Police Suggestion Driving License and Point System!

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United Kingdom
Suggestion Title: Driving License and Point System!
Suggestion Description: First of all, I think the driving violation system at the moment is absolutely terrible and is not realistic. I have seen few people suggest driving license but not the point system. In a normal traffic stop the officer will normally ask you " Do you know why you have been pulled over today?" and then will write you a ticket. However, this is not realistic at all and this why I believe adding driving license and the point system will help stop car minging and add realism.

1. Driving license:

A driving license can be obtained by either going to the city hall or the car dealer to answer 10 question which is randomly picked.
If you answer above 8 questions right you can get a driving license. If you lose your driving license by giving it to a random person you have to reapply by going to the city hall, but you have to wait 3 hours between every time you fail or apply for a driving license. You can also get your driving license revoked by the point system ( which I will talk about later). Driving license can also be given to police officer to check for identity and registration. You can also drive without a driving license this can lead to hefty ticket or jail time if caught without it. Police will actually need to ask for driving license when doing a traffic stop to add points to someone but you can ticket someone without needing a driving license ( for cars illegally parked). You left click with your driving license out you can check your points and driving record and if you right click you can give your driving license to someone.

2. Point system:

This is a new system which I think will really crack down on the car minging and traffic collisions at the moment. The point system will allow police officers to add points to your driving license for any traffic code violations. If the points on your driving license exceeds 6 points your driving license will be revoked and your car will be impounded. You then have to reapply for your driving license to get your car back. However, if the user has another car they can still drive it without a driving license unless they get caught driving it. Police officer can check the number of points they have on the police computer.

Thank you for reading, my main goal for this suggestion was stopping car minging and actually allow traffic stop to be more realistic and fun. If you have any question please do ask.

Why should this be added?:
-Stop the increasing number of car minging.
-Many rich people in this servers don't really care about tickets and speed with their super cars.
-More realism
-Less VDM
-Better RP experience.
-Enforce better traffic.

What negatives could this have?:
-Quite a lot of coding and work.
-People might lose their driving license.
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you can give your driving license to someone.
why? this isnt realistic and why would you give your license away in the first place, surely if you want to give points then it should be tied to you and you alone. the license idea has been suggested and denied like 50 times over the life of the server so i doubt they are going to add it now.
why? this isnt realistic and why would you give your license away in the first place, surely if you want to give points then it should be tied to you and you alone. the license idea has been suggested and denied like 50 times over the life of the server so i doubt they are going to add it now.
You can right click to give anyone your license to a police officer and the police officer should give it back after a ticket. However, for some reason you want to give it to someone else you can. I think the main reason they got denied was because there was no reason for it but with the point system I think people will look at using a driving licenses differently
Sounds awful. What’s wrong with charging people and seizing their car for repeat offenses? What would make this system viable?

-Less VDM
How would this add less VDM? Players who are randomly running players over unprovoked aren’t following the rules and probably won’t stick around long enough to care about losing a license.

but you have to wait 3 hours between every time you fail or apply for a driving license.
Absolutely no thank you.
You mention “Car minging“ a lot as if rules enforcement is down to officers, or that officers 80% of the time can actually do something about a citizen reporting a traffic offence.

This is far too much power to give to every single person who is an officer.
-Enforce better traffic.
This is incredibly vague and makes little sense.

I don’t think giving police officers in game the ability to render me unable to use a car for 3 hours is fun or enjoyable for everyone.

And bear in mind that the time it takes for Internal Affairs to resolve a complaint, by the time misuse of this system is handled, it’d likely be That you’ve lost the license and got a new one many times. Enforcement of something like this would be a pain.

You also didn’t mention:
- If the license matters when you’re on a job. If I’m suspended from driving for 3 hours, and I, a traffic supervisor, go on duty and spawn a car, am I breaking the law? Am I liable to lose my position as the Head of TFU through internal affairs because I spawned a SWAT van to respond to a bank robbery? If I’m a fireman, and there is a fire inside of Regals of which people are trapped inside, am I breaking the law by driving a fire engine there?
- What system would be in place for unlawful uses of the license point system, if it could be reverted or otherwise reinstated, and how so.
Sounds awful. What’s wrong with charging people and seizing their car for repeat offenses? What would make this system viable?

