paper towels on display to "avoid losing it". Staff will, of course, still go around this and punish people who try to get around this, but I think a rule outlining the use of a store is in order, as such;

Properties defined by the bank as a "Shop" must primarily be used for it's intended purpose of selling items or services to other players. This includes, but is not limited to; Gun stores, furniture stores and/or casinos. If a person is unable to use the store for it's intended purpose for more than a 30 minute period, the store should be sold. Placing down single or few items to get around this rule is not permitted. Staff may ask you to stock up your store or it will risk being sold.
Users may sell their property for money to other players, however buying and/or keeping properties for the sole purpose of selling it to other players for a profit is not allowed.

Why should this be added?:
- People will stop putting down single items and hogging up a bazaar store from a real store.
- More availability of shops.
- Bazaar will once again become an actual bazaar with stores full of items.
- People will stop buying bazaar shops purely to grow

What negatives could this have?:
Feel free to add
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With this rule I can not decorate a place nicely and just let it be, or how about doge cinema that pops up from time to time (could class as a service, but then again what is a service who decides what is a service?)?

And what if I am crafting, I go to raid a place and staff force sell my property?

And what if I want to grow in the back of a bazaar shop because big orgs raid any freaking house they can get their hands on but dont want to interrupt a bazaar full of people?

And why am I not allowed to buy a property and flip it for more money? why should we limit such action? If i am actively selling it, it is a service right?

What if I want this place to harbor a friend of mine while he is hiding in the back for easy escape as bazaar offers a lot of ways out?

Who decides what store is "stocked" up enough? what if someone bought 30 ak's and I only have 2 left and I am waiting for a mayor with 0/1% taxes do I have to answer every staff member that is going to make a report with me every 10 minutes a different one?

In my opinion I think if I buy a place no matter what the place is a staff member is welcome to ask me to return it if I am not using it, but if I feel like I want to use it I don't want a staff member noclipping in my neck to use my property every 30 minutes. I buy the rights to the property to use it until my disconnect and so you are saying I should sell my property to buy it 1-2h again and thus costing me double for no reason? I get that there is a limited amount of shops but giving out keys to a person can solve such an issue to isn't it?
With this rule I can not decorate a place nicely and just let it be, or how about doge cinema that pops up from time to time (could class as a service, but then again what is a service who decides what is a service?)?
Cinema is a service, honestly I wouldn't even imagine the definition of a "service" would be what people don't get.

And what if I am crafting, I go to raid a place and staff force sell my property?
I mean if you return it's not an issue? I also never imagined this would be insta-sell, I'd imagine staff would handle it more like they do now and make a report. Issue is, there's currently absolutely no rule against using a bazaar shop for whatever they want. Including nothing.

And what if I want to grow in the back of a bazaar shop because big orgs raid any freaking house they can get their hands on but dont want to interrupt a bazaar full of people?
Growing in bazaar is already something that has been discussed several times in staff meetings as something we should work towards eliminating, but for now, you can still grow? It doesn't say you can't grow, it just says the storefront should be used for a purpose other than being empty, as there are limited properties a user can use to sell weapons, and if you are just using it to grow in the back, you're effectively keeping someone from selling - something some people have exploited for less competition.

And why am I not allowed to buy a property and flip it for more money? why should we limit such action? If i am actively selling it, it is a service right?
You can sell your property for money, what would be not allowed, would be buying up all 9 stores and refusing to sell them unless a person pays 20k extra. Bit of an exaggarated example with all 9 stores at once I'll admit, but this happened literally today.

What if I want this place to harbor a friend of mine while he is hiding in the back for easy escape as bazaar offers a lot of ways out?
You can literally do all of these things. The only requirement is that you at least keep the store stocked with the stuff or service(s) you are providing in the front.

Who decides what store is "stocked" up enough? what if someone bought 30 ak's and I only have 2 left and I am waiting for a mayor with 0/1% taxes do I have to answer every staff member that is going to make a report with me every 10 minutes a different one?
How is "i have to click f6 and write a paragraph while standing in my shop and waiting anyway" an argument against this?

In my opinion I think if I buy a place no matter what the place is a staff member is welcome to ask me to return it if I am not using it, but if I feel like I want to use it I don't want a staff member noclipping in my neck to use my property every 30 minutes.
Staff already does this?

I buy the rights to the property to use it until my disconnect and so you are saying I should sell my property to buy it 1-2h again and thus costing me double for no reason? I get that there is a limited amount of shops but giving out keys to a person can solve such an issue to isn't it?
If you give out the keys to someone else and they start using it - surprise - the store is now actually being used? so not an issue? But people don't do that. By this argument, people should already be allowed to buy all the stores they want and use it for absolutely nothing. But they're not, staff already sells these? All this does is literally make it an official rule.

This is already being enforced. The only issue is, when someone asks why, there literally is no rule against it, so we're here saying "Because I say so". Or I can say "Because if you don't you're not cooperating with me" and then I have to listen to a 20 minute rant on why I am an abusive moderator.

This is why we don't need another rule for that. It's something we can already enforce within the existing rules.
Which rules? The only one I can come up with is 1.6 and that's very vague

How does this happen as a result of this rule change?
What I meant was people will stop buying a bazaar shop to only use it to grow and ignore the front. Bad wording on my part.

We are working on a solution through code and/or the new map to hopefully tackle this problem without having to punish players or limit creativity

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