spilt stella on my pc help

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Edinburgh, Scotland
happenin troops, spilt stella on my pc the other day, just on the on button nothing got in the actual tower.

i turned it off and now it wont turn back on several days later, is it completely humped or can i just buy a new part for it.

sounds like itd be a motherboard issue, replace that first and if that doesnt work try a different power supply, if all else fails it might just be gg
you should use contact cleaner to dissolve any buildup of sticky residue, use a cloth (dont use paper towels) and some cotton buds on the affected areas with the contact cleaner, should be right as rain, i use Mannol contact cleaner but it's for automotive so i get like the big 1l cans

fuck sake matt mate what did ah tell u aboot the stella
If you say as it is with stella only being caught up in your button you could try booting your PC yourself by shorting the two pins responsible for starting the PC so if you have luck its just the button that's broken. You can use a flathead screwdriver for this by touching pin 6 and 8 together.

Inspect your PC for any other damage first though.
If you say as it is with stella only being caught up in your button you could try booting your PC yourself by shorting the two pins responsible for starting the PC so if you have luck its just the button that's broken. You can use a flathead screwdriver for this by touching pin 6 and 8 together.

Inspect your PC for any other damage first though.
geezas linked a fucking diagram from a gcse textbook