How would this add less VDM? Players who are randomly running players over unprovoked aren’t following the rules and probably won’t stick around long enough to care about losing a license.

Absolutely no thank you.
You mention “Car minging“ a lot as if rules enforcement is down to officers, or that officers 80% of the time can actually do something about a citizen reporting a traffic offence.

This is far too much power to give to every single person who is an officer.

This is incredibly vague and makes little sense.

I don’t think giving police officers in game the ability to render me unable to use a car for 3 hours is fun or enjoyable for everyone.

And bear in mind that the time it takes for Internal Affairs to resolve a complaint, by the time misuse of this system is handled, it’d likely be That you’ve lost the license and got a new one many times. Enforcement of something like this would be a pain.

You also didn’t mention:
- If the license matters when you’re on a job. If I’m suspended from driving for 3 hours, and I, a traffic supervisor, go on duty and spawn a car, am I breaking the law? Am I liable to lose my position as the Head of TFU through internal affairs because I spawned a SWAT van to respond to a bank robbery? If I’m a fireman, and there is a fire inside of Regals of which people are trapped inside, am I breaking the law by driving a fire engine there?
- What system would be in place for unlawful uses of the license point system, if it could be reverted or otherwise reinstated, and how so.
You would only need to wait for 3 hours if you fail your driving license test after it being revoked. All government personnel will have government driving license which you will lose after you resign from the job. When im talking about car minging im talking about reckless driving ( I should have been more clear) many people drive recklessly because they don't care about getting a fine for 1000$ and this sometimes causes many deaths. If you believe this gives too much power we can change it so only traffic officers can give points. The point system is actually a real system being used in the UK for repeat offenders and it has actually proven to work to enforce better driving. Tickets doesn't give the same justice as points do, a lot of people in the server don't care about getting fined because they have enough money to pay it of.
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Whilst I love the reasoning behind the suggestion, i just don’t believe it will work within PERP, it’s too complicated and so many moving parts.

What I would say however is read the following rules:

3.3 Realistic Actions

All actions a player makes must be done as realistically as possible, especially during combat; for example, when jumping up-to, or down-from somewhere, it must be done so slowly, carefully, and without resulting in injury to the player. Furthermore, players should take great care whilst climbing. Players should not attempt to boost people onto buildings or structures, nor should they climb onto objects which realistically would not hold their weight.

3.15 Vehicle Damage

Players must avoid damaging the vehicle they are currently driving to the best of their ability and make a constant effort to avoid colliding with other cars, walls or other entities. This also applies if the car in question is stolen or work-related. Players who commit an action that is likely to cause damage to their vehicle must have a valid reason to do so that outweighs the risks associated. For example, Fleeing life-threatening danger or running someone over in defence of yourself or someone else are justified reasons to collide with objects or otherwise damage the car. Ramming cars out of a Parking space solely to claim that parking space is also prohibited.

3.22 Highway Driving

Players should at all times drive on the correct side of the highway and should not perform unrealistic maneuvers while driving along the highway, for example performing a U-turn or driving down the wrong off ramp. In addition traffic laws must be obeyed while at the intersection, this includes stopping at red lights. However if the player can provide a reasonable justification for their actions they may be excused from punishment. For example a player may run a red light at the intersection if doing so will significantly increase their chance of survival.

In summary, people should only be breaking traffic laws with a reason.

I personally believe a lot of the issues that have caused you to write this are players breaking rules rather than traffic violations.

Yes, you could argue its petty breaches of the rules however I think you would have more success pushing either rule changes to make it more clear (i personally think it’s clear enough) or opening the discussion with the admin team about how they punish vehicle related rule breaks to ensure all staff are on the same page.
Whilst I love the reasoning behind the suggestion, i just don’t believe it will work within PERP, it’s too complicated and so many moving parts.

What I would say however is read the following rules:

3.3 Realistic Actions

All actions a player makes must be done as realistically as possible, especially during combat; for example, when jumping up-to, or down-from somewhere, it must be done so slowly, carefully, and without resulting in injury to the player. Furthermore, players should take great care whilst climbing. Players should not attempt to boost people onto buildings or structures, nor should they climb onto objects which realistically would not hold their weight.

3.15 Vehicle Damage

Players must avoid damaging the vehicle they are currently driving to the best of their ability and make a constant effort to avoid colliding with other cars, walls or other entities. This also applies if the car in question is stolen or work-related. Players who commit an action that is likely to cause damage to their vehicle must have a valid reason to do so that outweighs the risks associated. For example, Fleeing life-threatening danger or running someone over in defence of yourself or someone else are justified reasons to collide with objects or otherwise damage the car. Ramming cars out of a Parking space solely to claim that parking space is also prohibited.

3.22 Highway Driving

Players should at all times drive on the correct side of the highway and should not perform unrealistic maneuvers while driving along the highway, for example performing a U-turn or driving down the wrong off ramp. In addition traffic laws must be obeyed while at the intersection, this includes stopping at red lights. However if the player can provide a reasonable justification for their actions they may be excused from punishment. For example a player may run a red light at the intersection if doing so will significantly increase their chance of survival.

In summary, people should only be breaking traffic laws with a reason.

I personally believe a lot of the issues that have caused you to write this are players breaking rules rather than traffic violations.

Yes, you could argue its petty breaches of the rules however I think you would have more success pushing either rule changes to make it more clear (i personally think it’s clear enough) or opening the discussion with the admin team about how they punish vehicle related rule breaks to ensure all staff are on the same page.
Thank you for showing me this, I had no idea it was part of the rules. However, many people still don't obey this and the intersection is always a mayhem because of constant collisions as people don't use the red lights.
You then have to reapply for your driving license to get your car back.
especially no.
12.12 Wreckless driving Misdemeanor - liable to 4 years maximum imprisonment, $3,500 maximum fine and asset forfeiture.
obviously this is up to the officers, however if someone is killed due to your wreckless driving this becomes manslaughter, 7k 7 years max, most people will go afk for 7 minutes and pay their 7k fine easily, i dont see alot of people caring about getting a license if it only adds more charges for people to not care about.
The main problem i see here is giving people more reasons to run from the police if they are driving without a license, and be somewhat justified if this carries a big sentence and ticket.
people already run away from minor traffic stops for reasons unknown, i dont doubt for a second people will run if they have no license and be allowed to run from almost ANY traffic stop since they know they will check for a license.

i do think we need to control driving as the amount of people driving on the wrong side, even as officers, is crazy ive had my car wrecked, fixed it and within a minute someone on the wrong side teired my car again. but i dont know if this would be the way to do it. or if there is a way to even stop them. crackhead drivers can not always be stopped.
especially no.
12.12 Wreckless driving Misdemeanor - liable to 4 years maximum imprisonment, $3,500 maximum fine and asset forfeiture.
obviously this is up to the officers, however if someone is killed due to your wreckless driving this becomes manslaughter, 7k 7 years max, most people will go afk for 7 minutes and pay their 7k fine easily, i dont see alot of people caring about getting a license if it only adds more charges for people to not care about.
The main problem i see here is giving people more reasons to run from the police if they are driving without a license, and be somewhat justified if this carries a big sentence and ticket.
people already run away from minor traffic stops for reasons unknown, i dont doubt for a second people will run if they have no license and be allowed to run from almost ANY traffic stop since they know they will check for a license.

i do think we need to control driving as the amount of people driving on the wrong side, even as officers, is crazy ive had my car wrecked, fixed it and within a minute someone on the wrong side teired my car again. but i dont know if this would be the way to do it. or if there is a way to even stop them. crackhead drivers can not always be stopped.
I do believe that the reckless driving can be fixed by the point system because people will rather drive safer if they have a lot of points than getting there cared towed and needing to and get there car fixed. This is just a suggestion of mine I have only played a bit in 2016 and now so im not as experienced as some of you.
Thank you for showing me this, I had no idea it was part of the rules. However, many people still don't obey this and the intersection is always a mayhem because of constant collisions as people don't use the red lights.
if you see it, report it.

If you don’t think it’s being punished/enforced then Collier or the community managers are probably the best people to speak to and they can share a reminder to the staff team.
Sounds awful. What’s wrong with charging people and seizing their car for repeat offenses? What would make this system viable?
Loosing your right to drive and loosing the right to operate a vehicle temporary is two different things.

Currently something needs to be done cause people are driving like lunatics and the traffic in the city recently has been horrible. We can only arrest someone or ticket them, maybe take their car which they will get back easily anyways

3.15 Vehicle Damage

Players must avoid damaging the vehicle they are currently driving to the best of their ability and make a constant effort to avoid colliding with other cars, walls or other entities. This also applies if the car in question is stolen or work-related. Players who commit an action that is likely to cause damage to their vehicle must have a valid reason to do so that outweighs the risks associated. For example, Fleeing life-threatening danger or running someone over in defence of yourself or someone else are justified reasons to collide with objects or otherwise damage the car. Ramming cars out of a Parking space solely to claim that parking space is also prohibited.

3.22 Highway Driving

Players should at all times drive on the correct side of the highway and should not perform unrealistic maneuvers while driving along the highway, for example performing a U-turn or driving down the wrong off ramp. In addition traffic laws must be obeyed while at the intersection, this includes stopping at red lights. However if the player can provide a reasonable justification for their actions they may be excused from punishment. For example a player may run a red light at the intersection if doing so will significantly increase their chance of survival.
I Can see it working with this because the police is usually the ones to deal with this, not modetation afaik. When i am on duty we always deal with this and it usually dosen't go further
this whole idea is yoinked from fiveM, the reason it doesn't work is likewise with prison sentence time being 10 mins max. It's not befitting to try to bring something which is from a different style of roleplay to PERP because PERP is way more fast-paced and different.

It makes sense in FiveM because FiveM does 60 minute jail sentences and other long-term punishments like damaging your driver's license reputation however here even if you are warranted for murder and you die you lose your warrant so how would it make sense that somebody just keeps the same driver's reputation after death or if it does reset after death wouldn't it just take forever to lower their reputation before each death rendering this whole suggestion a big waste of time of development resources and roleplay effort?
Loosing your right to drive and loosing the right to operate a vehicle temporary is two different things.

Currently something needs to be done cause people are driving like lunatics and the traffic in the city recently has been horrible. We can only arrest someone or ticket them, maybe take their car which they will get back easily anyways
I totally agree, this system at the moment is just isn't working and I don't think the point system will fully stop people from driving like lunatics but it will help massively as people would care more about losing your license rather than getting a fine.
@vithushan20 Why don’t you suggest a rule suggestion for 3.22 to be expanded more and made clearer. This way players will be punished…
Like ive said its usually the cops who deal with traffic related issues. There is too many rule breaks for it to be handled in a timely manner, unless you want the f6's to be bombarded so that everyone wait longer for a report to be handled
If i lose my rights to drive and have to take monorail everywhere i will cry
I totally agree, this system at the moment is just isn't working and I don't think the point system will fully stop people from driving like lunatics but it will help massively as people would care more about losing your license rather than getting a fine.
I have zero tolerance for people who drive like idiots. If they are driving that badly i ALWAYS take them in for 12.12 give them max and impound their car. Quite a few people have gotten pissed off but oh well. You shouldn't be driving your sports car like an asshole lol
Like ive said its usually the cops who deal with traffic related issues. There is too many rule breaks for it to be handled in a timely manner, unless you want the f6's to be bombarded so that everyone wait longer for a report to be handled
I get you, but, if it was punished severely it would put people off.

If running across the intersection wasn’t punished everyone would do it, but we all know we could get banned so we don’t!

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